Welcome to Xiled Gaming
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General’s Notes


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.

Preparing your Clan for the Future

As a reminder Section leaders, it is your responsibility to ensure that every clan under you is running successfully by working closely with your generals in setting short-term and long-term goals. Encouraging them and ensuring that these goals are being achieved in a timely manner. If there are bumps in the road along the way, please make sure you are providing the assistance that they need to be successful. The things that you are teaching your generals, they too should be teaching the leadership under them as well.

Establishing Priorities

When you speak to your generals, and your generals speak to their captains, It is important that you prioritize your limited amount of time that you have on the box. We do not expect you to have to deal with XG business the whole time while you are on the box. However, we do expect that you are taking care of business or issues in a timely manner. That means getting what needs to be done, done. If you know you need to speak to a general(s) for your weekly meeting, knock that out when you first get on, then enjoy your evening. If you become better at managing your time, your duties will not build up until you feel overwhelmed.
Another point regarding setting priorities, if you have a clan that is having issues or is not doing so well, you need to spend more time helping out in this clan than you need to with a clan that is doing well. It is your job to ensure the success of the clans in your section, so you need to be helping find solutions or providing input, or setting goals for clans that are in need.

Planning Ahead

There are new games on the horizon and members will be buying new games that suit their interests. We need to make sure that we are noticing which games members are buying so clans can keep organized. If a primary game needs to be changed, be sure there is an update clan posted in the help desk to reflect this. Remember, "No Member Left Behind" also means that if a member(s) is playing different games than the rest of the clan, then they might need to go to a different clan that is on the same game(s) that reflect their interests.

Handling Issues:

When dealing with issues that arise within your clan(s), please remember to not listen to one side and take action. You need to find out ALL sides of the story before you take any action. This should include any and all evidence of what was said or done, and asking all other members involved with the situation to get their story prior to taking action.

Also please do not forget to talk with your peers if you want to get some advice (this isn't to say that you should do what they say or tell you, but it's to help catch another perspective).

Discord Team

Discord Team is looking for members interested in being a part of the team. If you are interested, please hit up your Division Leaders.

Captains class
Captains Class 10/23/21 at 9:00 Est

Generals Classes
Generals Intro's Class 10/23/21 @9pm est.

Game nights





XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."


Let's grow the community together-

On the subject of new games, it is the perfect time to recruit new members and bring new life into your divisions and clans. New games will have multiple new players that don't know what a gaming community brings or can do for them. You should be taking this time to leave open spots in squads or being in-game chat instead of party chat to pick people up and see if they are perfect for your clan or community as a whole. If you think they are good for the community and not your clan you should use your peers to get them in another clan somewhere else in the community.

No Man Left Behind

Generals need to make sure that not only themselves but captains are gaming with all members and meeting with members weekly to make sure all members are up to date with news and don't feel left out. If a member can't make meetings or games with other members due to the times they play then you should see if there is another clan they could transfer to that plays the same time they are on.

Fall Clean-Up-

As the year is coming to an end we would like to end and begin on a positive note by ensuring that our forums are cleaned up. Now is the time to get started on insuring your list, as well as captains, match the user group and all removals are done.

New games bring change

Generals with new games coming out change will follow. If you are changing to any of these games or adding a new game to your clan Please let your XS know to ensure your clan is up to date.

Leadership classes

Captains Class Monday, 11/15/21 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday. November 15th, 2021 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...
Upcoming Events

Monopoly Plus game nights on November 12th,17th, and 24th hosted by Syn Chell XS


Magic the gathering arena Register SYN Cryptic Oct 7, 2021
Tournaments Single elimination, Solo
Closing Dec 10, 2021
Slots 6/64 Updated Oct 7, 2021
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Reactions: XGC Mochi


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority."
Changes in XG
As everyone has heard we have been making lots of positive changes here in XG . We would like to make sure everyone gets to know and understand what has been going on. changes areas follows:

Clan Structure


2021 CLAN STRUCTURE The goal of the CLAN STRUCTURE is to create smaller, tighter, stronger more personal clans. A clan is a group of friends who gets on to play together. Think for a minute, when you turn on your console who are you looking for first? The people you look for or text before you...
Promotion requirements


XILED GAMING PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 2021 Note: NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time...
Rank Structure


Rank Structure-2021 Every member of Xiled Gaming are expected to conduct themselves according to the Honor Code, treat gamers and members with respect and dignity, recruit fellow gamers to the community, and utilize the chain of command and open door policies for ideas and issues. Following...
We all should be reading, learning and passing on any new changes.

