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Whats your favorite cod game ever?

XGC DeathsAngel

Forum Member
Nov 29, 2014
Marysville WA
I'd Have to say COD BO1 because of the fact that the story was brand new, it focused on a hystorical event, if not precisely at least there was some evidence of it, the Zombies mode was pretty well Made and fun as all Hell. The multiplayer somewhat challenging and new. and of course the community.

Angry Iceberg

Forum Nerd
Jan 4, 2015
United States
I've played 'em all, but I think that I keep thinking back to playing Black Ops II the most. Close second for me would be COD 4. I certainly had the most time in COD 4, but miss playing BLOPS 2 the most.

XGC Trigz

Forum Junkie
Dec 29, 2010
For me, I thought that 2's MP maps were far superior, and that's why I prefer 2 over 1. I thought 1's maps were overly cluttered. 2's maps just seemed to have better lines.

but in a competitive stand point, I believe BO1 maps had it in the bags. They had all the perks it needed for a competitive player to play on. As for BO2, I saw a lot less of that and more childs play type of deal....if you understand where I am going with it.


Forum Nub
Feb 24, 2015
I simply cannot chose one COD game over the other each game has their specific qualities that make the game good no matter how bad the game is. For instance most people dislike Black Ops but in my case I find it quite enjoyable as quick-scoper because of the difficulty that it takes to be good with the L96A1. Another case is Ghosts with the maps. I like them all and if anyone needs someone to play with the older COD's you can hmu. My gamer tag is MIdwestprone15 for yall who wanna add me. :)

DCG Dreadmaster

Forum Star
Feb 11, 2015
Washington State
I like Cod ghosts and aw both in my opinion had good gameplay and added a new element sliding and exos to multiplayer even tho somethings like spawns werent the best still good games and both campaigns were pretty good

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