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SYN Rabid Odani

Jul 30, 2013
Austin, Texas, United States
Ok, so you're definantly more art oriented than you are design oriented. The main thing you have to remember is to simplify things. With this piece it's hard to tell what the point of the sig is. There is more emphasis on Marcus and the spartan than there is on the xbox. There are to many colors and to many things going on at once. It might look better if these were split into 3 different images.

Many members have been on a break and we could always use help with sigs. I want to see you try some requests. I don't want you to post any of them without my say so first though. Try to find some requests that aren't filled and do the requests. Post the image you make and a link to the request. If it is deemed good enough I'll let you post it. (This doesn't mean you're on the team yet since it's not up to me, but you're so active you might as well help us out. Doing requests might even help you grow with your art).

Ok. i have noticed i do abit better with requested art than i do with coming up with it on my own so ill see what i can do and post it here


Jun 4, 2014
New England, US
The to tonkatruck and eclipse sigs look very well done. There's definant improvement in these images. Try to find a kobra for the kobra image though. The snake thingy you have now just looks... Eel like.


Nov 15, 2012
Yorktown, VA
Good sigs my suggestion would be to first minimize your font so you can give good text placement because thats one thing you don't want to do is have the Text take away from the Focal. Best Size I suggest is around 12 to 14 and you want to have the text close to the font but not too close. The Eclipse one is really good tho I wouldn't have kept that border kind of throws it off with the meteors going out of it, with that back ground and the meteors I would have used the blur tool and slightly blurred the ones in the background with an opacity around 10 and the ones that are in the front I would've hit it with the Sharpen tool once with an opacity around the same would've given it more depth to the picture and I would've used a Gausian Blur filter around 0.5 to .6 on the red planet looking background. Making good use of your tools is another thing you have to keep in mind as a designer. When to use the blur tool and how defined should that blur be is all on your eye and where it's placed at on the pic. All in all very good sigs bro you'll only get better from here,I would suggest if you have Topaz labs to get that trust me it will change your life using PS CS6 lol


Nov 15, 2012
Yorktown, VA

On this sig I think you did a pretty good job on it, text placement is decent but a lil big. For the zombies what I do for the picture to flow and look more naturally I make 2 other copies of the same picture which would be the main zombie in front, I would go to filters>blur>gausian blur> 5.0 and use that setting on both the last and first image then usually on the first image I go to filters again but for the picture and usually have it on Overlay or Soft Light then the second picture that hasn't been touched I take the blur tool with an opacity around 10 and blur the images this will give it a much smoother flowed look which is in essence what you want. You want people to believe that thats the original picture, I also would've started slightly blurring each zombie in the back to give it that field of depth in the picture all in all this is a very well made sig. Good job.

SYN Rabid Odani

Jul 30, 2013
Austin, Texas, United States
Good sigs my suggestion would be to first minimize your font so you can give good text placement because thats one thing you don't want to do is have the Text take away from the Focal. Best Size I suggest is around 12 to 14 and you want to have the text close to the font but not too close. The Eclipse one is really good tho I wouldn't have kept that border kind of throws it off with the meteors going out of it, with that back ground and the meteors I would have used the blur tool and slightly blurred the ones in the background with an opacity around 10 and the ones that are in the front I would've hit it with the Sharpen tool once with an opacity around the same would've given it more depth to the picture and I would've used a Gausian Blur filter around 0.5 to .6 on the red planet looking background. Making good use of your tools is another thing you have to keep in mind as a designer. When to use the blur tool and how defined should that blur be is all on your eye and where it's placed at on the pic. All in all very good sigs bro you'll only get better from here,I would suggest if you have Topaz labs to get that trust me it will change your life using PS CS6 lol

Thanks. Altho i use the newst version of gimp. As for the tip on the zombies your suggestion sounds like its for renders more than a .jpeg image but not sure. As for the Eclipse ill give that idea a shot. I didn't wabt to blur anything out and lose the depth.

SYN Rabid Odani

Jul 30, 2013
Austin, Texas, United States
Oh yea bro much better, do you see the difference when you compare both sigs to the ones you made before with the correction. I mean it's not a huge difference but it does give it that depth that you want which was perfect, you executed that perfectly bro good job.

yea the tonaka sig after doing that i couldn't deiced which i liked more because one has more detail and on has depth. but for eclipse i do like how the blur worked really well with the comets and around the sphere