Add and Remove Requests
When posting Add and Remove requests on the help desk, please make sure you are verifying that the person has registered on the website by using the Advanced Search bar under "Members". Do not post multiple threads for requests, if you have several people to add, simply post one thread with all the names listed who need to be added. Same with removals, if you have multiple people to remove put all the usernames into one thread but make sure to note next to each name the reason for the removal.
PRIOR to posting any add requests, the clan list has to be updated. If a member was promoted to private but is still listed as a recruit, the request will be denied and will have to be resubmitted. Same with transfers, if someone has transferred in they also need to be added to the clan list before an add request is posted.
Leadership Definition
The definition of a leader is to first be a follower. You cannot expect someone to follow you if you do not know what it is to follow yourself.
A leader simply persuades others to follow them. Having said this, in order for someone to want to follow you, they must see that you have empathy for them and their peers. You do not have to buy into the whole of your surroundings, but showing empathy to those who you lead, goes a long way.
Do not lead by the saying: do as I say and not as I do. Take charge and show those who you are leading that you are willing to get your feet wet also. Too many leaders fail because they walk one way, yet tell their followers to walk another way. It is up to you as the leader of the team to set the goals, formulate a plan of action, and motivate the team towards that goal. In doing so, you have to be willing to work alongside the team throughout the full process.
Communicating Absences
We understand that at times you will not be online for an extended period of time, whether it's due to finals, vacations, life circumstances, etc. We understand that real life should always come first. So if you know your activity will be spotty or non-existent for that time, please let your chain of command know when you are leaving, when you expect to be back, and that you have coverage in your absence.
Clan & Squad Lists
Just a reminder, clan and squad lists must be posted by 11:59pm EST tonight - if you know you won't be able to on the exact day, post it a day or two early so it isn't late. If your captain(s) don't get their squad list posted, you are responsible for posting it for them and following up to see why it wasn't done. If someone isn't performing a basic responsibility like posting and keeping their list updated, chances are they are missing other responsibilities and could be having a negative impact on their squad and on the clan as a whole.
You also need to check your clan usergroup - ask an admin if you need a new copy. Make sure people are being removed as they need to be as well as added. This also goes for the Captain's usergroup, when a captain steps down or is demoted, make sure you are posting the request to take them out of the captain's usergroup on the help desk.
Researching Situations
When anyone comes to you about a situation, make sure you are getting both sides of the story before taking any action. Taking what one person says at face value isn't fair to the other person or people involved in the situation - everybody has the right to tell their side of the story. If someone is saying something that just doesn't seem right, trust your gut and dig deeper into what they are telling you.
Remember that situations do not need to be handled right away, take your time and do your due diligence before making decisions. If you don't know how to handle the situation, ask for help - either a peer or your XS should be able to assist you. If not, use the open door policy. You aren't in this alone, we are all a team and should be assisting others whenever we can.
Leadership Training Classes
Captain's Class
Friday, June 5th @ 9pm EST
Advanced General's Class
Friday, June 5th @ 5pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Intro to General's Class
Monday, June 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
Advanced General's Class
Monday, June 15th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
Moderator Class
Saturday, June 6th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Community Wide Events
Modern Warfare
Friday, June 5th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Shotgun Roulette & Simon Says
Hosts: SYN Stiddy & SYN JAChelle XS
Prominence Poker
Saturday, June 6th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG MamaCoco XS, ragintigress & XGC Horus XS
Modern Warfare
Friday, June 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Infected & Hardcore games, Dom, Gun Game, TDM
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN JAChelle XS
Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 13th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Mass Infected, Russian Roulette, RPG only small maps
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & SYN JAChelle XS
Modern Warfare
Saturday, June 20th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Free for All - do you have what it takes to be the very best?
Hosts: HeAdCaSe & SYN JAChelle XS