Stay In Your Own Lane
Please remember that any concerns that may involve another clan are not your concern, and they aren’t something that you should be handling yourself. If you have a concern with another clan or something happened with a member in another division, make sure to use your chain of command before handling any issues. Please remember to work with your members as well as your leadership to teach them to use the chain of command if they have a concern or issue with another member or something that’s going on outside of their clan. When using the chain of command, you and your members should be taking concerns up the chain of command, not sideways or down.
People should be comfortable using the open-door policy if their higher leadership isn’t available. If it is something that can be handled the next day and it isn’t a pressing concern, teach them that it’s okay to send a message and get with the person the next day to handle the problem. This will also give them a chance to cool down in case they are getting emotional about whatever is going on.
Clan Research
When talking with your leadership in your clan, make sure you are digging into their squad and finding out the answers before you ask the questions. This way you’ll already know the answer to the question and will be able to verify that your Captains and LTs are completing their responsibilities.
You shouldn’t take what they say at face value, if you know there are issues within the squad and they don’t tell you about them, make sure they know that it’s okay for there to be problems as long as they are acknowledged and addressed. Any positives should also be talked about and you should be giving positive reinforcement just as much as addressing issues.
Clan Compete CDL Domination Tournament
Reminder that our next tournament is coming up in just 6 days – rules, information and sign-ups are available here: Clan Compete
The tournament will be on Saturday, July 18th starting at 8:30pm EST and will be a 5v5 Domination with CDL rules being used. Anyone wishing to participate needs to be registered on Clan Compete and on a team with a maximum roster size of (6) players. No PC players allowed in the tournament – Xbox players only.
There is still room for 4 more teams, so get signed up as soon as possible so you don’t miss your chance!
For tournament specific questions, hit up KoG Turdz XS, KoG MamaCoco XS or KoG Caustic. Any general Clan Compete questions can be directed to any Clan Compete staff member.
Website Re-Opening
The website will be opening back up tonight, please hit up your leadership if you have any questions or concerns once you get back onto it. Also please get squad and clan lists posted by midnight on Tuesday, July 14th @ 11:59pm EST and ensure your usergroup matches your clan list as best you can.
We understand there will be some catching up to do, please do it in a timely manner and ask for assistance if you need it.
Community Wide Events
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & XGC Buffy XD
Stay In Your Own Lane
Please remember that any concerns that may involve another clan are not your concern, and they aren’t something that you should be handling yourself. If you have a concern with another clan or something happened with a member in another division, make sure to use your chain of command before handling any issues. Please remember to work with your members as well as your leadership to teach them to use the chain of command if they have a concern or issue with another member or something that’s going on outside of their clan. When using the chain of command, you and your members should be taking concerns up the chain of command, not sideways or down.
People should be comfortable using the open-door policy if their higher leadership isn’t available. If it is something that can be handled the next day and it isn’t a pressing concern, teach them that it’s okay to send a message and get with the person the next day to handle the problem. This will also give them a chance to cool down in case they are getting emotional about whatever is going on.
Clan Research
When talking with your leadership in your clan, make sure you are digging into their squad and finding out the answers before you ask the questions. This way you’ll already know the answer to the question and will be able to verify that your Captains and LTs are completing their responsibilities.
You shouldn’t take what they say at face value, if you know there are issues within the squad and they don’t tell you about them, make sure they know that it’s okay for there to be problems as long as they are acknowledged and addressed. Any positives should also be talked about and you should be giving positive reinforcement just as much as addressing issues.
Clan Compete CDL Domination Tournament
Reminder that our next tournament is coming up in just 6 days – rules, information and sign-ups are available here: Clan Compete
The tournament will be on Saturday, July 18th starting at 8:30pm EST and will be a 5v5 Domination with CDL rules being used. Anyone wishing to participate needs to be registered on Clan Compete and on a team with a maximum roster size of (6) players. No PC players allowed in the tournament – Xbox players only.
There is still room for 4 more teams, so get signed up as soon as possible so you don’t miss your chance!
For tournament specific questions, hit up KoG Turdz XS, KoG MamaCoco XS or KoG Caustic. Any general Clan Compete questions can be directed to any Clan Compete staff member.
Website Re-Opening
The website will be opening back up tonight, please hit up your leadership if you have any questions or concerns once you get back onto it. Also please get squad and clan lists posted by midnight on Tuesday, July 14th @ 11:59pm EST and ensure your usergroup matches your clan list as best you can.
We understand there will be some catching up to do, please do it in a timely manner and ask for assistance if you need it.
Community Wide Events
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & XGC Buffy XD