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Lifetime Crisis

Dec 7, 2007
Ugg, I want this Allstar challenge to be over already.

Cav, we need a teammate. Kramer is starting to play again I think, so I hope he might be the solution to our little problem.

Possible Dem0n0logy if I can convince him to play with us, although he really doesn't want to do too much on GB because he works a lot over the summer so he doesn't want to commit. I've always been a dem0n0logy fan though lol.

But if neither of them work out I'm sure we can find someone who was listed here.

Sorry for the double post.

I'll do it! Lol I would prolly embarass you guys. So that idea has already been shot to hell.

Try deadeye. Seriously he's amazing at halo.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
your absoluty right pure fear it's funny how I have only seen deadeye xs play and he is really amazing hes good at 4v4's 1v1's and they do take skill.
and how did cheddar get a vote, Im not trying to be mean or anything but I am just so very very curious who did you bribe?

Thats funny, I played GB 1v1 yesterday and won 15-2 against the person the first game. Then the second game on narrows he hid and waited for me to run past him, assassinated me, jumped down onto the bottom of the map and proceeded to hide for 4 minutes while I looked for him, which is against the rules of GB I might add. I mean, I ended up finding him and then spawn killing him like 6 times anyways and won by 15-7, but I got lucky that I saw where he was.

People hide in 1v1s which takes no skill and it isn't tactical in any way because no one uses that kind of game play in any type of match except 1v1. Its the smart thing to do in reality. Why should I come out and fight you when I have the lead? I can hide on this map and wait for you to turn your back so I can get another easy kill. 1v1s don't mean anything to me. I don't really know anyone who hides in a corner of the map for 5 minutes at a time in any other type of game.
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Forum Junkie
Nov 15, 2008
1vs1 dont take skill really I only 1v1 Frequency for warm ups or for fun but i never 1v1 seriously they dont prove much but they are FUN.

SYN Gucci Mane

Forum Star
Dec 5, 2007
bill i dont care to your little gamebattles stuff man theres no point to that and i have never seen you play and alos 1 v1 do take skill two people out in the middle chuck a garenda and then start br and the one to win is better at the game .

Lifetime Crisis

Dec 7, 2007
1v1's only take skill if you're evenly matched, or the odds are stacked against you and you are playing a player who isn't as good as you.

Being able to effectively help coordinate a team for the win also takes skill. I honestly think team games are harder because you can't only rely on yourself. You need a team who knows what they are doing. You also need to be able coordinate and attack at one time, and focus on one person in a group, or maybe two. A quote I once saw: "a team of four lone wolves is easily outmatched by a well-coordinated team". This is just my personal opinion, but they do both take skill.

Lifetime Crisis

Dec 7, 2007
Wasn't talking about MLG. With all due respect toward my fellow gamers that love that playlist, I could care less about it. However, the MLG team does make good games and maps, and I enjoy playing those in custom matches.

I do know you were talking about 1v1. I was supporting what you were saying, and what Mr Bill was saying.

Player Found v

Forum Star
Sep 14, 2008
Ormond Beach Fl.
bill i dont care to your little gamebattles stuff man theres no point to that and i have never seen you play and alos 1 v1 do take skill two people out in the middle chuck a garenda and then start br and the one to win is better at the game .

hey i was talking about 1v1 dont tell me what i already no bud mlg is a just a waste of time

excuse me MLG is a waste of time? of course you would think that you probably never been to a tourny before, ever played in a MLG tourny before, ever got the rush of a crowd behind you cheering when you get that no scope or that dub for the win. you never done **** like that or experianced that have you? so until you do dont talk **** about ****ing crap u don't know about.

btw 1v1s dont take any skill dude if you think they do then go ask a real halo player and see what they say. also your talking crap bout cheddar being nominated, this is xg allstar you dont have to just have good gameplay to be a AllStar dude. he coachs, does editing, design, leads clans, and what do you do? just sit around all day playing halo thinking your good? yea thats real allstar material.


Forum Junkie
Jan 31, 2007
excuse me MLG is a waste of time? of course you would think that you probably never been to a tourny before, ever played in a MLG tourny before, ever got the rush of a crowd behind you cheering when you get that no scope or that dub for the win. you never done **** like that or experianced that have you? so until you do dont talk **** about ****ing crap u don't know about.

Watch your mouth pal. A PM to him would suffice.


Forum Junkie
Nov 15, 2008
^^hes right you know

and Bubblegum if you ever say MLG is a waste of time you better be ready b/c ima poop on u lolololololololol but for serious dont say stuff that isnt true.

Xx Mr Bill xX

Forum Junkie
Dec 10, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Or any other symbols. Like the infamous dollar sign... Or the at symbol. I could go on and on lol.

So what's the scoop on the allstar team(s)?

No idea, supposedly something is supposed to go down in early February.

bill i dont care to your little gamebattles stuff man theres no point to that and i have never seen you play and alos 1 v1 do take skill two people out in the middle chuck a garenda and then start br and the one to win is better at the game .

This coming from the person who claims to be the best until he was beat by Syn Deadeye XS?

Look bro, I'll keep it short and simple. That kind of BR battle between two semi-equally skilled players will be determined by host most of the time. So unless you have a 3rd player in there who has host and both players are somewhat close to being equally the distance from the player with host the BR battle means nothing unless one player is winning most of the battles.

And why do you think that stuff is a waste of time? I would like to hear a good reason coming from the player who thinks he's the second best H3 player in XG.

Edit: Just because you have better aim then someone doesn't mean you are better at the game. It helps but its not even close to being all of it
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