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This thread is for all X members who want to come back. No matter what reason you left of were kicked out. You can come to this thread and state your reason on why you left and why we should consider you coming home. YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD "I TOLD YOU SO" OR MADE FUN OF AT ALL IN THIS THREAD! ANYONE WHO DOES SO WILL BE REMOVED! I don't always get messages or have people come to me to sit down with the Council so you can just post in here that you would like to talk and I will send you a FR to sit and discuss your return or not. Basically this is an open door to come and talk with me and or the Council. There is not any guarantee that you will be let back. Our rule is what it is. However some people left due to not knowing the real truth and might have been misled and would like a second chance. Well here it is. Don’t waste my time. If you are a racist or cheater the answer is without a doubt NO. But if like I said you were told something that was or is not true and would like to come home I am always willing to hear our members or X members. The grass is not always greener and people do lie to hurt others.

Like I said there is no guarantee, but you will be heard and have a chance to tell your side.

Game on!
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XGC x0 0 7x XI

XGC x0 0 7x XI

(XI) Council Leader
DVG HaZarD <<Asking for assistance with a very old case that was shoved under the covers>>

personally I don't care too much if anyone would take it upon themselves to help me I am only interested in trying to reconnect with my old team members....

I played as a Captain in SYN Brotherhood and slogged through ranks to be removed by a council member despite my Generals (SYN Boobady) [apologies for misspelling] call,
it started when i was just promoted to a Cpt in Brotherhood B02 Division, my squad recruited a friend of one of the community's Council Members this recruit was toxic and very rude to many members, After weeks of dealing with him i requested he be transferred or removed. after my request was declined I was transferred from my rank as Cpt in brotherhood to a SSgt in a completely separate team (Cant recall the name) after a week of myself complaining for the results of the fight I resigned from XGN in a hatred for the council & being torn from my team I battled with and trained alongside with for such a long time to people I hadn't even KNOWN, all due to a brand new member who knows a high rank...

if any member is willing to do a little digging in the old teams ranks and maybe help me get a little clarity on whom ruined my rankstructure and disrepected the entire brotherhood team i would be much appreciated
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This thread is for all X members who want to come back. No matter what reason you left of were kicked out. You can come to this thread and state your reason on why you left and why we should consider you coming home. YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD "I TOLD YOU SO" OR MADE FUN OF AT ALL IN THIS THREAD! ANYONE WHO DOES SO WILL BE REMOVED! I don't always get messages or have people come to me to sit down with the Council so you can just post in here that you would like to talk and I will send you a FR to sit and discuss your return or not. Basically this is an open door to come and talk with me and or the Council. There is not any guarantee that you will be let back. Our rule is what it is. However some people left due to not knowing the real truth and might have been misled and would like a second chance. Well here it is. Don’t waste my time. If you are a racist or cheater the answer is without a doubt NO. But if like I said you were told something that was or is not true and would like to come home I am always willing to hear our members or X members. The grass is not always greener and people do lie to hurt others.

Like I said there is no guarantee, but you will be heard and have a chance to tell your side.

Game on!
Hi, I was in Xiled about a year ago. I was under XGC Whacko as my General and was removed for drama and dating another member I believe. My name was XGC Hyperion991 and I understand my mistakes and would like a second chance here.

I know, I put a GwG a week after I was removed .
GoW-ECHO founding member (2011). Had to take an extended break due to health reasons (cancer sucks). Handed responsibilities over to my Capt (XGC HolyNathan). My original tag was XGC Verona. Also I have no clue what I am doing, so much has changed.
Pandora’s Box of gaming community

As a former Captain of a gaming community there are a lot of flaws, these topics are just somethings that I have noticed as my time in the community. This is a bias look without my personal experience that made me think twice and leave the community. There are two types of gaming communities the competition type and the social type, the community I was in is more social since none are pro gamer level.

The social clans fatal flaw is rank,they take ranks seriously, and seem to crave the structure. They push rank structure as one of the main components trying to convince members that there are people over them and can get in trouble for breaking a social non binding contract called a code of conduct.

A general is in charge of the clan and the captain is suppose to run the squad but is often left out when discussing issues with higher leaders, making a captain useless. The basic thing that all gaming communities need to learn is to forget rank and just bring people together to game or paid them and add rank structure, like the old saying goes you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

A code of conduct is a good concept to cut down on drama agreeing to not using racists slang,hacks, or mods. There is a downside to this because you are telling adults what they can and cannot do with games they paid for. For this to work members would need to be paid by the community to be a member. Social communities also push weekly meetings.

Meetings should be held to bring others together to play games, not discuss pointless nonsense. People who join want to make lifetime friendships and some seek to date.These are the type of gamers who don’t like solitude, and reach out to clans to find a family. While there is nothing wrong with this for some, it poses many risks Social clans thrive on drama. Breakups, fights, and jealousy are just the beginning. This is found even more commonly in clans with forums and websites.

The website “social clan” much like the community I was part of, has forums and it can be a good and bad thing. They give others a chance to post ideas about clan nights not so much as in venting, when it comes to venting leadership in this community really doesn’t care although they say they care. The administrators of the website/forums needs to work silently, giving the warnings when necessary, but avoiding the discipline at all costs. Disciplining a member for clan bullshit too harshly and they’ll leave. Once they begin to realize that they are not paid to be a member and the codes are as worthless as used toilet paper, leader will begin to lose the respect from members and losing members. This is why gaming clans always fail. That and poor leaders acting like they are something special when they’re not.

when it comes to leadership this is a downfall by telling non paid adults that you have to answer to a “boss”. A great way to keep leaders humble and active is for the clan and square to caste votes every six months to keep them as a leader or replace them.