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  • To be honest I don't know who I am with anymore, I know I went inactive for awhile, however you'd probably know better than me where I might be.
    Hey Bro....I would like to see what i can do to be transferred out of KoG Asylum and into another section/squad or what ever. Dont get me wrong....I want to stay in KoG and want to keep my rank. its just that I am having problems with the members of KoG Asylum.(such as not responding etc.)
    hey dude, you should let your guys know about a 3v3 reinforce tourney that XGC Sm0ke and XGC Tantalizing are hosting Aug 2nd at 7pm eastern. My team needs some competition..... just saying...
    "This is a gaming forum. There is no room for your political or religious views on the XG website. If you want to have a conversation about either we offer unmoderated forums in our subscription area. Political or religious views will earn you a ban. Any Signatures or images containing these types of views or quotes will earn you an infraction. Any further violations will earn you a ban."

    under the general forum guide lines, your signature is in violation. Please change it.
    No. Lol she's my brothers girlfriend so I can't really be in her squad if I want to rank up which I want to so yeah. Lol she's building her squad still. My captain is smith sucks
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