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KoG Jehuty

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 6, 2010
Deland, Florida
The only thing you have in war is your gun and your squad. There is no oh I'll go solo. You rely on each other and watch each others back. There is no respawn. You can't go prone and dodge a Betty. Health don't regenerate. . I can't stand anyone who plays games and thinks they know what we go through.

wanna have a good laugh exactly what your statement is talking about?

not sure if it is fake, but still the concept that some people think like that always makes me want to just burst out laughing at the logical standpoint of some people you know?

Dark Gaul

Forum Star
Nov 20, 2012
Wales, UK
In the British Armed forces we are still trained on how to do bayonet charges. Which I am really gratfefully we are because on the news a few weeks ago a squad out in Helmand Province had to lead a bayonet charge against the Taliban because they were surrounded.

I can only imagine the thoughts that would of being going through their minds when their Corporal issued the order to " Fix Bayonets". Possibly the one order no one wants to give.

KoG Turok

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 6, 2010
Mobile, Alabama
they incorporated that into CoD World at War in the story mode but i dont think thats in the muiltiplayer i think id be cool to put that into game play

XGC Radioactive

Mar 24, 2011
I'm not in the forces, though I've done time as a Firefighter, which is VERY militaristic. Now knowing gunfire and such is something I'm not experienced in, Teamwork and danger are in my past. I do agree that people go overboard on the video game side. Even so, would you not say that ANY rank system has it's bases in the military? Even as XG, you have different ranks that resemble forces. It all has to do about attitude.

I've been every rank under XS, and I know what's required, but hey, it's a game!

Though when it comes to CC or MLG, you'll find us taking it very serious ;)

I see many topics in this thread, so I kinda hit on a few.

KoG Turok

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 6, 2010
Mobile, Alabama
Radioactive i couldnt have said that better myself the only difference is that XG puts family first and other clans see you as just a number and will just replace you
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KoG Dayze2

Forum Veteran
Aug 4, 2012
That's one of the reaseons I like XGC. It supports family, rather than forget it in favor of serviceability, funtionality, and performance ratings.

XGC Whit3Wolf

Forum Veteran
Aug 28, 2012
I agree I also was in the Army and my MOS 11B.. I have been in the trenches in Iraq, panama... So I let these so called Bad***es talk all they wanna I know the truth of trench warefare and this is it... So if they wanna talk about this like it is real life then I say o let them those of us that have been in we know the truth
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KoG Dayze2

Forum Veteran
Aug 4, 2012
Anybody who serves or who has served in a combat related role should know that CoD make look real, but is far from. Even though I've worked with a couple who didn't. The realism of CoD should never be argued because it doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong if you enjoy the game keep playing. I don't mind playing hardcore teamdeath match from time to time, it's something simple I don't have to work hard to play.

Lady Valor 7711

Forum Veteran
Nov 1, 2012
Never been in the military, though I wanted to, but I totally know what you mean. Most of my family, especially my grandpa, were big in the military scene and so I have a different level of respect for it. I can't take people who think they know all there is about it just because they are the top whatever in the world in a respected game seriously. Just wanted to say something. I found this thread interesting

KoG Dayze2

Forum Veteran
Aug 4, 2012
Well said indeed Lady. Growing up around the military, I'm sure you understand it better than most others, even if you weren't actually in it, and for which you have my respect.

XGC 1 Actual

Dec 11, 2010
Northern Kentucky
Whatevs.... YOU GUYS ARE WRONG.. CoD Black Ops is real and I am combat ready based off of my SWEET K:D!!!!

All jokes aside.. We find that in the gaming world, a relation to military is common as most games mimic combat/ military/ fighting of some sort.
Now, being that the real military senario doesn't sell.. IE - the game that shows hard chargers waking up at zero dark, doing the daily seven PT together, shaving your sucks and then walking to the chow hall and eating crap food together then sitting in briefs all morning (NCO's and above) then going out and passing the word down and assembling working parties to burn the crapper buckets, pull the sand out of this hole and put it in this bag and back in the same hole...
Kids just don' t seem like they wanna spend mom's money on games like that.. So, the creators make it team based/ solo run.. It makes sense, No one pictures UDT's (if your real NAVY Special Warfare you know what UDT's are), Force Recon bubbas, or ODA's in large 3 squad teams of 50+ operators doing mission prep for months then going to work... They see this high flying, I kill people and its over shorten version that sells...

It's like the DEA show on Spike TV- if you have seen it. When I applied at the DEA, the recruiter told me, for those who have watched the show DEA- please turn your apps into the garbage can now.. because we don't really kick doors everyday.. We spend months even years doing recon and report writing.. The show just glorifies the idea... Which is what games do..
This Generation of kids assumes that they are owed something and expect it immediately..
I got off subject a little but wanted to voice my opinion...
And I leave you with this...


Carpel Tunnel
Jan 31, 2008
Everywhere & Nowhere
why do all tese other clans compare their ranks to military how demeaning is this?

Demeaning to you, the military, themselves or others? It's all opinion. How demeaning depends on what they say & how you take and deal with it.

As to the why, I believe most enjoy the mere thought of being a soldier. The power, sport, and prestige, whether it's being a Super soldier(fiction), being a (real life) career soldier, and everything between.

If they're delusional, arrogant, misinformed, guessing or plain lying, you can press them, inform them, let them be themselves, mute or ignore them, leave altogether, try to change the subject, or feed their ego. Sincere or not.

Doing anything else would likely be unreasonable.

Using military values in a clan, team, guild, squad or whatever is fine by my standards but I'm no soldier. However, if you don't adapt them to the games, the people playing them, and the forms of communication being used, you're going to have a bad time.(AKA Fail)
If you're too serious, or negative, see above.

As to those, who say they are great at CoD and think you want or should join up, either you:

Join up cold turkey style, & learn as you go.

Learn up, get fit, study, keep a busy schedule, a job, a sport, all in preparation to join up.

Shut up, you're just saying it to get a reaction. You already made up your mind.

The armed forces should weed out anyone who's unfit, and I wouldn't judge anyone to be unfit, it's not my job.

I think that covers a lot. Let me know what you think everyone.
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