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  1. KoG Falcon C

    What is/was you home clan?

    I remember that clan, hahahaha back in the 360 days
  2. KoG Falcon C

    Enigma clan banner

    I'll be picking this up, please be patient
  3. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a Call of Duty MW2 Game Night

    Ready for pick up please head over to the link https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-mw2-june-17th.102678/
  4. KoG Falcon C

    FPU- MW2 June 17th

    Requested by: SYN Sobi XS Designed by: KoG Falcon C If any questions please don't hesitate to contact myself thank you https://imgur.com/a/bLxNV0m
  5. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a Call of Duty MW2 Game Night

    I'll be picking this up, please be patient
  6. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents Golf with Friends Game Night

    ready for pick up If any issues please contact me https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-golf-with-frineds.102571/
  7. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - Golf With Frineds

    Requested by : SYN CHELL XS designed by: KoG Falcon C https://imgur.com/a/2algUUz
  8. KoG Falcon C

    It's been 8 years....

    Welcome back my dude
  9. KoG Falcon C

    What is/was you home clan?

    My home clan was XGC Titans back in 2014, back on the xbox 360 days, good old times What about you guys?
  10. KoG Falcon C


    Redone with correct date, updated text style as lost the last text style
  11. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Game Night

    This is ready for pick up Thank you https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-mw2-11-05-23.102497/
  12. KoG Falcon C


    Requested by: SYN CHELL XS Designed by: MrFalconC https://imgur.com/a/FvfFe57 If any questions please let me know Thank you
  13. KoG Falcon C

    Past designs made for the community

    Below is all design created for the community feel free to browse
  14. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a Destiny 2 Game Nigh

    Please follow this link to find your flyer ready for pick up Thank you https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/destiny-2-event-flyer.102491/
  15. KoG Falcon C

    Destiny 2 event flyer

    Request from: SYN CHELL XS Completed by: MrFalconC https://imgur.com/a/99isSjy If anything needs changed please let myself know Thank you