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Killah Kraft

Forum Member
Jul 15, 2008
Sturgis, MI
Ah finally the end.. I've gone threw all these pages and pretty much came to these conclusions.
1. Euphoria.. stop getting on one tag... post then get on the other so you can post again.. its stupid

2. Stop the double posting.. Go back and freaking edit your dang post.. stop boosting your posts its a childish way to do it and actually against the rules

3. Jer.. you got to admite ... mass spaming was a lil low and is also called " Lobbying "

4. If your going to post.. post your Allstars and a comment then leave it at that like I will here.

5. Stop posting if you have already posted your allstars... please!

6. Also if your going to vote do a little research have any of you asked people in different XG clans who they think is really good in a clan.. then do a little history check on them to prove it to yourself. Don't just look for a 50 or a general cause some people have dignity and even if they are locked only keep one account because well its just stupid to have more than you need. I have done alot of research on alot of people i've seen posted/posting here... Recent posts are correct like deadeyes this is the allstars not " lets just vote for all our friends so they can feel good about themselves "

7. I didn't even know i was nominated untill cheddar told me so if your overlyposting to get yourself known.. You need to put a leash on that ego... mr bill ... You're posts started fine then just got out of control.. shmexual favours.. C'mon dude ... grow up truly wasn't that funny.

8. Maniak congratulations for finding the -X- key while making your post maybe next time you'll remember the -I- lol but that was a really funny recant " I'm drunk " said enough right there lol good one = ]

9.My list due to some research not just people I've heard of or am friends with.

SYN Legend XS
XGC Caviezel XI
Enforcer... sorry I forgot the rest of your name dude.
KoG I really havn't met anyone that made me pop out and I refuse to vote for myself

If your not on this.. who really cares.. just most of you don't impress me.

10. To all the people who voted for friends... well you've casted your vote thanks for a fake oppionin

11. To all those people who voted for themselves just so they would get noticed.. you should really try to get a smaller ego. Other than the few people that deserve it like cav and them above.

12. Finally... this is the biggest ones.. to all people with a rank higher than a Sargent that posted for either your ego or greed or just pure stupidity ( Lobbiests ) You really should remember what XG is truly about.. you should have manned up ( Or womaned up ) and just stopped argueing.. did you get your point across.. most likely not.. shameful thats all I really need to say.. I'm really dissapointed with alot of people here. Peace :) And good luck with this giant ego trip for some of you people.... You know who you are.

SYN Jerriel

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 10, 2006
cali on the west coast
Ah finally the end.. I've gone threw all these pages and pretty much came to these conclusions.
1. Euphoria.. stop getting on one tag... post then get on the other so you can post again.. its stupid

2. Stop the double posting.. Go back and freaking edit your dang post.. stop boosting your posts its a childish way to do it and actually against the rules

3. Jer.. you got to admite ... mass spaming was a lil low and is also called " Lobbying "

4. If your going to post.. post your Allstars and a comment then leave it at that like I will here.

5. Stop posting if you have already posted your allstars... please!

6. Also if your going to vote do a little research have any of you asked people in different XG clans who they think is really good in a clan.. then do a little history check on them to prove it to yourself. Don't just look for a 50 or a general cause some people have dignity and even if they are locked only keep one account because well its just stupid to have more than you need. I have done alot of research on alot of people i've seen posted/posting here... Recent posts are correct like deadeyes this is the allstars not " lets just vote for all our friends so they can feel good about themselves "

7. I didn't even know i was nominated untill cheddar told me so if your overlyposting to get yourself known.. You need to put a leash on that ego... mr bill ... You're posts started fine then just got out of control.. shmexual favours.. C'mon dude ... grow up truly wasn't that funny.

8. Maniak congratulations for finding the -X- key while making your post maybe next time you'll remember the -I- lol but that was a really funny recant " I'm drunk " said enough right there lol good one = ]

9.My list due to some research not just people I've heard of or am friends with.