We would also like to remind everyone to use the Calendar to ensure you are not missing our meetings, classes and upcoming events.
While we are talking about new meeting times I would like to also through in that just cause we arent having meetings doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing things with our clans. on the weeks we should be doing game nights and holding events with our clans. reminder our next meeting is Dec 19, 2021

Captains classes:


Events :


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Reactions: XGC Mochi


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
The Holidays

Xiled Gaming would like to take a moment and wish everybody a Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year,!! The Holiday season comes with the friendly reminder to be lenient, tolerant, & understanding, life comes first, But do not become complacent.

We know during the holidays our members will be spending time with family and travelling, we should be mindful of this when we are evaluating our inactive members.
The New Year brings Opportunities, New games under the tree, which mean more unity of games played within your Section, clans, squads, leaving no member behind, also the potential for recruits to join our Awesome Community is always a plus.

With the New Year, we as leaders of this community Need to start to think ahead & work with our generals to ensure the clan list reflects User groups, Discord reflects proper roles, actual members, removing those who don't need to be there. Be thinking of the Environments we create, and how we can make them better for our members, ask them, get feedback.

The next meetings will be held on January 16th

Whoot Whoot !!
Big shout out to Xiled Gaming as we celebrate Our community's 16th Birthday on January 6th !!! be on the lookout for new exciting Events from the Events Team on the calendar !!!

Events thru the Holidays:


Captain classes:




XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
Mindset is Everything!

The Events Team would like to thank the Community as a whole for a Great Birthday Bash we hosted on 01/08/22! Great way to start off the New Year and a wonderful 16th Birthday as well as the wonderful Trivia Night hosted by XGC COOP XC, XGC MiniMe XD and SYN DESI XD!
To start off the New Year, all Section Leaders should be getting their Section Updates in. The section update is where you put how your clans are doing, what they are working towards, if there are any issues or if there are future leaders that are standing out. If a new XS is not sure where to go you can hit up your peers or your XD.
Name changes
Xiled Gaming has had clan members from PC and PlayStation for quite awhile now. Xbox allows 12 characters in names, PlayStation allows 15 characters per name, but no open spaces. When creating a gamertag, if your not able to use spaces, use underscore to seperate your division tag from your gamertag.
Ex. KoG_Lotus_XD
To my knowledge PC gamers limited to 20 characters. This goes for Playstation and PC if needed.
Transfers should never be denied, nor should they be held up for any reason. Once a clan member requests a transfer, it should take no more than 72 hours to complete the entire process. The key to getting transfers done is communication. Communicating with the leaders of where the clan member wants to go is as easy as a sending an Xbox message, or a discord message. Not working hard to complete a transfer can cause the clan member to become disgruntled, which could lead to unnecessary drama.
Captains Classes:
Note: Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General.
Captains Class on Tuesday. January 18, 2022 at 9:00PM EST
SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday. January 18, 2022 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...

Captains Class on Friday. January 28, 2022 at 9:00PM EST
SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday. January 28, 2022 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...

Generals Class:
Intros to Generals 1/29/22 @8pm est
KoG LOTUS XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on JANUARY 29th, 2022 @8p est (7p cst, 6p mountain, 5p pst) It is open to any member holding the CURRENT RANK of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat and or DISCORD PARTY with only 10 spots available...

Community Event Night:
The Events Team Presents
Among Us Game Night

Tuesday 01/25/22 at 10:00 EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and OkayKaite1
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team Presents
Monopoly Plus Game Night
Wednesday 02/02/22 at 9:00Pm EST

With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team Presents
Among Us Game Night
Saturday 02/12/22 at 9:00Pm EST

With your hosts SYN LEX XS and SYN Sobi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team Presents
Vanguard Game Night
Friday 02/18/22 at 9:00 EST


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela

-Adding members to User Group the current process for adding a member to the user groups requires the general to post a request in the help desk once that member is accepted into the clan. Meaning they have reached the rank of private and are on the clan list.

-Recruits should not be getting promoted to privates if they have not registered on site, since that registering is the number one responsibility of a private. If they can not do this, they should not be promoted to private in first place.

