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Weekly XS-Clan Leader attendance


Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe,
and upon which must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.

New Year

As 2022 comes to an end and 2023 begins, this is a great time for Section Leaders and General's to make sure user groups, meeting notes, and all lists are good and ready. Start off the new year with a jump on things. Get with your leadership and members to see what everyone's short term and long-term goals are. Write them down on a calendar for 2023 and see throughout the year how close everyone can accomplish their goals. Clean up the Clans Forums also and make sure No Man Is Left Behind.

Discord Server Rules
Please remember that the Xiled Gaming Discord is an Open Server for members in the community and visiting members. Acting in a professional manner is part of representing the community as a whole. We want new members joining the discord and seeing how we act as a collective more than what issues we may have. Keep specific conversations to their appropriate channels. We understand that there are a ton of different channels that we utilize on a daily basis. At the same time, ensuring that the General Discussion channel remains clutter free. We do not want any important information to go unnoticed or over-looked.

Accurate Gamertags on Clan Lists
When adding gamertags to your clan list, please make sure that any numbers including the hashtag are included in gamertags that are not original so that others are able to add them. If you don’t, it is just like misspelling a tag where a leader or another member will not be able to add them.

Removing Members for Inactivity
As we we somewhat discussed at last meeting, we want to stress the importance of members that may not be 100% due to holidays. This is not the best of times to be evaluating members who have not been as active for removal from the community for inactivity. This is best to be evaluated after the new year.

Happy Birthday Xiled Gaming!!!
Jan 6th, 2023, Our Community Xiled Gaming will be celebrating 17 yrs! The Events Team will be sharing a lot of games with everyone and would love to see a great turnout for this Celebration. As always just jump into the lobby with the preferred host as all of their lobbies will be open either on Xbox or Discord. Also, there will be streaming going on.

Thank You!
Everyone, today marks our last meeting for the year. Thank you for all you have done this year. Your dedication, commitment, and loyalty to XG does not go unnoticed. Let's move into 2023 with a positive mindset and make XG an even greater place for gamers to want to be a part of!

All of us at Xiled Gaming wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever you believe in, may your merry be bright!


Friday, January 06th starting @7:00pm EST

MW2 "SING or SWIM" hosted by KoG LOTUS XD and XGC Mango starting at 9 est
Golf with Friends hosted by SYN CHELL XS and SYN LEX XS starting ay 9 est
MW2 "Simon Says" hosted by XGC Kaite XS and XGC Grim XS starting at 9 est
Theater/Comedy Night hosted by SYN Crazy XS and SYN Sobi times 7-9 est and 9-11 est
Among Us hosted by EmeDiffers starting at 9 est

Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
Leadership Training:


Captains Class on Monday 12/19/22 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 12/19/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...



Advance General's Class Jan 14th,2023 8pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Jan 14th,2023 8pm Eastern It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in...


The Events Team Presents a Yugioh: Master Duels Game Night
Monday, December 19th @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi and KoG HAVEL XD
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a UNO Game Night, on Tuesday, December 20th @ 9PM EST
With your hosts SYN Crazy XS and SYN Tragedy
We will be playing Custom Matches.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Tournament
Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.


Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Sexual Harassment is defined as behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation. What are sexually harassed examples? Verbal harassment of a sexual nature, including jokes referring to sexual acts or sexual orientation. Unwanted touching or physical contact. Unwelcome sexual advances. Discussing sexual relations/stories/fantasies at work, school, or in other inappropriate places.

Xiled Gaming has ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT! No member should ever be subjected to any harassment whatsoever. Every division's Honor Code state in Section VIII that:

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

Honor Code violations consist of discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other overly aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

We as leaders should be enforcing these rules to ensure that our members have a safe place where they can get online to game and have fun, not to be degraded, harassed, or discriminated in any way whatsoever.

When doing a name change request always look in all three divisions if the name is already taken within another division. We were told it can't be a past leader or current leaders or even remotely close to a name already within any of the divisions.

Remember being in leadership meetings that it should be only leadership in there. Sergeants and below should not be listening to what is going on in the Clan/Section/Division. If it is pertaining to a situation in your clan, it does not look good to spread it to the lower ranks mostly recruits that you are trying to bring in. Be cautious about this and this is when the party should be locked down so no one will join.
Along with party being locked down. If you are in leadership your party should be open at all times unless you are handling an issue.

NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time does not guarantee you a promotion. If you have completed these requirements, please speak with a leader. If you are not maintaining the requirements of your position, please understand you are hurting your clan, the community, and your friends. If this happens you will be relieved of your leadership position. It isn't personal. We can't have inactive or ineffective leaders hold back what our members need.

The Xiled Gaming Discord is a discord created for all members of XG as well as non-members. Prior to joining the discord, each member is asked whether or not they accept the Server Rules. Server Rules consists of 14 rules plus Terms of Service that each member should be abiding by when posting in the channels. By accepting these rules, it means that you are expected to follow them. The discord is a place where members can communicate and share the same ideas and intergrade with each other. It is also a place where new members can join to meet others within the same clan/section/division/community. Remember to keep the community discord conversations PG-13.



Captains Class on Monday 1/23/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 1/23/22 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


The Events Team Presents
SYN Rebellion's Clan Minecraft Build Battle
on Saturday, Jan 21st @ 8:00PM EST
With your hosts SYN Rebellion Clan and XGC Kaite XS
Come put your building to the test! Do you have what it takes to be the winner?
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare 2 Game Night
on Tuesday, Feb 7th @ 9:00PM EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN CHELL XS
Party Votes Game Modes!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a mw2 Game Night
on Wednesday, 2/8/23 @ 9PM EST
With your hosts XGC Mango & XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing Custom Matches.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Tournament
Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.


KoG Drif XS

KoG VibeZ was at work. messaged the Captain, but got no response
KoG Ultra Present
KoG Poppi Present
crazymikw2314 Messged, may have been at work...messaged the Captain, but he said he was with family as it was his birthday
xoBugZx messaged, but did not show, Today is his birthday

KoG Stone XS section

KoG Bullfrog Present
XGC Copenhagen Present
KoG Takoda Messaged, but did not show. All were messaged on Xbox and Discord,

Except Takoda, as he is a PC player
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
The secret of change is to focus all your energy.
Not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

Do you have what it takes?

Being a leader within this community means more than just holding a position., it takes work and diligence to be successful. never should leadership within this community ever become a job. We want you to have fun with it. Yes, at times there are challenges that come with it, Remember: any challenges can be overcome if you are using the recourses at your disposal. utilize what the community provides.
Now some of you are scratching you heads right now with a look of confusion on for face so allow me to break it down. What tools, or resources do you have ?

1] website

2] discord

3] peers

4] your leader.

5] Policy's (both website and Discord)

6] Honor Code

And the list goes on. Knowing how to navigate these are a must.
If you are in need of assistance, please reach out to your immediate leadership. ASAP. (as soon as possible) thank you.
"No matter what, there is a solution to anything if you are looking in the right places,
you have to be willing to look or your defeating yourself."

