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XG Clan Structure

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XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA

The goal of the CLAN STRUCTURE is to create smaller, stronger, and more personalized clans. A clan is a group of friends who sign online to play together. Think for a minute, when you turn on your console, who are you looking for first? The people you look for or text before you turn on your console are your clan members.

With so many games and the number of different platforms increasing, it is imperative our clan structure is executed efficiently in hopes of uniting like-minded gamers within an exciting gaming environment.

As the clan grows, members who display the desire and qualities of being in leadership should be considered for the role of Squad Leader. The Squad Leader role is not mandatory, but rather is utilized when the number of clan members is large enough and when a member, who is trained and willing to accept the position, is appointed by the Clan Leader.

There can be multiple squads within a clan. Squads are members who look to game with each other when they are on, a group playing the same game or game mode, or a group with common interests or goals. If a member of a squad switches games, they must be transferred to a different squad or clan to meet their gaming needs. No member left behind!!! Clan transfers will be approved by the generals and section leader(s).

All recruits must be introduced to their squad members and get to know them for the first seven days in the squad. Recruits must be put into squads with members who play similar games.

After the seven-day trial period, the clan’s members will collectively decide whether to offer membership to the prospective member.

All recruits must read the Honor Code before a clan invite is sent to them or a user group request is approved.

Events Coordinator

The Events Coordinator is an auxiliary role for the Clan and holds no leadership responsibilities or authority. This role is anyone that the Clan Leader identifies as a member that has the talent/desire for providing activities that keep the clan members engaged. The event coordinator's role is to provide gaming activities on a consistent basis for the clan. The activities should provide a positive experience for the clan. The events coordinator should look to engage to a majority of the clan during each event. The events coordinator can team with other clans and/or the events team for events or to discuss new ideas.


The Division Leaders, working within the oversight of Community Leaders, will evaluate and determine the optimum number of clans for each division.

A proposed Clan Leader should be someone that is adhering to the Xiled Gaming values, has made positive contributions managing their current clan, and has the experience needed to handle a clan on their own.

Any clan from which the “new” clan members would come from must have at least two squads in place (either one Squad Leader and the Clan Leader each running a squad or multiple Squad Leaders), an up-to-date Clan List that matches the clan’s user group, and a Squad Leader who is prepared to take on the challenge of running their own clan.

Clans will split when the leadership in the clan is ready, regardless of how many members are in the clan, but as a general guideline, splits should be discussed when a clan has 15-30 members. Note: No inactive members should go to the new clan.

Any request to open a new clan should first be worked through between the Clan Leader and Section Leader (typically, by way of the Section Leader’s forum). When they are confident the requirements are met and the form has been correctly filled out, the Section Leader will post the request in the Help Desk.

Division Leaders will review the posted request, making sure everything has been filled out correctly. They should also meet with the Section Leader, the home clan’s Leader, and the prospective new Clan Leader to ensure all parties are on board with the split and know what to expect post-split.

Provided everything is in order and everyone is prepared, the Division Leaders will approve the new clan. They will create the new clan’s forums, Discord, and user group, manually moving the splitting members to the new user group/roles. The new Clan Leader and their group of people (5-10 members, usually) will leave to start the new clan.

Section Leaders must be heavily involved in both the home clan and the split clan until they’re certain both groups are moving in a positive direction and no one was left behind during the process. The Division Leader facilitating the clan split should add themselves to both user groups to monitor the growth of each clan. Division Leaders and Community Leaders will make themselves available to answer questions or offer advice.

Last Revised 8-11-2024.
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