-We are coming up on the end of the 1st quarter of the year. It might be time to take a look at your Clan/Squad lists and make sure that members are being signed up on the website. Clean out members who haven't been active in a while or who have left and some how are still left in the user groups but not on the Clan/Squad lists.

Community Game Night:
-As many know The Game with Fame is officially back and we had a successful night getting to know XGC Mini Me XD alot better last night. Be looking for more as YOU the Community will be picking in our discord polls who the next will be. In March the votes were in and KoG LOTUS XD will be having her spotlight on March 12th,2022 8pm Eastern.

-If anyone is interested in joining the Community Events Team please go to this link or ask SYN CHELL XS. We are looking for energetic people to help get more involved for all our Divisions.
Here is the link to sign up for the Events Team:


This forum is for anyone wanting to apply for the Xiled Gaming Community Events Team.



Captains Class Monday 02/28/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 02/28/22 at 9 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


The Events Team Presents a Dead By Daylight on Tuesday March 1st 2022
With your hosts XGC EATAL0T & XGC OkKaite1.
Join us to survive with your friends or either killed by your friends.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night Featuring KoG LOTUS XD
Game will be held on PUBG Saturday, March 12th at 8 EST
with Special host KoG LOTUS XD.
Streaming will be announced!
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS or KoG LOTUS XD for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!
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XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Being a “Pro” leader

As a leader, are you leading from the front or from behind? There is a saying in the sled dog world, “if you are not the lead dog, the scene never changes.”

The key to leading from the front is to be proactive versus reactive. Being proactive is built into the XG proven system of leadership. Aspects of being proactive include having a plan for your section or clans, communicating that plan to your leadership, building a pipeline of leadership, and having events (game nights, recruiting nights, leadership development training, etc.) are examples of some of the proactive topics built into the XG system.

For discussion, what are some signs of being proactive versus reactive for the following:

-having a plan for section or clan
-communicating that plan
-leadership pipeline
-clan events

After this exercise, it should be obvious the importance of being a proactive leader and the areas in which you need to focus.

Leadership training

As leaders we should always be looking forward, part of this is the advancement and ensuring we are training upcoming leaders to succeed.
This entails holding leadership accountable and ensuring they are upholding their responsibilities. Suppose we find that a leader is not meeting all requirements we need to be having a talk with said member a finding out the reason and how we can resolve the issues. The best way to train someone is by example so remember to practice what you preach.

The Importance of communication:

Being a leader means taking responsibility not only for yourself but for those who follow you. It means making sure that your members are receiving the information and resources they need to achieve success in the community.
All of this requires communication with both leaders and your members and ensuring you are telling members of essential notes, events even upcoming game nights.

Summer has arrived

Summer has arrived and this means members going on vacation and spending more time outside with the family. We need to make sure we are communicating with clan members and leadership on when and how long they may be away.

Captain classes:

Captains Class Monday 05/16 at 9:00 p.m. EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 05/16/22 at 9:00 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


Captains Class Thursday 05/26 at 9:00 p.m. EST

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 05/26/22 at 9:00 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


Generals classes:

Intro to General Class 5-20-2022 @8pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on May 20th 2022 @8pm Eastern. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...





XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by Perseverance.
Without continual growth and progress, such words as Improvement, Achievement, and Success have no meaning.

You are not the lone ranger

Remember when it comes to being a leader you should utilize all members of your clan you are not alone. We should be listening and asking for ideas or help from up and down the chain of command.

Some examples include:
-listening to all your lower-ranking members they might have some great ideas to help your clan move forward and grow..
-utilize the captains to teach LTs and new members the honour code and running gamenights.
-Section leaders can be utilized to help with name change requests and other admin issues, as well as proving further training and giving ideas on different ways to handle issues Based on their experiences.
-XD-XI are there for you by providing tools and training forms growth of the division/community. They are also available to hear any issues or ideas to help you or the community continuento improve.

Remember, no one is expected to do everything on their on. Be willing to reach out and get the help that is in place for your success.