We Are The Face Of This Community ! !
As a general rule of thumb, it is always best to practice the golden rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). In doing this you can always see that you are treating people fairly and appropriately.
As a leader, remember that you should always lead by example. Members will always follow the example you are setting, good or bad, we as leaders , we have to realize we do not have the luxury of loosing it, friends everything we do within this community truly is viewed by everyone regardless if they are in our community or not.,., All the good and bad, the ugly .., its like living in a glass bubble, always on display, transparent for all to witness, we have to at all times display our professional leadership quality's for when maintaining community image .WE ARE The Face Of This Community ! This doesn’t just include how you interact when gaming. It also includes how you act on discord and in parties as well. If you are doing things on discord that you really shouldn’t be doing, then that is what your members are going to start doing as well. Same goes for Xbox parties.

“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” by John Wooden

There are things to remember when it comes to running a successful clan.
Communication - when talking about communication it’s not just passing on information or asking how things are going within the clan/squad. For instance, if your captain has some concerns about a potential recruit that you are wanting to bring in, take time to listen to them. You have them as a leader for a reason.

  • Working together - when working together on a common goal you may not always agree with each other on how to meet that goal so it's best to meet in the middle by compromising.
  • Goals - always have goals set for yourself and for your clan. Make sure that when you are setting goals that you have a short- and long-term goal for yourself and the clan.
  • Leadership Pipeline - Your leadership pipeline is so important for a successful clan. Your leadership pipeline is the leadership that is under you, your captain(s) and lieutenant(s). Always be sure to keep open communication with your leadership pipeline as without it the clan will definitely suffer.
  • Humble - As a leader it's always a good practice to be humble. Never forget where you came from. Also, it is a good practice to not look at yourself as better than anyone else based on your rank because we are all people. No one is better than anyone else. We are all here for the same thing and that is to game with like-minded gamers.
This would be a good time to open the floor to open discussions on this topic.

Honor Code:
Members will display a professional gaming demeanor at all times. Any match an XGC member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship, and Respect. As an XGC member, you not only represent yourself but XGC as a whole.

"This is the same for all Divisions., let these words sink in. Sportsmanship & Respect overall. We are here achieving the same goals for the common good."

All Section Leaders:
Please ensure that you Clan Lists and User Groups are current and match. An XD will be going through them in the next week or two.

Leadership Classes:


Captains Class on Saturday 2/11/23 at 9:30 EST
SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday 2/11/23 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Captains class- Friday 2/24/23
XGC Kaite XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, 2-24-23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


Intro to General's Class Feb 10th at 8pm Eastern
XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Feb 10th,2023 @8pm Eastern It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...

The Events Team Presents

Xiled Gaming Events Team would like to say Thank you all for sharing these events with your Sections/Clans. It is so nice to have the community come together and have so many laughs so all we need is to make sure all our members know what all Xiled Gaming shares. Thank You!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

MW2 Game Night
Tuesday, Feb 7th @ 9:00PM EST

MW2 Game Night
Wednesday, Feb 8th @ 9PM EST
Hosts: XGC Mango & XGC Kaite XS

Golf With Friends Night
Friday, Feb 10th @ 9 PM EST
Hosts XGC Mango & SYN Crazy XS

Xiled Gaming Tournament

Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.



KoG Drif XS(Currently General over Charlie Company)

KoG Poppi X
xBugZxo X
KoG Ultra X
crazymike2314 At work, Captain did not accept the invite
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Striving for success without
hard work is like trying
to harvest where you
haven't planted.
Leadership involvement

Leaders must be assertive at all times with their Sections/clans/squads, only by keeping level involvement will you be able to steadily ascertain the information you need to be a successful role model to your leadership pipeline., Never fall prey to minimized involvement when working with your pipelines, we must always check up on them even if we feel they are doing good.

Developing that level of involvement, when everything is good will pay dividends when the “going gets tough.” During those times, more attention/time will need to be dedicated to work through issues. To be a great leader, you have to have the dedication to show up when you clans, section, or division needs you most.

Be the Leader our members deserve:

One thing everyone should love about being a leader in Xiled Gaming is being the face of the community for our members, And striving to show the way in our training methods to ensure the future of our beloved community. train them to be a better leaders, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal one ,as well, our leadership pipelines are the future, so lets set ourselves up for success.


A leader log should consist of who, what, when and where. You should never do a leader log based on personal opinions. When doing a leaders log you should always be professional and think with a calm level head. remember the information must be true and accurate. Double check, did you cross every T and dot every I?, is what your trying to convey legible for all to understand? Knowing how to writing a accurate leader log is a must as a leader, if you have any questions never be afraid to ask for assistance from a peer, or a Division leader. No question is a Dumb question." We pull the rope together".
Also it's important that when having a conversation that you have a peer or peers with you for a witness, Witnesses are there only to observe, not interact unless advised by the leader conducting the interview., in some situations a Division leader or higher may need to be present, if so they are alway ready to assist you based on their availability.

Below are just a few examples of the who, what , where.
Members Gamertag:
The Date/time or incident:
What transpired:
Resolutions or actions taken:
Will there be a follow up?

Why do we do Leaderlogs?
The need for a verbal warning as it breaks the honor code. (Record keeping)
Member leaves the community for another community or trys to poach your members to that community (record keeping)
Member done something that you had to correct them on and you keep it for record keeping.

Honoe Code IV - Open Door Policy.

All members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.



Captains class- Friday 2/24/23

XGC Kaite XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, 2-24-23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


Events for Xiled Gaming

The Events Team presents Prominence Poker
Date and time: March 10th at 8pm est
Host : KoG Ultra and XGC Grim XS
Game modes: 10k buy in

Starts in March!

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.


MW2 6v6 HC Search and Destroy Tournament
Saturday, March 25. 9pmest "(time may change but will be posted on website if needed."
Message XGC Kaite XS for information, or to get your team signed up. Unless we get an overwhelming amount of interest, we're only going to be fielding 8 teams, so sign up early to make sure you get a spot.


KoG Drif XS

KoG Takoda
KoG Bullfrog
KoG Jedi(In for KoG Reiver}
KoG Ultra
TheFeaster(In for XGC Copenhagen)
KoG Darth
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Hello to all of Xiled Gaming. It doesn’t matter where in Xiled Gaming you are located, XGC, KOG, SYN, Everything included in this post is for you. One of the major things members are confused about and may need a little help with is RECRUITING. There are many reasons why recruiting may not be done properly. One reason is the fact that people are simply recruiting to build up their clans as fast as possible for personal glory. They want to get as many clans as possible and look as good as possible to get a promotion. IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY! You are going to be more recognized, respected and a better leader by taking the proper time, which is necessary to find the right people and put a well-established and organized clan together. You are gong to be farther ahead if you take the time to build up slowly because we want top quality members, rather than someone you don’t know very well, who may turn into someone not likeable, who is never on, and who does not put the welfare of the whole community ahead of themselves.

