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Forum Noob
Feb 14, 2009
I want to know your preffered game out of the 3:

Halo 3

Call of Duty 4

Gears of War 2

It's been really bugging me because all of my friends tell me that Halo sucks yet I think Halo is the best game out there.

Let me Know

XGC Paramore

Between those three, I couldnt choose. They all have there ups and downs. Gears of War 2 has terrible lagg. Halo 3 has a weird melee for god sakes that thing is so strong it almost can knock u out in 1 hit without any damage from prevouis weapons. CoD 4, it also has some lagg problems and modders. But if I had to choose it would be CoD 4 for me.


Forum Member
Feb 20, 2009
I love all of those games. For me personally I started playing Halo 3 when it first came out. Then when Call of Duty 4 came out I stopped Halo and played that because it was so much fun! Then I prestiged and it got boring so I went back to Halo 3. Then Gears 2 came out and I stopped playing Halo again. After I beat Gears I got kinda bored and mad at the people who standby so I went back to Halo 3. It seems like no matter what comes out I still go back to Halo 3.

Halo is my Favorite :]


Forum Star
Dec 14, 2008
North Carolina
I would say Halo 3. Now don't snap at me right yet:D Halo 3 is good for the people who like to forge or kind of have a little more freedom that is less realistic just something that might fit on anthers likings. Now call of duty 4 is more realistic and can be pretty fun at times. This game would be probably for more of the serious people who like to play more realistic games and performing more tactical maneuvers. Gears Of War1,2 are for the people who like to rip people apart and see blood fly every where. Gears Of War 1,2 they are not that bad minus the lag. But when you get used to the game it could be quite an amusing game to play.


Forum Junkie
Feb 24, 2009
lol, kyle i like the points you have made on each game. Well after playing this game for one night solidly and knowing what will be coming soon on the online multiplayer i would have to say killzone 2. Downfall is you can only carry one main weapon at a time and they dont give you a lot of ammo. With that said though, the class specific traits and customizations are great. As for examples for those who dont know much about it, The sniper class once you have unlocked its traits and weapons and all you will have a cloaking that you can use only for a certain time length and i believe movement either breaks it or makes it a little easier to see you but i think its great that a sniper(who should be hidden) can to some extent be hidden in the middle of the battlefield. They have made each class like this just with different unique traits. Oh yeah and the graphics are sick.

XGC Uniflash

Forum Nerd
Mar 15, 2008
Mt Horeb, WI
LMAO I write all that and uniflash writes 15 word

Well...Call of Duty: Modern Combat as well as World at War both have an element of realism that I prefer over the Sci-Fi Halo series.
Don't get me wrong, I played all the Halo games so far (sans Halo Wars) and I did enjoy them. My preference is for the more realistic games.

Gears of War was okay, but the jerky camera seemed gimmicky. Also, my wife usually watches while I play video games, and Gears tended to make her sick (motion sickness).

I haven't played Gears 2.

I do like the ability to have the neat symbols in multiplayer Halo, something I wish they had in COD. We used it as Clan/ Squad tags and it worked great.

I've met (IMO of course) a better class of gamer on COD than Halo. By better class I mean cool people who are helpful, inviting, friendly versus simply aggressive and out to pwn nubs. Your mileage (and tastes) may vary.


Forum Junkie
Feb 24, 2009
I apologize for posting once again in the same topic when it is such a question but i must correct myself. Killzone2 is probably my Current favorite FPS but my all time favorite game is honestly Final Fantasy VII. To me Final Fantasy VII is what has made and brought attention to a lot of todays RPG's. It has a great storyline with plenty of twists ands turns, mixed with scattered emotions at times. They take you through tragedies with one of the main characters being murdered by your arch enemy and also with the main character going into a chemically induced comatose state where he is trying to find himself and make his way home. I mean just the way that they put it all together was to me one of the best books i've ever played through. On top of the Story being wonderful the Turn base gameplay was up to that time in gaming the best turn base style imo. Yes in essence they are very similar but it also has to do with the options they give you of how often you can use certain moves and who can train what skills/spells/or summons. To me it is a game that will always be a favorite and something i have and will continue to compare all other RPGs to(at least the ones that are meant to be put in the same sub class of rpgs).


Forum Veteran
Sep 17, 2008
Kirkland, WA
Call of duty 4
Gears of War 2
Halo 3

Halo 3 was the first game that I played on Xbox live and for a long time it would have been on the top of the list but after comparing it to these other two games I have realized that Halo isn't the only good shooter out for the Xbox.

Call of duty 4 - I love the modern, more realistic sense of combat and the weapon customization. The weapon customization is one of my favorite aspects of the game, because I tend to like to switch guns around almost every time I die (if I do die). Only downside is the lag and how it ends the game if a host leaves instead of finding a new one.

Gears of War 2 - I didn't play much of Gears of War 1 but after loads of convincing from a few of my friends I tried out Gears of War 2. Gears of War 2 was a whole new experience for me as I have not played altogether too many third-person shooters. As I progress through the campaign, I looked back on Halo 3's campaign and realized how much better Gears of War 2's campaign was. It was a lot more dramatic, however both games had lame end boss fights. The only reason this game is above Halo is because of the campaign, I never got into the multiplayer all that much.

Halo 3 - This game was great for a while... But like Uniflash says, you don't find as many helpful or inviting people in that game. It's almost completely lost it's team aspect unless you're playing with some friends who know what they're doing. The forge and theater function and custom games are a great idea, but they tend to get boring after a while. Don't get me wrong Halo is a fun game, but next to Gears of War 2 and Call of duty 4 they're nothing.