General's Meeting Notes:
As all Generals know they should be hosting weekly meetings with their clans. It should also be posted on the website under your clan's forum. Here is an example of what should be posted:
Attendance: (Please add names and not numbers of who attended)

The Events Team wants to announce that we will be working with all clans in Xiled Gaming to be in the spotlight! Any member on the events team can Co-Host game Nights for your Clans which everyone is invited to join.
This is the Events Team Roster:

General's Meeting Notes:
As all Generals know they should be hosting weekly meetings with their clans. It should also be posted on the website under your clan's forum. Here is an example of what should be posted:
Attendance: (Please add names and not numbers of who attended)

The Events Team wants to announce that we will be working with all clans in Xiled Gaming to be in the spotlight! Any member on the events team can Co-Host game Nights for your Clans which everyone is invited to join.
This is the Events Team Rooster:

Events Team Rooster

Xiled Events Team Roster Lead Coordinator SYN CHELL XS Co-Lead Coordinator SYN Sobi and SYN LEX XS Game With Fame Coordinator SYN CHELL XS Trial Event Coordinators All those with two asterisks (**) next to their name and colored red KoG Havel XS Events Team Join Date 9/10/2019 Battlefield...

Here is an example of what this will look like:
The Events Team presents Fortnite Game Night with SYN Wrath7 hosting with SYN CHELL XS.
09/08/22 at 9 EST
Everyone is invited to join in the fun just hit up the General SYN Grimrepr or SYN CHELL XS

The Clans will pick the game they want to play, The date and time. Also, reach out to the Events Team member you would like to co-host and help set this up. The Events Team will do the rest for your clan by placing it on the website, calendar and banners will be spammed out on Discord. If any Section Leaders have a clan that would like to participate please let SYN CHELL XS know. This is for the whole community!

Captain Class

Captains Class Monday 06/06/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 06/06/22 at 9:00 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
with your hosts XGC Mango and XGC OkKaite1
June 10 2022 at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team Presents a Golf With Friends Game Night
with your hosts SYN CHELL XS and SYN ART XS
June 11 2022 at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team presents A Warzone Game Night
06/18/22 at 9 EST
with your hosts XGC StaleDonuts & XGC OkKatie1.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team Presents a Fall Guys Game Night
with your hosts XGC EATAL0T and XGC OkayKaite1
June 21st at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
The Events Team presents XGC Blood Oath Clan Game Night
Cold War. 06/24/22 at 9 EST!
With your host XGC Blood Oath Clan.
You can hit up XGC DIVA (Captain) or XGC Mango (General) for the invite.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!​


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
Not Knowing The Facts:
To be a productive leader is not to assume that your Generals or captains are not doing there job by just watching who's in the partys or what game they are playing join in with them. Once you assume you could be hurting the clan or community by prematurely demoting, harassing, or falsely accusations.

As section leaders and or generals we are teachers. We are not a boss of nothing. Our job is to give the needed tools and guidance for clan growth development, and development growth of a leader.

As section leaders or general we should allow our leaders to run there clan or squad andmake mistakes and figure there own way to run things. Mistakes are how we learn as leaders. If we're not making mistakes are we truly leading? If you don't make mistakes you are leading too conservative or not leading at all.

Quiting to early:
As leaders we should not be throwing in the towel to early. For section leaders it has become accustomed to just pulling the plug throwing in the towel on a clan. Absorbing these members into exsiting clan then splitting that clan soon after. This is quiting to early and not using all the resources at your disposal. Were the leaders above you so quick to quit on you? If they did, you wouldn't be in the leadership position your in. Never look for short cuts, take the long journey, ensure for success on every aspect.

As leaders of the community are objectives should all be the same. We should be striving to give each member the same opportunity that we were giving. We should be helping pave the road for the future leaders of the community. We should be sharing the expirences that we have had with the community with them to help them grow.

Manufacturer Terms to problem solving (5whys)
Using the five Why process to determine the root cause of the problem can be beneficial in clan or section management. Example below
Why did the clan fail?
General lost interest
Why did the General loose interest?
It become a job and couldn't find any recruits
Why did it become a job and why couldn't he find recruits?
His captains wasn't pulling there weight. He was only one recruiting.
Why were the captains not pulling there weight and nobody recruiting ?
Because they were good friends and had great outlooks on the community. We became stagnant.
Why did we become stagnat?
Because I let the captains hold the rank but not fulfill the responsibilities.

So the root cause of the clan failure was due to not making his or her members fulfill there responsibilities.
If done before failure you could stop a problem before it becomes a major problem.