Honor code VII & VIII

Violation of the Honor Code will earn a Gamer a warning; two warnings and you will be banned from the community. Members caught purposely cheating and/or participating in manipulated online play will be immediately banned. No exceptions!

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad deranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers. Cheating is defined as any manipulation of online play; this includes, but is not limited to modding, bridging, stand-bying, forcing host, action replay, glitching/super jumping in match making/ranked games to gain an unfair advantage, playing online custom / ranked games with Modders, and circle boosting. Every situation is different and will be handled appropriately on a case by case basis.
Note: SYNDICATE (SYN) Is the only Division in Xiled Gaming that Honor Code Dictates Trash Talking & Tea bagging is 100% acceptable.

Promotion requirements

NO Promotion is just given for meeting time requirements., Promotions must be earned by fulfilling ALL the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned !, See the Below , it will properly explain what the promotion requirements are for progression in detail..


XILED GAMING PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 2021 Note: NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time...


The final check

When Section Leader’s are submitting clan splits, please review all material such as lists, usergroups, and split request list before submitting so that everything matches up., Section leaders/ Generals/ Captains. need to be triple checking before submitting., the last thing you need is a clan split getting denied for silly mistakes by your XD's



Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


Captains Class on Friday 3/31/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 3/31/23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...



Advance General's Class Friday March 10th @ 9pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on March 10th 2023. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Xbox Party Chat or on Discord in the leadership Training Voice Chat Members will be invited to the...



Game With Fame is BACK!!!

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night Featuring SYN SNOW XD

Game will be held on MW2
April 15th at 9 est, with Special host SYN SNOW XD,.
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi XS for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!
This event will be streamed and everyone will have a chance to ask SYN SNOW XD any questions. It will be a fun filled night with prizes handed out as in XBox Cards, T-shirts and headset.

The Events for Xiled Gaming

The Events Team Presents XGC Blood Oath Golf With Friends Game Night
March 7th at 8pm est
With your hosts: XGC Mango & XGC Salvator

The Events Team Presents Fortnite Game Night
March 9th at 9pm CST
With your hosts: XGC Mango and XGC Kaite XS

The Events Team presents Prominence Poker
Date and time: March 10th at 8pm est
Host : KoG Ultra and XGC Grim XS
Game modes: 10k buy in

The Events Team Presents Call Of Duty Cold War
March 11th at 9pm est
With your hosts: XGC Mango and SYN Sobi XS
Game modes: lobby votes

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night
Saturday, March 18st @ 8pm EST
With your hosts SYN Jay & SYN Chell XS
We will be playing the standard mode as well as some of the new Hide and Seek mode.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Starts in March!

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.


MW2 6v6 HC Search and Destroy Tournament
Saturday, March 25. 9pmest "(time may change but will be posted on website if needed."
Message XGC Kaite XS for information, or to get your team signed up. Unless we get an overwhelming amount of interest, we're only going to be fielding 8 teams, so sign up early to make sure you get a spot.

KoG Drif XS X

KoG Ultra X
crazymike2314 X
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
The greatest leader is not necessarily he one who does the greatest things.
He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. - Ronald Regan


We have been observing some parties that have the same members in them that are not bringing in others or going out and more specifically not going out and Recruiting. These are normally the clans/groups that have the hardest time recruiting. Remember that recruiting helps our clans and ultimately our community grow. If we are not giving time to the community by assisting in recruiting then we cannot be mad at nobody but ourselves. All members, regardless of rank, should be helping bring in 1 Recruit a month. If every member of every division were to bring in 1 recruits, we would have several hundred recruits in a months time at minimum. Remember that by working together, this stays a hobby and does not become a job. Challenge your members this month - can they bring in 1 Recruit?

Any member wanting to Transfer must put the request to their direct leadership first.- "This is the First step to any transfer, we are not mind readers.."
Who/What Where of transfers:
Division to Division Transfers: Are handled by the Section Leaders/Division leaders of Xiled Gaming.
Most Division-to-Division transfers are handled by the Section Leaders, we promote peer to peer relations, and if there is ever a tricky situation you can call upon your division leader for final confirmation.
Any Section Leader/Division leader alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement (Division Leader only If needed)
  • Section to Section Transfers: Are handled by Section Leader of Xiled Gaming. Any Section Leader alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement.
  • Clan to Clan Transfers: Are handled by Generals of Xiled Gaming. Any General alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement.
  • Squad to squad Transfers: Captains can transfer only if your both under the same General.
Always report these changes to your direct leadership. When working with transfers we only have a 72-hour window for processing., so we must be diligent when attempting to reach out to the proper channels to get these resolved., Why 72 hours? Well, 72 hours is three days., Basic time requirements, right?, "DUH" so whatever the reason for the transfer, remember there is no reason to become complacent. we are not in the habit of holding transfers. Now with that said, if there is ever a case by case situation, then you need to inform your leadership, and the member that there will be a delay, Communication is the key to success. Does a leader have the right to deny a transfer "either incoming, or outgoing" ?, Yes you do, we encourage you to be selective when bringing new faces in , and we never want you to transfer a problem. When your not certain if the member is transferable,,, well ask yourself this, Are they a good fit for another clan, section, or Division. and finally Are they a good fit for the community as a whole., When working with different personality's one thing you have to realize is, some clash, but that doesn't mean the member isn't a good fit somewhere else. Being social and getting to know our peers through out the community can/will assist you in this task.

The 5th rule in Honor Code states the following:
"New members will not be allowed to change their gamer tag until reaching the rank of Sergeant and receiving approval from a Section Leader or higher."
Please make sure that we all remember that players wanting to join the community never have to change their gamertags if they don't want to, however, we highly encourage them to do so once they reach the rank of Sgt. so they can represent the Division they are apart of. Remember that changing your gamertag to include your division means that you represent the community as a whole 100% of the time you are online!

To eliminate drama and keep any kind of favoritism or feelings from influencing decisions, XG does not allow husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or immediate family to directly report. We realize that with the amazing members we have, at some point you might find the person who completes your life. If you do, we require you to notify a leader (XD, XC, XI) so one of you can be moved. Notifying a leader of these relationships will not result in the loss of rank or removal from the community. However, any lying, deception, manipulation of stories or members, or relationships that generate issues or drama for the community may result in demotion and/or removal from the community. The rank structure is intended to be followed without personal feelings or emotional decisions affecting the directions of our clans.
Look, we get it, some of you are going to date. We don't care! Just spare us and your division the drama of going through it by being honest!

Great News from the Events Team!

As Xiled Gaming has broaden our horizons, The Events Team is proud to announce we are cross platformed now.
How this will work, The Events Team will be on the XG discord under Community Game Channels which our host will utilize. This will bring in more across our divisions and no one will be left behind.



Captains Class on Friday 3/31/23 at 9:00 EST
This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG.
This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order according to which they’ve signed up. If you have signed up, and are unable to make it last minute, please send a message to the instructor so the spot can be filled in a timely manner.

Captains Class on Monday 04/10/23 at 9:00 EST
This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order according to which they’ve signed up. If you have signed up, and are unable to make it last minute, please send a message to the instructor so the spot can be filled in a timely manner.


