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  • yessir. & before you ask. no I have no clue.. lol theres a Cav unit near my hometown.. thats an option.. and a Raven unit if i can get into it.. but fallback in Combat engineer.
    good brother. my PLT SGT told me ill get my 5 by august. im second in line in the Unit and 22nd in line in the state. out of 197.. lol i'd say thats pretty good.
    Oh yeah? What has he told you man?
    Have you really? Trying to come back to SYN or XGC?
    And sounds like a plan bud. Hit me up.
    SOB.. yeah thats crappy.. i've been working 16 hour days the past few weeks.. thats the bad part about my job.. I dont know my schedule until the night before I work and I dont know when I'll get off a case.
    Red gave permission as now I have an Xbox One, well it's not mine, but my little brothers. I transferred over to SYN Awesome306's clan, SYN LUST 7. However the current circumstance is this, my gamertag SYN BIGGREEN I cannot use on these systems, because my mom doesn't want anyone to see my messages or have it take up space. >.> She's worried that they might contain content not suitable for my little brothers which is understandable.
    oh I know I seen your new gamer tag ;) I still have you on my friends list I didn't delete u and don't plan to :) we go back days when you can get care packages lol ehhh lol I'll send u a msgs Saturday when I can get online k? Hold up I'll send u a private msg I need to tell u something ;)

    Buh Buh BAM <3
    Heeeeey Cav!!!!

    Omggggggg haven't talk to u in days what have you been up to my friend
    Hope all is well with you I'll be online Saturday if u wanna play a game or 2 :)
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