Clan Game Night:

The Events Team presents SYN Devil Dogs Clan Game Night on Jack Box 6
8/19/22 at 8pm EST
with your host SYN Devil DogsClan.
You can hit up SYN Souless (LT) or SYN LEX XS for invite.
Everyone is invited to come join in for the fun!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event

Events Team Game Night:

The Events Team Presents Fall Guys Game Night
Wednesday, August 10th at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS

The Events Team Presents a Fall Guys Game Night
Sunday, August 14th 8pm EST
With your hosts Syn Sobi & EmeDiffers.

The Events Team Presents Golf With Your Friends Game Night
Wednesday, August 17th at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night
Thursday, August 18th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts XGC Kaite XS and SYN ART XS.

The Events Team Presents powerwash simulator Game Night
Wednesday 8/24/22 @ 8:00 pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS & KoG Lotus Xd

The Events Team Presents A Monopoly Plus Game Night
Wednesday, August 24th at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS

The Events Team Presents A Golf With Your Friends Game Night
Friday, August 26th at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN Chell XS

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night
Wednesday, August 31st at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
XG Sever

The game boards are now been turned into forums to help out with

1. Looking for gamers to game with on that particular game

2. Forums help with Game topics not being lost with coversation or other topics that come about for that particular game.

Anyone can start a new thread inside the forum. But let's make sure we are reading the topics first that are posted to save from making duplicate threads


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
Goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe,
and upon which must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.

New Year

As 2022 comes to an end and 2023 begins, this is a great time for Section Leaders and General's to make sure user groups, meeting notes, and all lists are good and ready. Start off the new year with a jump on things. Get with your leadership and members to see what everyone's short term and long-term goals are. Write them down on a calendar for 2023 and see throughout the year how close everyone can accomplish their goals. Clean up the Clans Forums also and make sure No Man Is Left Behind.

Discord Server Rules
Please remember that the Xiled Gaming Discord is an Open Server for members in the community and visiting members. Acting in a professional manner is part of representing the community as a whole. We want new members joining the discord and seeing how we act as a collective more than what issues we may have. Keep specific conversations to their appropriate channels. We understand that there are a ton of different channels that we utilize on a daily basis. At the same time, ensuring that the General Discussion channel remains clutter free. We do not want any important information to go unnoticed or over-looked.

Accurate Gamertags on Clan Lists
When adding gamertags to your clan list, please make sure that any numbers including the hashtag are included in gamertags that are not original so that others are able to add them. If you don’t, it is just like misspelling a tag where a leader or another member will not be able to add them.

Removing Members for Inactivity
As we we somewhat discussed at last meeting, we want to stress the importance of members that may not be 100% due to holidays. This is not the best of times to be evaluating members who have not been as active for removal from the community for inactivity. This is best to be evaluated after the new year.

Happy Birthday Xiled Gaming!!!
Jan 6th, 2023, Our Community Xiled Gaming will be celebrating 17 yrs! The Events Team will be sharing a lot of games with everyone and would love to see a great turnout for this Celebration. As always just jump into the lobby with the preferred host as all of their lobbies will be open either on Xbox or Discord. Also, there will be streaming going on.

Thank You!
Everyone, today marks our last meeting for the year. Thank you for all you have done this year. Your dedication, commitment, and loyalty to XG does not go unnoticed. Let's move into 2023 with a positive mindset and make XG an even greater place for gamers to want to be a part of!

All of us at Xiled Gaming wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever you believe in, may your merry be bright!


Friday, January 06th starting @7:00pm EST

MW2 "SING or SWIM" hosted by KoG LOTUS XD and XGC Mango starting at 9 est
Golf with Friends hosted by SYN CHELL XS and SYN LEX XS starting ay 9 est
MW2 "Simon Says" hosted by XGC Kaite XS and XGC Grim XS starting at 9 est
Theater/Comedy Night hosted by SYN Crazy XS and SYN Sobi times 7-9 est and 9-11 est
Among Us hosted by EmeDiffers starting at 9 est

Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
Leadership Training:


Captains Class on Monday 12/19/22 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 12/19/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...



Advance General's Class Jan 14th,2023 8pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Jan 14th,2023 8pm Eastern It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in...