Intro's to Generals Class 3/25/23
KoG LOTUS XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on March 25th, 2023 @8pm EST.
It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG.
This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which they sign-up.
Remember, only sign-up if you are able to make it! If you have signed-up, and are unable to make it last minute, please send a message so the spot can be filled in a timely manner.

Game With Fame is BACK!!!

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night Featuring SYN SNOW XD

Game will be held on MW2
April 15th at 9pm EST, with Special host SYN SNOW XD,.
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi XS for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!
This event will be streamed and everyone will have a chance to ask SYN SNOW XD any questions. It will be a fun filled night with prizes handed out as in XBox Cards, T-shirts and headset.

The Events for Xiled Gaming

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents "MW2 Game Night" with your hosts: SYN Chell XS and XGC Kaite XS
It will be held on Thursday, March 30th at 9pm EST.
Game modes will consist of Gun Game, One in the Chamber, and many many more!
Send a message to the hosts for an invite.


MW2 6v6 HC Search and Destroy Tournament
Saturday, March 25. 9pm EST (time may change but will be posted on website if needed.)
Message XGC Kaite XS for information, or to get your team signed up. Unless we get an overwhelming amount of interest, we're only going to be fielding 8 teams, so sign up early to make sure you get a spot.

KoG Drif XS

KoG Caesar
KoG Biscuit
KoG Poppi
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
The Strength of the team is each individual member. The Strength of each member is the Team

The definition of petty is getting hung up on things of little importance.
When facing situations within the community, it is easy to get hung up on those situations. Sometimes, we as leaders can develop pettiness toward individuals, we feel have done us or other members wrong. We should strive to overcome these feelings, for we must act on situations without our emotions getting in the way. So, how does one overcome pettiness?
  1. Recognize when you judge and act petty.
  2. Do not seek revenge.
  3. Rein in your pride.
  4. Remember we are all human, no one is perfect.
  5. Remember, this is the present, don't live in the past.
  6. Think big picture. What bothers you today won’t matter for long.
Usergroup Requests
Anytime you have a change in a Captains position regardless of the circumstance, it has to be recorded., that means you have to put in a ticket. this is the most forgotten responsibility generals are facing thru out the community, so be mindful to put in the proper paper trail.

Paper Trails
Paper trails are expected thru out the community by you the leaders, why?, well paper trails help us keep an accurate record of things that we may face again, whether it be you looking for information on a old members, or what their prior experience was when they were here the last time., for a GWG researcher, the paper tails you have accurately & truthfully created will assist to determine the status of a second chance to rejoin the community or not. Make this a discussion with your leadership pipe lines, the better we pull the rope, the more we will succeed together as a whole.

Primary Games
Every clan should be listing 3 primary games. Why? It lets those looking for a home know which games you play most often. Every clan or squad should have at least one game you rally behind, something like Destiny, Call of Duty, Halo, etc., Any game you choose within reason, and as a team is acceptable. What this promotes is Unity, and with unity you form teams, which creates Family. This could lead you into a open discussion about Unity, so explore effective questions to ascertain a warranted response from you leadership pipeline.

Clan and Squad Lists
As a reminder, clan lists and squad lists are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. Generals and Section Leaders should be checking to see if they are posted in a timely manner. If squad lists are not posted, it is the Generals responsibility to post them up. If Clan lists are not posted, it is the Section leader responsibility to follow up on them. Lists should be updated in between those dates to ensure that every member in the clan is on that list as well as the list matching your usergroup.

4/16/23 Discord Meeting
On 4/16/2023 Xiled Gaming will be hosting its meeting in discord. If anyone has topics or questions they would like to discuss during that meeting, please post them on thread in the Meeting notes area.

Game With Fame is BACK!!!

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night Featuring SYN SNOW XD
Game will be held on MW2
April 15th at 9 Est, with Special host SYN SNOW XD
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi XS for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!
This event will be streamed and everyone will have a chance to ask SYN SNOW XD any questions. It will be a fun filled night with prizes handed out as in Xbox Cards, T-shirts and headset.

Leadership Classes


Captain's Class - 4/10/23 @9pm Eastern

Community Events

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night

Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
Monday, April 17th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts SYN Tragedy and SYN EvilReap.
We will be playing custom games such as Hide and Seek, Prop Hunt, and we will take game mode suggestions (time permitting).
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare II Party Game Night
Friday, April 21st at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and DemonHorizon#324
Featuring SYN Predators Clan
We will be play party game modes such as Gun Game, One in the Chamber, and many more.
Send a message to the hosts for an invite to the event.

Community Tournament

Modern Warfare 2 Tournament - 4/28/23 - 4/29/23 @8pm Eastern Time

First 3 Rounds
April 28th, 2023 @8pm Eastern Time
Semi-Finals and Final Round
April 29th, 2023 @8pm Eastern Time

Anyone who is interested in participating should observed the rules of fair play, sportsmanship and respect.
All Xiled Gaming Rules are to be followed and respected at all times.
Teams are required to follow Xiled Gaming Rules and Guidelines to the best of their ability.


KoG Drif XS

KoG Tom X
KoG Reaper 42 X

crazymike2314(TheSinisterMisterJ sat in for him due to work)
KoG Poppi X
KoG Ultra X
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Unity is strength ...
when there is teamwork and collaboration,
wonderful things can be achieved.

You will get out of this community what you put into it.

Asserting yourself within the community and all it has to offer whether it be game events, or just hanging out with members, is up to you. make your experience within the community a great one !

Section Updates:

Section updates are, a record of section progression, a tool to track progression for section leaders, XD's, and above., they should always remain confidential. Section updates are a resource for GWG researchers as well, the more accurate the update the better information can be found.

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
Monday, April 17th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts SYN Tragedy and SYN EvilReap.
We will be playing custom games such as Hide and Seek, Prop Hunt, and we will take game mode suggestions (time permitting).
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare II Party Game Night
Friday, April 21st at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and DemonHorizon#324
Featuring SYN Predators Clan
We will be play party game modes such as Gun Game, One in the Chamber, and many more.
Send a message to the hosts for an invite to the event.

Community Tournament
Modern Warfare 2 Tournament - 4/28/23 - 4/29/23 @8pm Eastern Time

Big Meeting.


Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Summer is fast approaching:

After a few more weeks of school, summertime will be upon us. This time of year provides new opportunities and challenges.

The opportunities come in the way of people having more time to game, since a lot of folks are done using their brains for a while. This is a great opportunity for recruiting and having more game nights. The challenge is that more of your members will be taking time for family trips and vacations. So communications is vital. Make sure you know when your folks will be a way for a week or two. Also be sure to let you leadership, up and down the chain of command, know if you are taking some time for travel or relaxation.

Setting and Achieving Goals:

In the Intro to General's class, one of the topics covered is the fact that the general is the team leader. In being that team leader, one of your most important task is having goals for you clan and setting the plan of action and expectations to achieve those goals. These goals are organic to each clan and should be updated and revised on a continuous basis.

