I would like a sig that says Walking Amoungst the Gods on it.
Fr the actual sig I would like for it to be kind of a bright happy maybe top of the clouds look.
If you can add in a few "Gods" or maybe a temple.
Some thing "Godly" you know?
Okay can you try taking these pictures or something of the sort.
Try having the eclipse up front and the goddess in the background . Kinda make it transparent.
Walking Amoungst the Gods in the left upper third.( capitalized like I have it here)
And "May our blessings be in your favor" in the bottom right third.
Alright I'll get working on it. but please if you'd like something as specific as this please specify in the first post so I'm not wasting my time. Don't mean to be sounding rude or anything but it saves me sometime.