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  1. KoG Falcon C

    Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:

    Please head over to https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-xiled-gaming-tournament.103548/ For pick up, if there is any problems please contact myself
  2. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - Xiled Gaming Tournament

    Design requested by : SYN CHELL XD Designed by: KoG Falcon C If there is any problems please contact myself Thank you
  3. KoG Falcon C

    Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:

    I'll pick this one up, please be patient
  4. KoG Falcon C

    KoG Xiled Kings Clan Banner

    Banner is completed please head over to: FPU - KoG Xiled Kings clan nanner To pick up your request Thank you for your patience
  5. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - KoG Xiled Kings clan nanner

    If you have any issues please contact myself
  6. KoG Falcon C

    KoG Xiled Kings Clan Banner

    I have picked this up, please be patient
  7. KoG Falcon C

    Request a Personal/Clan Banner

    please be patient I'll get back to you when finished
  8. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents an Fortnite Game Night

    I have passed this design over to MU3ik M1X3R, thank you for your continued patience
  9. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents an Fortnite Game Night

    I'll pick this up, please be patient
  10. KoG Falcon C

    Captains Class Wednesday November 29th at 3 PM Eastern

    KoG Clutch KoG Falcon C KoG Bullfrog
  11. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a BO2 Night

    https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-bo2-flyer.103372/ All done please head over to said link for pick up
  12. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - BO2 Flyer

    Here you go of you have any issues please let me know
  13. KoG Falcon C

    The Events Team Presents a BO2 Night

    I'll be picking this up, please be patient. Thank you
  14. KoG Falcon C

    Request a twitch banner

    Place your personal requests for a Twitch Banner down below following the format listed. DIMENSONS: 1200px by 480px FORMAT: PNG FILE NAME: NAME OF MEMBER REQUESTING ALL IN LOWERCASE WITH NO SPACE. Banner Request Format: 1.) Specify your request: Twitch 2.) Type of Banner: Twitch Banner 3.)...
  15. KoG Falcon C

    Clan Banner

    Ready for pick up my dude https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-syn-shipwrecked-clan-banner.103167/
  16. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - SYN Shipwrecked Clan Banner

    Requested by TheRedBeard0. Designed but: KoG FalconC If you have any problems please don't hesitate to ask Thank you
  17. KoG Falcon C

    FPU - SYN Boo

    Size corrected my dude
  18. KoG Falcon C

    Clan Banner

    I'll be picking this up, please be patient
  19. KoG Falcon C

    Update clan banner

    Completed, please head over to: FPU - SYN Boo As it's ready for pick up