Example of some goals are growing the clan, growing the leadership, working on a squad split, working on a clan split, communicating better with all members of the clan, better meeting attendance, etc.. As you can see the goals are determined by the clans need at the time, but there should always be a goal. So, if you do not have any goals set for your clan, it is time to take a look at your clan, work with the leadership and see what needs to be done to make the clan better. Your section leader is a great resource to help you establish obtainable goals for your clan.

ProMotion Reflection:

It is important that you thoroughly consider all aspects of a position before you promote someone to fill a position.. Consider if the member is meeting their current rank responsibilities and could they fulfill the next rank responsibly with no issue. If that member cannot fulfill the basic responsibility, then obviously they still require training and that is your responsibility as a Section Leader or General. Rushing someone into a position, to meet a need, normally causes more issues in the long run. Take your time to do the training, that way you are putting them in a situation for success.


Guess who’s back, back again?? The XTEAM is back up and running. We need any and all XS and Higher in all Divisions to come have fun and do some Battles, Tournaments with us. We will be holding practices once a week on Wednesday night Starting May 10th at 9 Pm Eastern. If you are Interested please get with SYN CAREBEAR XS or SYN CHELL XS or SYN REAPER XS.

Any clans looking to challenge the XTeam, hit those listed above. This is a great way to introduce you clan members to other leaders in the community.

Leadership Classes:


Captains Class on Wednesday 05/10/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Wednesday 05/10/23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
Monday, May 8th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: XGC Mango & XGC Kaite XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Game Night
Friday, May 11th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: XGC Mango & KOG LOTUS XD
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a MWII Game Night
Saturday, May 13th at 9pm est.
With your hosts XGC Grim XS and XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing custom games
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
Wednesday, May 17th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts XGC Kaite XS & SYN Sobi XS.
We will be playing custom games
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Golf with Friends Game Night
Friday May 19th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts SYN CAREBEAR XS and SYN CHELL XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Overwatch 2 Game Night!
5/20/2023 @7pm EST
With your hosts SYN Tragedy and SYN Jay
The game modes will be team death match and Genji Ball.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a No Man's Sky Game night
Saturday May 20th at 9:30pm Est.
Hosts: EmeDiffers & SYN Jay
We will be playing on the space Anomaly. Hope to see you there!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Avatar 2: The Way of Water Movie Night
Friday, May 26th starting at 7:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and KoG Lotus XD
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch!!

KoG Drif XS

KoG Poppi
KoG Caesar
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Success is no accident.
It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all,
love of what you are doing.

Leadership Accountability
If you have promoted a captain and for whatever reason they are not meeting the requirements of the position, you as the leader of the clan must take action. First of all you have to make sure when promoting the Captain that they understand the responsibilities of the rank and when they fall short on those responsibilities, you have to hold them accountable. Meet with them let them know that it is unacceptable and that you expect that they will do what is required. If they are unable to hold up their end of the deal, then you have to be willing to make a change in leadership. Ineffective leadership is the quickest way to doom a clan.

Working with Peers
To be successful as a group of leaders, we have to be working as a team. You have to be a strong enough leader to be able to put petty differences aside to work for the betterment of the whole team. There is no room for condescending remarks or attitudes when a peer comes to you for help. Furthermore, if you are an XS or General with experience, you should be sharing your experiences to help your fellow peers. None of us have the exact same experiences, therefore you can be a valuable asset during those times. For example, say that a new General/XS has a clan that is having issues and is in need of rebuilding. If you know that this leader has never been through this before and you have, why wouldn't you want to share your knowledge to help your peer and the community.
Furthermore, if you are a General/XS who has produced other leaders out of your clan or section, you should develop a mentor/protege relationship with those leaders. You should be there for them to make sure that they are successful.

Complacency & Time
Remember we should always be striving to better ourselves. The day we grow complacent, is the day we start to move backwards. Keep going forwards! Time is limited, so choose what you want to do with it. Do you want to sit around and do nothing? Or make the decisions that will make you happy and ensure your destiny? It's ultimately up to you.

XG is now a multi-platform gaming community, but the majority of everyone is still Xbox. In order to keep the valued members of XG who play on PC or PlayStation involved, some changes will need to be made, and they are already in place. The XG server and each division server has discord channels that are mainly used for meetings, but they should also, and this is imperative, should also be used for gaming. The main issue is that the Xbox app is not the best way to communicate, and discord does offer a much more seamless way of communication. Discord voice channels can be added where and when necessary, making XG a more inclusive gaming community. Growth in this community is always what we strive for, as it grows the community, and not changing the way we communicate to include everyone would be a great disservice to many of our non-Xbox gamers, and the community as a whole.

Leadership Classes:

Date/Time: 5/29/23 @9pm est

Captains Class on 05/29/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 05/29/23 at 9:00 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...
Date/Time: 6/9/23 @9:30pm est

Captains Class on 06/09/23 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 06/09/23 at 9:30 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order...
Community Events:
The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night

Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents Avatar 2: The Way of Water Movie Night
Friday, May 26th starting at 7:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and KoG Lotus XD
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch!!

The Events Team Presents a Among Us Game Night
Saturday, May 27th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS and SYN CHELL XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


KoG Drif XS

crazymike2314 KoG MistahJ(Captain) x
KoG Poppi x
KoG Caesar

KoG Bullfrog x
KoG Takoda
XGC Copenhagen
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Great satisfaction
comes from sharing
with others.

Interacting with Others

Members of Xiled Gaming are allowed to play with anyone they wish to play with, whether these people are in the community or not. We do not tell our members that they cannot play with someone because they are not in the same squad/clan/section/division/community. Interacting with fellow Community members is why we are all here. Telling our members that they are not allowed to play with others outside our clans is unacceptable. We have no authority over who our members want to play with. As leaders and members, we should be encouraging our members to reach out and game with others while having fun doing what we all love to do. We all pay to play.

Open Dorr Policy:

All XGC members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.

Leaving/ Stepping down:

If you are considering leaving or stepping down, please hit up an XD, XC, XI. We are here to help you. We can help you find a solution or help you transition out of leadership if that's what you want.

Leadership Classes:


Captains Class on 06/09/23 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 06/09/23 at 9:30 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order...​




Community Events:

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night, on Saturday, June 17th, 2023 @ 8:00 pm EST.
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS & XGC Kaite XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Call Of Duty MW2 Game Night, on Saturday, June 17th 2023 @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: XGC Mango & XGC Grim XS
We will be playing Call Of Duty MW2
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Golf With Your Friends Game Night, on Friday, June 30th @ 8pm EST
With your hosts Gamingking#2028 and SYN Sobi XS.
We will be playing custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


KoG Drif XS

KoG Poppi( KoG Rainbow and KoG Leftie sat in, both Captains) X
crazymike2314 (KoG MisthaJ, Captain, sat in) X
xBugZxo NS
KoG Caesar NS
KoG Mako X
KoG Hazeyboy X
KoG Bullfrog X
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Failure doesn't mean GAME OVER!
It means try again with EXPERIENCE!