The Events Team Presents a Yugioh: Master Duels Game Night
Monday, December 19th @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi and KoG HAVEL XD
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a UNO Game Night, on Tuesday, December 20th @ 9PM EST
With your hosts SYN Crazy XS and SYN Tragedy
We will be playing Custom Matches.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Tournament
Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA

Sexual Harassment is defined as behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation. What are sexually harassed examples? Verbal harassment of a sexual nature, including jokes referring to sexual acts or sexual orientation. Unwanted touching or physical contact. Unwelcome sexual advances. Discussing sexual relations/stories/fantasies at work, school, or in other inappropriate places.

Xiled Gaming has ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT! No member should ever be subjected to any harassment whatsoever. Every division's Honor Code state in Section VIII that:

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

Honor Code violations consist of discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other overly aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers.

We as leaders should be enforcing these rules to ensure that our members have a safe place where they can get online to game and have fun, not to be degraded, harassed, or discriminated in any way whatsoever.

When doing a name change request always look in all three divisions if the name is already taken within another division. We were told it can't be a past leader or current leaders or even remotely close to a name already within any of the divisions.

Remember being in leadership meetings that it should be only leadership in there. Sergeants and below should not be listening to what is going on in the Clan/Section/Division. If it is pertaining to a situation in your clan, it does not look good to spread it to the lower ranks mostly recruits that you are trying to bring in. Be cautious about this and this is when the party should be locked down so no one will join.
Along with party being locked down. If you are in leadership your party should be open at all times unless you are handling an issue.

NO Promotion is just given for meeting the time requirements. Promotions must be earned by fulfilling all the responsibilities of each rank. Promotions are not asked for; promotions are earned. Because you have been in your position for a long time does not guarantee you a promotion. If you have completed these requirements, please speak with a leader. If you are not maintaining the requirements of your position, please understand you are hurting your clan, the community, and your friends. If this happens you will be relieved of your leadership position. It isn't personal. We can't have inactive or ineffective leaders hold back what our members need.

The Xiled Gaming Discord is a discord created for all members of XG as well as non-members. Prior to joining the discord, each member is asked whether or not they accept the Server Rules. Server Rules consists of 14 rules plus Terms of Service that each member should be abiding by when posting in the channels. By accepting these rules, it means that you are expected to follow them. The discord is a place where members can communicate and share the same ideas and intergrade with each other. It is also a place where new members can join to meet others within the same clan/section/division/community. Remember to keep the community discord conversations PG-13.


Captains Class on Monday 1/23/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 1/23/22 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...
www.xiledgaming.com www.xiledgaming.com

The Events Team Presents
SYN Rebellion's Clan Minecraft Build Battle
on Saturday, Jan 21st @ 8:00PM EST
With your hosts SYN Rebellion Clan and XGC Kaite XS
Come put your building to the test! Do you have what it takes to be the winner?
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare 2 Game Night
on Tuesday, Feb 7th @ 9:00PM EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN CHELL XS
Party Votes Game Modes!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a mw2 Game Night
on Wednesday, 2/8/23 @ 9PM EST
With your hosts XGC Mango & XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing Custom Matches.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Tournament
Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.
Last edited:


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
The secret of change is to focus all your energy.
Not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

Do you have what it takes?

Being a leader within this community means more than just holding a position., it takes work and diligence to be successful. never should leadership within this community ever become a job. We want you to have fun with it. Yes, at times there are challenges that come with it, Remember: any challenges can be overcome if you are using the recourses at your disposal. utilize what the community provides.
Now some of you are scratching you heads right now with a look of confusion on for face so allow me to break it down. What tools, or resources do you have ?

1] website

2] discord

3] peers

4] your leader.

5] Policy's (both website and Discord)

6] Honor Code

And the list goes on. Knowing how to navigate these are a must.
If you are in need of assistance, please reach out to your immediate leadership. ASAP. (as soon as possible) thank you.
"No matter what, there is a solution to anything if you are looking in the right places,
you have to be willing to look or your defeating yourself."

