Question regarding 'Honor Code':
Hey guys, didnt see a sub-forum for "asking my specific Devision Leader" and or send a massive PM his way, so figured this may be a good place to pose the question
While reading through the Honor Code, i noticed that alot of the things listed didnt seem like they were necessarily part of an 'honor code/code of conduct', more, being part of the terms of use or even some worthy of its own separate FAQ. (i.e Gamertag changes, registering on the website, etc).
After reading through it a few times, it just felt somewhat cluttered with things that could be announced somewhere else in an official capacity... ya know? Especially when all new recuits (and current members) are expected to remember its contents...
Only 4 areas seemed key
1) Presenting yourself/XG in a professional manner
2) Importance of Chain of Command
3) One Gaming Community (no other clans/communities)
4) Breakdown of HC violations, ToU, etc
Your thoughts??
Thanks guys!