Complacency & Time

Remember we should always be striving to better ourselves. The day we grow complacent, is the day we start to move backwards. Keep going forwards! Time is limited, so choose what you want to do with it. Do you want to sit around and do nothing? Or make the decisions that will make you happy and ensure your destiny? It's ultimately up to you.

Leadership Growth & Development
Development of leadership abilities should always be a high priority for you, leadership, and all clans. Thinking about how you communicate and speak to all members is crucial, as well as always conducting ourselves in a professional manner. Stay calm when handling situations. Gaining respect of members will go a long way, especially when looking out for potential future leaders and keeping clans successful, regardless of if they are in your section or not. Constantly learning whether it's from your peers, your direct leadership, or non-leadership members is crucial. Asking for advice is key in growing yourself and keeping yourself motivated and driven to do the best you can do, which sometimes is simply knowing how and when to ask for help.

A good leader never allows complacency to take hold - stay on top of your game always, including making decisions in a timely manner. That will set you and your section up for success and be a good example to up and coming leaders who rely on you and your guidance. Make sure you are finding the balance between being involved, but also allowing your leaders to handle things within their capabilities as much as possible to allow them to grow and thrive. Even when they make mistakes, it's a part of the learning experience that oftentimes helps them to grow better, while also making sure that the same mistake isn't made twice.

Think outside the box and don't be afraid to try new ideas to see if they work and encourage members to bring up their ideas for how to make the clan better. By setting up future leaders for success you'll make things easier for everyone, including yourself - let them find their own style of leadership and help them whenever possible, and don't be afraid of change as it is something that will always happen as times change and we have to adapt.

It's Summertime!
Leaders, during the summer months people are taking vacations and are doing things outside. Members gaming time may be less than usual. Ensure you are communicating with your members and understanding they may be on less. Before removing someone for inactivity send them messages and give them time to respond with their status. In the time between longer periods between leadership meetings section Leaders should still be meeting with their generals to know what's going on in the clan. Generals should still be sitting in on 1 clan meeting a week and rotating clan meeting you attend. Review the responsibilities commensurate with the rank your members hold periodically to ensure those responsibilities are being fulfilled.

Xteam Challenges
The XTeam has a few Challenges coming up. July 19th, and 24th and August 4th. We are looking for more Challenges for August so please use the XTeam Challenges on discord under the XS Leaders to request a Challenge. We have been having fun doing these Challenges so let's keep them going. It would be great to see more XS's and higher participating in these Challenges especially if it is your Section going against the XTEAM.

August Tournament Announcement
Xiled Gaming Tournament Team will be hosting a MW2 Warzone Tournament for all members of Xiled Gaming.
Be on the lookout for a scheduled date and time! Please make sure to hit up the Tournament Suggestions found in the Xiled Gaming Discord if you have any tournament ideas you'd like to share or hit up a Tournament Admin!



Captains Class on Friday, July 21st at 9:30 PM Eastern time

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, July 21st at 9:30 PM Eastern time Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will...


Community Events:
The Events Team Presents Destiny 2 game night
Friday, July 21st @ 9pm EST

With your hosts Navyfamily73 & XGC Mango.
We will be playing Gambit and Crucible and possibly dungeons or raids
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Fall Guys Game Night
Saturday July 22nd at 9:30 est

Hosted by SYN CHELL XS and XGC Mango
Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

The Events Team Presents Fall Guys Game Night
Tuesday July 25th at 9 est

Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

The Events Team Presents Golf with Friends Game Night
Saturday, July 29th @ 9pm EST

With your hosts: SYN CHELL XS and EmeDiffers
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents an modern warfare two game night
Friday, August 4th at 10pm est

with host SYN Weeb and XGC Kaite XS
We are playing custom matches and Simon says (all Custom)
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night
Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST

With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

KoG PUBG Tournament will also be opened to all members of Xiled Gaming to participate in. If you have members who play PUBG and is interested in participating, please hit up KoG LOTUS XD for more information.


Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Be the leader you would follow

Open Door Policy:
All XG members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.

Leaving/ Stepping down:

If you are considering leaving or stepping down, please hit up an XD, XC, XI. We are here to help you. We can help you find a solution or help you transition out of leadership if that's what you want.


Captains Class on Friday, August 11th at 9:30 PM Eastern time

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, August 11th at 9:30 PM Eastern time Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...​



Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Friends Game Night​

Friday August 18th at 9 pm Eastern with your Hosts SYN CHELL XS & SYN Sobi XS​

Send a message for an invite to the event​

Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!​

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night​

Friday August 18th at 9:30 pm Eastern with your Hosts XGCMango & SYN CareBear XS​

Send a message for an invite to the event​

Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!​

The Events Team Presents a Yu-gi-oh: Master Duels Game Night​

August, Saturday 19th @ 8pm EST​

With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and SYN Weeb​

Custom Duels​

Please send a message to either host for an invite to the Event!​

The Events Team Presents a Monoply Plus Game Night​

Friday August 25th @ 8 PM Eastern wirh your Hosts SYN CAREBEAR XS & SYN Sobi XS​

Send a message for an invite to the event​

Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!​

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Friends Game Night​

Saturday August 26th at 9 pm Eastern with your Hosts SYN CHELL XS & SYN Sobi XS​

Send a message for an invite to the event​

Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!​



Xiled Gaming Tournament Team

is hosting a


Modern Warfare 2

Warzone Tournament

Date: September 2nd, 2023

Time: 8pm est-12am midnight

Registration Ends September 2nd, 2023 @7pm est​

Team Names and Final Scores must be submitted to SYN Sobi XS and/or KoG LOTUS XD

XTEAM Has a Challenge on Aug 13th at 9 Pm. We also need some more Challenges for Aug please get with your Generals get a team together and let's have some fun. Please put Challenge up in XTEAM Challenge on discord. ANY Questions hit up SYN CAREBEAR XS or SYN CHELL XS

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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Great things are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people.


Generals you have three days prior to the 1st and 15th to make sure all lists are posted. You should not only be verifying that they are posted but comparing them to the usergroup as they should be matching and ensuring they are posted in the correct format. If they do not match you should notify your leadership to correct the discrepancies. If lists are not posted in a timely manner, please find out why. It is your responsibility to posts these lists if they are not posted on time.

Summer is OVER!
With school season coming back around. It may seem a lot of members are being more distant and not online as much. Let's make sure we are trying to stay in contact with our members as much as possible. At the same time if you are going to need some time away due to schedule conflict. Please reach out to your Chain of Command and let them know so they can make note of it and not just mark you Inactive.

Clan Notes
As a reminder, each clan should also be coming up with their own clan notes to ensure that each individual member is aware of any issues that should arise. whether it be clan related activities, such as meetings, game nights etc., or something else.

New Games 2023
As many of you have seen Call of Duty Modern Warfare III will be released November 10th, 2023, along with other new games. This will be great for clans to pick back up on recruiting and bringing in new faces into our community!


XG Leadership Training Classes
Class: Captains Class

Date: 8/24/23
Time: 09:00pm est

Captains Class on Thursday Aug. 24th at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Thursday Aug. 24th at 9 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...

