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Carpel Tunnel
Dec 9, 2006
Pregame Lobby
You know what i just realized. I just read through every post in a row and when was the last time we talked about the meaning of this thread. Of our history?

Weve talked about the pats and the steelers, how Jangles spammed, talked about Hylander and something chinese and threatened someone to go pink, Coleslaw was jealous of 007 because hylander went to him i think and rahz with marshmellows and coco... And havent seen double oo messege with in the last one hundred

I think he's just trying to get his forum post-count up, really, ;) It's a forum thread, and since we're not getting any content, we must come up with our own!

I was going to finish this until I read this and then I got butt hurt and lost track of time.


I might need an "Im sorry" to finish shark.

Awww, poor double :(

But I'm not visiting this thread anymore, I don't like being led on... :(
Define irony, a woman not liking to be led on. LOL! I think they put girls through “the lead a brother on 101” classes in school! LMAO!

Get over it Blondii!

Way over it... Damn you Jangles and your Private Messages linking to this thread!!!

Damn it shark we almost had it but you had to mess it up lol I will apologize for him !!!! Come on 007 the best leader in the Online world plz tell us ;)

Ok, now it's just getting sad in here... look at what you are reducing our real F#&%!?G gamers into real F#&%!?G softies... :(

this is obviously a ploy so 007 can keep us in suspense, he should write a novel.

I agree. It's a ploy.


Forum Veteran
Jan 21, 2007
State Of Champions
You're some noob general giving me a hard time.

It's every rank now. It used to be just the council, then Hylander, then the rest of the division leaders. Then the section leaders, and now it's spread to you noob generals.

Noob? you better be able to back up what you say unless you wanna throwdown?, Lol throwdown i should of used the word rumble


Carpel Tunnel
Dec 9, 2006
Pregame Lobby
actually i have a fast internet connection im sorry i can refresh and post quicker than you

Um... there is a multi-quote system... and it doesn't have to do with that, it has to do with the fact that I am actually playing a game at the same time.

Yeah all of this has caused me to become a softie my F5 finger is really hurting sigh! But my GoW Shotgun is gonn abe hot Thursday night!

Yay Corleone is going to make it! w00t!