We Are The Face Of This Community ! !
As a general rule of thumb, it is always best to practice the golden rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). In doing this you can always see that you are treating people fairly and appropriately.
As a leader, remember that you should always lead by example. Members will always follow the example you are setting, good or bad, we as leaders , we have to realize we do not have the luxury of loosing it, friends everything we do within this community truly is viewed by everyone regardless if they are in our community or not.,., All the good and bad, the ugly .., its like living in a glass bubble, always on display, transparent for all to witness, we have to at all times display our professional leadership quality's for when maintaining community image .WE ARE The Face Of This Community ! This doesn’t just include how you interact when gaming. It also includes how you act on discord and in parties as well. If you are doing things on discord that you really shouldn’t be doing, then that is what your members are going to start doing as well. Same goes for Xbox parties.

“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” by John Wooden

There are things to remember when it comes to running a successful clan.
Communication - when talking about communication it’s not just passing on information or asking how things are going within the clan/squad. For instance, if your captain has some concerns about a potential recruit that you are wanting to bring in, take time to listen to them. You have them as a leader for a reason.

Working together - when working together on a common goal you may not always agree with each other on how to meet that goal so it's best to meet in the middle by compromising.

Goals - always have goals set for yourself and for your clan. Make sure that when you are setting goals that you have a short- and long-term goal for yourself and the clan.

Leadership Pipeline - Your leadership pipeline is so important for a successful clan. Your leadership pipeline is the leadership that is under you, your captain(s) and lieutenant(s). Always be sure to keep open communication with your leadership pipeline as without it the clan will definitely suffer.

Humble - As a leader it's always a good practice to be humble. Never forget where you came from. Also, it is a good practice to not look at yourself as better than anyone else based on your rank because we are all people. No one is better than anyone else. We are all here for the same thing and that is to game with like-minded gamers.

This would be a good time to open the floor to open discussions on this topic.

Honor Code:
Members will display a professional gaming demeanor at all times. Any match an XGC member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship, and Respect. As an XGC member, you not only represent yourself but XGC as a whole.

"This is the same for all Divisions., let these words sink in. Sportsmanship & Respect overall. We are here achieving the same goals for the common good."

All Section Leaders:
Please ensure that you Clan Lists and User Groups are current and match. An XD will be going through them in the next week or two.

Leadership Classes:

Captains Class on Saturday 2/11/23 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday 2/11/23 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Captains class- Friday 2/24/23
XGC Kaite XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, 2-24-23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


Intro to General's Class Feb 10th at 8pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Feb 10th,2023 @8pm Eastern It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...

The Events Team Presents

Xiled Gaming Events Team would like to say Thank you all for sharing these events with your Sections/Clans. It is so nice to have the community come together and have so many laughs so all we need is to make sure all our members know what all Xiled Gaming shares. Thank You!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

MW2 Game Night
Tuesday, Feb 7th @ 9:00PM EST

MW2 Game Night
Wednesday, Feb 8th @ 9PM EST
Hosts: XGC Mango & XGC Kaite XS

Golf With Friends Night
Friday, Feb 10th @ 9 PM EST
Hosts XGC Mango & SYN Crazy XS

Xiled Gaming Tournament

Tournament Team is hosting a Modern Warfare Tournament for Search and Destroy. If your clans are interested in participating, please feel free to reach out to KoG Miist for more information.



XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
The Strength of the team is each individual member. The Strength of each member is the Team

The definition of petty is getting hung up on things of little importance.
When facing situations within the community, it is easy to get hung up on those situations. Sometimes, we as leaders can develop pettiness toward individuals, we feel have done us or other members wrong. We should strive to overcome these feelings, for we must act on situations without our emotions getting in the way. So, how does one overcome pettiness?

Recognize when you judge and act petty.

Do not seek revenge.

Rein in your pride.

Remember we are all human, no one is perfect.

Remember, this is the present, don't live in the past.

Think big picture. What bothers you today won’t matter for long.

Usergroup Requests
Anytime you have a change in a Captains position regardless of the circumstance, it has to be recorded., that means you have to put in a ticket. this is the most forgotten responsibility generals are facing thru out the community, so be mindful to put in the proper paper trail.

Paper Trails
Paper trails are expected thru out the community by you the leaders, why?, well paper trails help us keep an accurate record of things that we may face again, whether it be you looking for information on a old members, or what their prior experience was when they were here the last time., for a GWG researcher, the paper tails you have accurately & truthfully created will assist to determine the status of a second chance to rejoin the community or not. Make this a discussion with your leadership pipe lines, the better we pull the rope, the more we will succeed together as a whole.