Community Events:
The Events Team Presents a Monoply Plus Game Night

Friday August 25th @ 8 PM Eastern with your Hosts SYN CAREBEAR XS & SYN Sobi XS
Send a message for an invite to the event
Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Friends Game Night
Saturday August 26th at 9 pm Eastern with your Hosts SYN CHELL XS & SYN Sobi XS
Send a message for an invite to the event
Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

The Events Team Presents a Minecraft dome battle
Minecraft dome battle with your Hosts SYN Weeb and XGC kaite XS
Send a message for an invite to the event.
Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

XTeam Challenges:
XTEAM V/S SYN Generals

Game: CoD MW2
Date: 08/26/23 9pm est


Modern Warfare 2 Trios Tournament
Hosts: SYN Sobi XS and KoG LOTUS XD
Date: 9/2/23
Time: 8pm est-Midnight
Rocket League Tournament
Host: KoG HaZeYBoY
Date: 8/26/23
Time: 8pm est-Midnight
Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament
Host: SYN Sobi XS
Date: 9/19/23-9/21/23


KoG Drif XS

KoG Biscuit
KoG Drk
KoG Mako
KoG Poppi
KoG Twigglez
KoG Reaper42
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Being an active participant, gaming and socializing within your clan is just as important, as a general, as it is to host your meetings and maintain your lists. Practicing what you preach can be a very healthy tool when trying to build clan chemistry and maintaining healthy activity.

One new recruit that fits in well, and is enjoyable to be around, is far more impressive than 5 new recruits that were recruited for the sake of having more recruits. Clan building is not a race and should expand Naturally. All it takes is one quality member to completely revitalize a struggling clan.

Transfer Process:
Any member wanting to Transfer must put the request to their direct leadership first. "This is the First step to any transfer, we are not mind readers.." Who/What Where of transfers: Division to Division Transfers: Are handled by the Section Leaders/Division leaders of Xiled Gaming. Most Division-to-Division transfers are handled by the Section Leaders, we promote peer to peer relations, and if there is ever a tricky situation you can call upon your division leader for final confirmation. Any Section Leader/Division leader alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement (Division Leader only If needed) Section to Section Transfers: Are handled by Section Leader of Xiled Gaming. Any Section Leader alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement. Clan to Clan Transfers: Are handled by Generals of Xiled Gaming. Any General alerted to the situation must meet to discuss the transfer/ find placement. Squad to squad Transfers: Captains can transfer only if your both under the same General. A transfer may be denied by the receiving clan if the transfer will cause an issue to the squad or clan. Transfers are to be completed within the timely manner of 72 hrs.

Design Team:
The XG Design team will be creating banners for members who are on Twitch. Those who would like to request a banner; refer to the Design Team Forum on the XG website.

Leadership Classes:

Captains Class on Friday Sept. 29th at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday Sept. 29th at 9:00 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


XTEAM Challenges:

XGC Generals vs XTeam
Modern Warfare 2
September 23rd & 9:30 pm EST
Either or

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Minecraft dome battle
September 20 Wednesday 10 pm est
Minecraft dome battle with your Hosts SYN Weeb and XGC kaite XS
Send a message for an invite to the event
Come on in and join for some great fun and laughs!

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Plus Game Night
Saturday, September 23rd @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Golf With Your Friends Game Night
Friday, September 29th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: SYN CAREBEAR XS and SYN Sobi XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents...

Yugioh: Master Duels Tournament

First Rounds of the Tournament will begin on
September 19th - 21st, 2023

And resuming on the following dates:

22nd - 24th
25th - 27th
28th - 30th (finals)

Registration will close on September 18th, 2023.

KoG Poppi present
KoG Mako present
KoG Twigglez(Captain/Valhalla) present
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


Remember that meetings are mandatory once weekly. It’s okay to schedule multiple meetings/game nights/practices a week for your clans but as far as mandatory meet ups they are only mandatory once weekly for your members.

Boost Clans/Squads

How to keep a clan’s interest in the community idea’s! First off let’s begin with hosting weekly meetings to insure that the news is there for our Generals to pass down to the clan’s/squads. Next let’s make sure game nights are happening and members in the clan are participating. Making sure no member is left behind! All members are excited to see their names on the website and makes them feel a part of something fun so the clan/squad list are very important to keep updated at least 2 times a month. Ensure everyone is communicating within the clan.

Recruiting Processes
Discussion on types of Recruiting processes. How should we recruit prospective members to the community. What types of information and atmosphere do we convey to our prospective recruits.

XTEAM is looking for Challenges in October if you are interested please put up date and time in XTEAM Challenges and get with SYN CAREBEAR XS, SYN CHELL XD, or SYN Sobi XS it does not just have to be COD we do accept Challenges on other games as well.​

Leadership Classes​


Captains Class on Saturday Oct. 14th at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XD will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday Oct. 14th at 9:00 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


The Events Team Presents a Rocket League Game Night
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 @9PM EST.
Hosts: SYN Tragedy and XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing custom games including Drop Shot, Rumble, Drop Shoot-Rumble, and standard custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Game Night
Wednesday, October 11th @ 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Weeb and XGC Mango
Custom Matches and Simon Says
Send a message to either host for an invite to the Event!!!

The Events Team Presents a Michael Myers MW2 Game Night
Friday, 10/13/2023 9pm EST
With your hosts: XGC Kaite XS and SYN CHELL XD
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Apex Legends: Duo's Tournament
Registration Ends:
Saturday, October 14th, 2023 @ 7:00pm EST

Tournament Begins:
Saturday, October 14th, 2023 @ 8:00pm EST

The Winning Team will have a Signature made for their Team displaying the Team Name and the Gamertags of the members of the team. It will be announced and posted to the Discord after the winning team has been determined.

Winning Team Members will each receive a $25 Gift Card (Xbox, PSN, or Steam) their choice.
SYN Sobi XS is responsible solely for this prize.

If you have a team that wants to participate, have them to Please create a Roster in their Club and send the Roster Name to SYN Sobi XS so he can add the Team to the Participants List.


KoG Drif XS

KoG Caesar
KoG Mako
KoG Reaper42
KoG Poppi
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." -Jack Welch.


Emergencies happen in real-life and on the game that can affect your clan at any time. Is your clan ready? By this I mean XS's and general's should be training replacements. Not only for splits but in case someone needs to step down that mean training captains to take over for Gens and L'ts to take over for captains. Not having a backup plan can cause clans to break up or even fail because positions are open. On the other side of the spectrum, this should already be happening to prepare for growth as well. Always have people ready to go in these spots because Emergencies do happen and so does growth.

Housekeeping User groups:
*Generals & Section Leaders*
Also with the year coming to a end, everyone should be looking at their user groups on the website, discord and making sure they are accurate and up to date.

Accountability is important in leadership because it helps ensure that your team is working towards a common goal and that they are following through with their commitments.
We have to check in with each other to ensure that we are fulfilling our commitments that we all agreed to, or that we are reaching out with leadership together if we are unable.