SYN Legend XS
XGC Caviezel XI
Enforcer... sorry I forgot the rest of your name dude.
KoG I really havn't met anyone that made me pop out and I refuse to vote for myself

If your not on this.. who really cares.. just most of you don't impress me.

10. To all the people who voted for friends... well you've casted your vote thanks for a fake oppionin

11. To all those people who voted for themselves just so they would get noticed.. you should really try to get a smaller ego. Other than the few people that deserve it like cav and them above.

12. Finally... this is the biggest ones.. to all people with a rank higher than a Sargent that posted for either your ego or greed or just pure stupidity ( Lobbiests ) You really should remember what XG is truly about.. you should have manned up ( Or womaned up ) and just stopped argueing.. did you get your point across.. most likely not.. shameful thats all I really need to say.. I'm really dissapointed with alot of people here. Peace :) And good luck with this giant ego trip for some of you people.... You know who you are.

hmmm i wounder who died this time..

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Ah finally the end.. I've gone threw all these pages and pretty much came to these conclusions.
1. Euphoria.. stop getting on one tag... post then get on the other so you can post again.. its stupid

2. Stop the double posting.. Go back and freaking edit your dang post.. stop boosting your posts its a childish way to do it and actually against the rules

3. Jer.. you got to admite ... mass spaming was a lil low and is also called " Lobbying "

4. If your going to post.. post your Allstars and a comment then leave it at that like I will here.

5. Stop posting if you have already posted your allstars... please!

6. Also if your going to vote do a little research have any of you asked people in different XG clans who they think is really good in a clan.. then do a little history check on them to prove it to yourself. Don't just look for a 50 or a general cause some people have dignity and even if they are locked only keep one account because well its just stupid to have more than you need. I have done alot of research on alot of people i've seen posted/posting here... Recent posts are correct like deadeyes this is the allstars not " lets just vote for all our friends so they can feel good about themselves "

7. I didn't even know i was nominated untill cheddar told me so if your overlyposting to get yourself known.. You need to put a leash on that ego... mr bill ... You're posts started fine then just got out of control.. shmexual favours.. C'mon dude ... grow up truly wasn't that funny.

8. Maniak congratulations for finding the -X- key while making your post maybe next time you'll remember the -I- lol but that was a really funny recant " I'm drunk " said enough right there lol good one = ]

9.My list due to some research not just people I've heard of or am friends with.

SYN Legend XS
XGC Caviezel XI
Enforcer... sorry I forgot the rest of your name dude.
KoG I really havn't met anyone that made me pop out and I refuse to vote for myself

If your not on this.. who really cares.. just most of you don't impress me.

10. To all the people who voted for friends... well you've casted your vote thanks for a fake oppionin

11. To all those people who voted for themselves just so they would get noticed.. you should really try to get a smaller ego. Other than the few people that deserve it like cav and them above.

12. Finally... this is the biggest ones.. to all people with a rank higher than a Sargent that posted for either your ego or greed or just pure stupidity ( Lobbiests ) You really should remember what XG is truly about.. you should have manned up ( Or womaned up ) and just stopped argueing.. did you get your point across.. most likely not.. shameful thats all I really need to say.. I'm really dissapointed with alot of people here. Peace :) And good luck with this giant ego trip for some of you people.... You know who you are.

I'll tell you what, why don't you go make a thread in your forums where you have the actual ability to moderate it and then you can make the rules for that thread. In the mean time, this thread is for fun so I suggest you follow your own advice and stop taking this so seriously because in your own words "who really cares".

And yes, I have an ego. I don't give a **** who knows. Its huge. Its on a leash already, if you want to see what my true ego is like then just ask. I like the attention of being noticed for being a good player. In fact, I'm going to turn this post into propaganda for myself. VOTE FOR ME!

hmmm i wounder who died this time..