Primary Games
Every clan should be listing 3 primary games. Why? It lets those looking for a home know which games you play most often. Every clan or squad should have at least one game you rally behind, something like Destiny, Call of Duty, Halo, etc., Any game you choose within reason, and as a team is acceptable. What this promotes is Unity, and with unity you form teams, which creates Family. This could lead you into a open discussion about Unity, so explore effective questions to ascertain a warranted response from you leadership pipeline.

Clan and Squad Lists
As a reminder, clan lists and squad lists are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. Generals and Section Leaders should be checking to see if they are posted in a timely manner. If squad lists are not posted, it is the Generals responsibility to post them up. If Clan lists are not posted, it is the Section leader responsibility to follow up on them. Lists should be updated in between those dates to ensure that every member in the clan is on that list as well as the list matching your usergroup.

4/16/23 Discord Meeting
On 4/16/2023 Xiled Gaming will be hosting its meeting in discord. If anyone has topics or questions they would like to discuss during that meeting, please post them on thread in the Meeting notes area.

Game With Fame is BACK!!!

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night Featuring SYN SNOW XD
Game will be held on MW2
April 15th at 9 Est, with Special host SYN SNOW XD
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi XS for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!
This event will be streamed and everyone will have a chance to ask SYN SNOW XD any questions. It will be a fun filled night with prizes handed out as in Xbox Cards, T-shirts and headset.

Leadership Classes


Captain's Class - 4/10/23 @9pm Eastern

Community Events

The Events Team Presents Pokémon Indigo League Episode Night

Every Friday Night starting at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi, EmeDiffers, SYN LEX XS
We will be watching Episodes from Season 1 every Friday Night, covering 2 episodes each week.
Join the Xiled Gaming Theater Channel in the XG Discord to watch.

The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
Monday, April 17th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts SYN Tragedy and SYN EvilReap.
We will be playing custom games such as Hide and Seek, Prop Hunt, and we will take game mode suggestions (time permitting).
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare II Party Game Night
Friday, April 21st at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Sobi XS and DemonHorizon#324
Featuring SYN Predators Clan
We will be play party game modes such as Gun Game, One in the Chamber, and many more.
Send a message to the hosts for an invite to the event.

Community Tournament

Modern Warfare 2 Tournament - 4/28/23 - 4/29/23 @8pm Eastern Time

First 3 Rounds
April 28th, 2023 @8pm Eastern Time
Semi-Finals and
Final Round
April 29th, 2023 @8pm Eastern Time

Anyone who is interested in participating should observed the rules of fair play, sportsmanship and respect.
All Xiled Gaming Rules are to be followed and respected at all times.
Teams are required to follow Xiled Gaming Rules and Guidelines to the best of their ability.


XGC Ragnarok
Nov 16, 2015
Cartersville, GA
If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.” – STEPHEN COVEY

Name Changes (this is for the sgts)

If the general tells you that a certain name will not get approved please do not insist on it being on your name change request. When name changes are put in there are steps that we have to take to determine if the name can be used. The generals are not telling you that a name will not get approved just to get you not to use it. If they say that it won't be approved then there is a reason. For example, if the name has too many characters or they already know that the name is being used already.

Events Team

The Events Team is looking for members of any rank from Sargeant and up to join. Must host or co-host an event once every 2 months. Be energetic and work well with others to create a fun atmosphere for everyone. Please hit up SYN CHELL XD if interested.

Weekly note ideas:

There is a topic under the XS Weekly Notes that we encourage you as Section Leaders to post in so you can have an input when notes are written. This is where we can incorporate things that are relevant to your sections rather than a broad spectrum notes. You all see and deal with clans on a daily basis, therefor you see issues first hand, whether it be minor or major. Posting there will help your leadership to not only identify the issues but come up with solutions. This is a link to get you where this is: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forums/xs-weekly-notes.161/

Communication with leadership:

XI, XC and XD's are here to help you and assist you in progressing to the next level. If there is an issue in your section/clan we encourage you to come to us and allow us to help. We can't fix things is we don't even know there is an issue. This ties into being proactive rather than reactive. If you see an issue, bring it up to a leader opposed to waiting until we are losing members and/or clans. These things can be fixed but we can't fix them unless we are aware beforehand. Don't be afraid to use the open door policy.