cod 4 get back to the basics. It was ground breaking when it came out .First payed it at my brothers house ,had to buy an xbox and the game on the way home.
My Pick:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Because It had so many good ideas and have perks that Modern Warfare 2 didn't have, and the gun stats were different. There's not as many hackers/boosting lobby invites as Modern Warfare 2 and not as much Infection or modders as Waw. I enjoy CoD 4 because it's so amazing and fun filled ^^!@
My Pick:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
While i love all COD's i have to say that COD 4 was such a game changer as far as online FPS gameplay, and COD as a whole. It was a more or less perfect game and one that they have played off of for 2 additional games now.
COD 4 Was the best shooter game by far every call of duty that has followed after 4 has failed hate to say it but its true. I think Black ops 2 should be a decent game from what they have said so far. We can only hope lol.
Black Ops is the best COD game ever made. It was well balance and I never had a problem with snipers running around. It was the most realist game. I hate quick scopes its so unreal. The maps were also very good. Most of the maps were the right size. Didnt have many big maps. I like how kill streaks didnt add on to the next one.
yea, and i think the campaign is the best part of MW2 and MW3 for the full story of soap Mctavish!!!