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Lady Valor 7711

Forum Veteran
Nov 1, 2012
You know what really grinds my gears? When you happen to do something particularly well or construct something rather cool in say minecraft it automatically translates to you "having no life". Really?

XGC MrGrimm

Forum Member
Apr 3, 2013
Orrville, OH
What really grinds my gears is when you go 90-4 and people call you "Bad" Really? If im so bad why did i just get 90 kills? I know i have killstreaks to help but getting those also requires a little something called "Skill" I have been playing war/military games since 1998.... I think I have a little bit of skill in there somewhere lol Does anyone else agree with me?





Carpel Tunnel
Jan 31, 2008
Everywhere & Nowhere
What really grinds my gears is when you go 90-4 and people call you "Bad" Really? If im so bad why did i just get 90 kills? I know i have killstreaks to help but getting those also requires a little something called "Skill" I have been playing war/military games since 1998.... I think I have a little bit of skill in there somewhere lol Does anyone else agree with me?

Well if that bothers you, then how would you feel losing 90-4? Beyond that though, I'd be less upset and more impressed if you won on that scale on Starcraft. FPS's often have slippery slope issues due to kill times, overall weapon balance, map design, etc. and now killstreaks.

It can be upsetting to hear them curse you but unless you want to put in the time to try to change their attitude, I'd say GG and move on. Also you can mute if you can mute them before they have the chance to upset you and your party, it may be for the best.

What grinds my gears is there isn't enough innovation for games yet. We've got a lot but I'm really missing a lot of genres of games that need a new version and innovation seem so slow for the titles that are updated that it's like they're holding back. Of course, i know that's not true but I want a Chromehounds/Mechassault and an Advance Wars title, dangit!

KoG Dayze2

Forum Veteran
Aug 4, 2012
Mechassault was a poor iteration of the Mechwarrior franchise. If you're missing this however there is a new F2P called Mechwarrior Online; which puts you back in the ****pit, something many fans have been waiting for. Chromehounds did a new game utilizing the motion tracking systems of the various consoles. Its sales are not that high, this fact is a little disappointing. It is true that innovation isn't common among games at the moment, especially FPS. Most games are trying to follow the fast paced multiplayer that Call Of Duty is accredited for. It's for this very same reason that I am losing my interest in this genre.

What really grinds my gears is the "do whatever it takes to win" mentality. This includes camping, which must be inspected on a case by case basis. We as gamers throw that word around too lightly, without regards to the circumstances. This degrades variety in tools and tactics, utilizing whatever victors worked in a particular match(s). Balanced weapons do not make the player good.


Carpel Tunnel
Jan 31, 2008
Everywhere & Nowhere
Mech Warrior and Mech Assault are very different games based in the same universe. I like the gameplay but there were issues with it that were never renovated or innovated. ChromeHounds Online servers were abandoned without a sequel or successor, and of course needed some work to some degree.

While game balance doesn't make a player good, it ensure that one side is not offered an obvious or hidden, easy low risk advantage that wins the game frequently. Game balance does a lot of things, like make a game fun and interesting, and less frustrating. It gives color to an otherwise black and white palette. Chess and Poker are balanced games. Yet poker has luck play a part, while chess doesn't. Which would you rather play? I play both, but I prefer poker.

Check out this online book: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw

It's a good read.

You know what really grinds my gears? A Grinder in Gears of War.

KoG Dayze2

Forum Veteran
Aug 4, 2012
That last sentence was a final thought, something I wanted to say, but didn't know how to put it into proper context. Oops.


Carpel Tunnel
Jan 31, 2008
Everywhere & Nowhere
No problem.

You know what really grinds my gears?

Ridiculous situations that don't add up, and bad attitudes that don't straighten up.

Even if there's a counter measure and you follow it, it can still bother you. Don't let it.