Player Found v

Forum Star
Sep 14, 2008
Ormond Beach Fl.
he says your the kevin dude
at least thats what I got from it.

and btw voteing for yourself isny called haveing a ego its called haveing confidence in yourself. also if you dont care why take the time to actually type all that?


Forum Junkie
Jan 31, 2007
voteing for yourself isny called haveing a ego its called haveing confidence in yourself. also if you dont care why take the time to actually type all that?

Some call genocide "pure blood pollution". It's TomAto tomato.

killakraft does care for the people who posted in here and for everyone who posts in the XG forums. All he is doing is looking out for you, take his advise instead of bashing it.

Caviezel didn't make this thread for people to argue, all Killah tried to do was end it. Don't reply to this post in this thread. PM me if you have something to say to me.


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
SYN Legend XS
XGC Caviezel XI
Enforcer... sorry I forgot the rest of your name dude.

and the account I play most of my MLG on

So the games I linked are against some of the people you nominated. I don't exactly disagree with some of your logic but I have a feeling you looked at my ranked games played on my XGC account which isn't the one I use the most. I don't really care if I get your vote or not since this entire thread has turned into an argument but you might want to re-check some things if Bills isn't on your list and some of the people you have made it.

CG Scooter

Sep 1, 2007
wow jangles are you really wanting people to base how good you are off last nights games? lololol

didnt you play 1v1 against Deadeye and didn't he beat you now that would be a more telling sign than a mlg king of the hill game. lol

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
and btw voteing for yourself isny called haveing a ego its called haveing confidence in yourself.


wow jangles are you really wanting people to base how good you are off last nights games? lololol

didnt you play 1v1 against Deadeye and didn't he beat you now that would be a more telling sign than a mlg king of the hill game. lol

1v1s are stupid. Most of the time people just hide or if you have two truly even skilled players the one with host usually wins.

Not saying deadeye isn't good or anything... just that 1v1s are dumb lol.

Some call genocide "pure blood pollution". It's TomAto tomato.

Did you just compare an argument over the internet to genocide? No its not tomAto tomato.

Confidence in yourself /= Ego in any way. If being confident in yourself means you have an ego then I guess what you are saying is people should second guess themselves and not be sure they can do something? I have an ego. I am confident too. You can have both, or you can have one, chances are if you have an ego you have confidence in yourself

Plus... I don't think anyone calls genocide "pure blood polution" maybe ethnic cleansing, unless you are referring to the people who are being killed in the genocide in which case what you said has me completely lost.


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
wow jangles are you really wanting people to base how good you are off last nights games? lololol

didnt you play 1v1 against Deadeye and didn't he beat you now that would be a more telling sign than a mlg king of the hill game. lol

Deadeye beat me three, complained nonstop about lag and then decided he was done at 15 when I play to 25.

So yeah, way to go.

Every skilled player you will ever talk to will tell you 1v1 doesn't determine skill. I play them for fun, it doesn't make me better than you if I win.

CG Scooter

Sep 1, 2007
i understand 1v1's are stupid i just think its a better way to determine than the way you chose to post links to a game that involved alot of other variables hell part of one game legend wasnt playing part of another i had my wife play when i had to answer the door and not to mention the guys on you're team have played together as a team before. so i just feel before you start posting links to games you should think how credible it is. Unless thats somthing you feel you need to brag about doing lol.


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
i understand 1v1's are stupid i just think its a better way to determine than the way you chose to post links to a game that involved alot of other variables hell part of one game legend wasnt playing part of another i had my wife play when i had to answer the door and not to mention the guys on you're team have played together as a team before. so i just feel before you start posting links to games you should think how credible it is. Unless thats somthing you feel you need to brag about doing lol.

Actually I never run games with those guys so it's not like we have some incredible teamwork.

It doesn't matter, make excuses if that's your thing. My point was that those games were played against other people nominated and for the most part my stats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>their stats.

I don't really care to get the vote. Whether I make it or not I know I can run with the people nominated and in a few cases I am much better than them. Call it ego if you want but I'm just confident in myself.
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