Attention XSs, Generals and Captains, if a member/recruit has an issue with the website , they should never be advised to create another account. This is being done too often. Contact any admin (XD or higher) and we can help with whatever the issue is.
Also do not use other people's email to sign up on the website. No one should be creating an account for someone else.

We should be working together to make a difference instead of trying to make other leaders, and members look bad. Together Everyone Accomplish's More.

The Xteam has broaden their horizons adding new games to the plate. Destiny 2 and Rocket League teams are being put together, If any Generals has a team they would like to face the Xteam with please get with SYN CHELL XD or SYN CAREBEAR XS and they will help with setting this up. Also the Xteam is looking for more COD players to help with challenges. This is to help the community with fun exciting nights so more participating and helping would be appreciated.


Captain October 28th 9 pm Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on October 28th 9pm EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...


Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST

XGC COOP XC and SYN CHELL XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...



Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Party Animals Game Night
Friday, October 20th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS, Navyfamily73, and SYN LEX XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Plus Game Night
Friday, October 27th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS & SYN CAREBEAR XS
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a movie night of five night at Freddy movie
Saturday, October 28th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Weeb SYN Sobi XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Golf With Your Friends Game Night
Friday, September 29th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: SYN CAREBEAR XS and SYN Sobi XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

KoG Drif XS

KoG Mako
KoG Poppi
KoG Twigglez{in for Valhalla)
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." -Jack Welch.


Emergencies happen in real-life and on the game that can affect your clan at any time. Is your clan ready? By this I mean XS's and general's should be training replacements. Not only for splits but in case someone needs to step down that mean training captains to take over for Gens and L'ts to take over for captains. Not having a backup plan can cause clans to break up or even fail because positions are open. On the other side of the spectrum, this should already be happening to prepare for growth as well. Always have people ready to go in these spots because Emergencies do happen and so does growth.

Housekeeping User groups:
*Generals & Section Leaders*
Also with the year coming to a end, everyone should be looking at their user groups on the website, discord and making sure they are accurate and up to date.

Accountability is important in leadership because it helps ensure that your team is working towards a common goal and that they are following through with their commitments.
We have to check in with each other to ensure that we are fulfilling our commitments that we all agreed to, or that we are reaching out with leadership together if we are unable.

Attention XSs, Generals and Captains, if a member/recruit has an issue with the website , they should never be advised to create another account. This is being done too often. Contact any admin (XD or higher) and we can help with whatever the issue is.
Also do not use other people's email to sign up on the website. No one should be creating an account for someone else.

We should be working together to make a difference instead of trying to make other leaders, and members look bad. Together Everyone Accomplish's More.

The Xteam has broaden their horizons adding new games to the plate. Destiny 2 and Rocket League teams are being put together, If any Generals has a team they would like to face the Xteam with please get with SYN CHELL XD or SYN CAREBEAR XS and they will help with setting this up. Also the Xteam is looking for more COD players to help with challenges. This is to help the community with fun exciting nights so more participating and helping would be appreciated.


Captain October 28th 9 pm Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on October 28th 9pm EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...


Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST

XGC COOP XC and SYN CHELL XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...



Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Party Animals Game Night
Friday, October 20th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS, Navyfamily73, and SYN LEX XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Plus Game Night
Friday, October 27th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS & SYN CAREBEAR XS
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a movie night of five night at Freddy movie
Saturday, October 28th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Weeb SYN Sobi XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


KoG Drif XS

KoG Mako
KoG Twigglez (in for crazymike2314...excused as he is at work)
KoG Poppi
KoG Bullfrog
KoG Hazeyboy
purge the rich
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Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time does not guarantee you a promotion. If you have completed these requirements, please speak with a leader. If you are not maintaining the requirements of your position please understand you are hurting your clan, the community, and your friends. If this happens you will be relieved of your leadership position. It isn't personal. We can't have inactive or ineffective leaders hold back what our members need.

Information in Meetings
We all know that some of the information in meetings can be repeatitive. Some members of leadership have voiced their opinions on this matter. When you look at the reason for this information being the same sometimes, are we taking into account of why it's being repeated? Are there problems coming up in the community that surround the note in Sections, Clans/Squads? If so, this is why it is being repeated.

Generals and Captain Meetings
When you have your meetings, some meeting notes need to be gone over again. As an example, you could have just had a meeting going over the name change process. But then, a few days later, you get a new recruit into your clan/squad. This new member doesn't know this information. So, what do you need to do? Go over that information again so the new member/s know about the information. Try to find ways to incorporate the information into your meeting so it doesn't sound like the same thing. An example would be to explain it by doing a mock run with your members in the meeting and not just going over the words. Have them travel to the website and go over step by step what they need to do through the process.

There are a multitude of reasons why information is gone over repetitively. Don't be quick to think this is information that doesn't need to be gone over again.



Captain's Class Tuesday, November 28 at 9 PM Eastern

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday November 28th at 9 PM eastern Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...​



Captains Class Wednesday November 29th at 3 PM Eastern

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Wednesday November 29th at 3 PM eastern This class is being posted mainly for those in the United Kingdom, but any eligible Captain can join. Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains...​



Captain class December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...



Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a overwatch 2 game night
Thursday November 21 at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts SYN Weeb and SYN Tragedy
Where playing custom games
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Friends Night
Tuesday, November 28th at 9:00pm EST
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a BO2 Night
Tuesday, December 5th at 9:00pm EST
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night featuring the clan XGC WOLFPACK XK
Saturday, December 9th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS and XGC PANDA XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!


Section Leader
Jun 9, 2014
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.” —Eleanor Roosevelt​

End of Year:​

As 2023 comes to an end, our clan list and usergroups should be cleaned up. Make sure to remove all inactives in your clans to make room for new members. As a leader we do not hold onto members for inactivity, just put in the removal request so when they do come back to our wonderful community they can chose where they would like to go.

When a member comes to leadership and asking for a transfer, we have 72 hours to make this happen. Between divisions please remember this is discussed Section Leader to Section Leader unless its a tricky member then the Division Leaders are involved. Communication is the KEY for this to happen smoothly.


The Xteam is looking for challenges so get with your sections and clans to see if you all has what it takes to bring in the bragging rights to beat your XS's and higher. If you have any questions please get with SYN CHELL XD or SYN CareBear XS.



Captain class December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


XS Class:

XS Class-Sunday December 10th, 2023 @ 8:30 pm est

The class will be held Sunday December 10 @ 8:30 pm EST. It is not mandatory but highly recommended that you are able to get onto the website during the class. The class will be held in the Leadership Training voice chat in the XG Leaders Discord server. There will be a max of 10 people...


Be sure to sign up for this class on the website if you have not had your XS class!!!


Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a BO2 Night
Tuesday, December 5th at 9:00pm EST
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night featuring the clan XGC WOLFPACK XK
Saturday, December 9th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS and XGC PANDA XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents an Fortnite Game
we will play creative Night Friday December 15 at 10:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Weeb and XGC kaite XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

Xteam Battles:
