Assigned Researcher Guideline
This is a guideline for assigned researchers for the "Grass wasn't Greener" forum.
As an Assigned Application Researcher, you are required to check the "Grass wasn't Greener" forum on a regular basis. Do not take on more than three applications at a time. Once you change the status of an application to "Application is Verified", you can then take on another. The entire researching / verification process should be done strictly through the Xiled Gaming website.
In the application that you're researching, make a reply to it letting them and the other researchers know that you're looking into this specific application. After you make your post in the application, you would then need to change thread prefix for the user's application from "(No Prefix)" to "Application Pending". To do this, click on "Administrative" while viewing the thread, click "Edit Thread", "Proceed", click the drop down menu for "Prefix", change it, then click "Save Changes" towards the bottom right.
Read over the application completely. If you notice any basic information that is missing (user not listing previous leaders, previous clan, previous rank, etc...) make a reply to the application letting the user know what they're missing in their story.
If you find out that the user has left within the 90 day period, make a reply to the user's application stating that it's being denied due to the fact that the user hasn't been out of Xiled Gaming for 90 days yet. Let them know when they're eligible to return as well. After you make your post in the application, you would then need to change the thread prefix for the user's application from "Application Pending" to "Denied: 90 Day Minimum". To do this, click on "Administrative" while viewing the thread, click "Edit Thread", "Proceed", click the drop down menu for "Prefix", change it, then click "Save Changes" towards the bottom right.
Look at the user's join date and see if they have made a new account on the Xiled Gaming website to post their application (you will be able to notice this easily if the user's join date is either the same or near the same as the post date of the application). If they did make a new account, try and find their old one. There are many ways to find user's previous accounts on Xiled Gaming. A few different ways are listed below.
You can ask the user for their previous usernames / gamertags to help you find it, but depending on how long it's been since the user has been a member of Xiled Gaming, they may or may not remember exactly, therefore you would then need to conduct an in depth research to find it.
One way you can try and find their old account is to do a partial username search. To do this, log into the Administrator Control Panel, open the "Users" tab off to the left and then click on "Search for Users". For example, If the new username is "KoG FaceUp XD" and you want to try and find other accounts with the username "FaceUp" in it, just type in "FaceUp" in the "User Name text box and then press the "Enter" key on your keyboard instead of pressing the "Exact Match" button on the screen. You would then notice two accounts on the website, one "KoG FaceUp XD" and the other, "xXFaceUp". This is how you would search for partial usernames.
Another way would be to search for the date of birth to find all accounts registered with the same birthday. This will help you narrow your search down as long as the user had never inputted any incorrect information.
To do this, you would need to log into the Administrator Control Panel, open the "Users" tab off to the left and then click on "Search for Users". Once you're there, search for the members new account that they just recently registered with, look at their date of birth. For example, if it says "September 7, 1991", then you would click on "Search for Users" again off to the left under "Users", scroll down until you see, "Birthday is After" & "Birthday is Before". In the "Birthday is After" text box, you would type in "1991-09-06" and in the "Birthday is Before" text box, you would type in "1991-09-08". This will pull up all accounts that are registered on the Xiled Gaming website with the same date of birth.
You would then narrow your searches down by viewing the accounts and determining which are most similar by looking at other similar information that has been inputted on the user's Xiled Gaming account. A few examples would be, similar email addresses, location, etc...
Once you know that you've found the user's original Xiled Gaming account, you would then need to research it thoroughly. When you're viewing it in the Administrator Control Panel, click on "View Change History" (directly above the username). Once you're there, you'll be able to see what usergroups they were in previously. Keep in mind that some of the usergroups were renamed in late December 2013 so the names of previous usergroups may not be listed correctly. For example, it may say, "XILED INSTRUCTOR" instead of saying, "KoG CRUSADE". Also, if a usergroup was previously deleted, it will just show a dash (-) in the user's change history, but will still show the dates that changes were made (leaving / being removed from the usergroup, etc..).
If they were previously banned, you will be able to see when it occurred and how long it was for in the "View Change History" area as well (It will be listed under the "Primary Usergroup" section"). If the account is currently not banned, you will not be able to view the ban reason, but if it is, you will be able to see the ban reason by scrolling down when you're viewing the user's profile in the Administrator Control Panel. It will be listed right below all of the usergroups on the right side of the page.
If you're able to find dates in the user's change history when the user was removed from their usergroup, you can then look in the "Help Desk" under the "Request For Clan Member Removed from Usergroup" forum. If the user was previously a General, you'd need to look in the "Completed Forum Request New, Update, or Delete Clan" forum. Search that forum until you're able to find the exact request when the member was removed from the usergroup. Then look to see what the previous leader listed for the removal of the user. If there was detail listed in the Help Desk request, make sure that the detail matches the user's story in the "Grass Wasn't Greener" forum.
You'll need to glance at the user's profile and view any recent threads / posts that were created by the user as well as any visitor message conversations that they may have left on other member's profiles. The purpose of this is to see if the user had left any inappropriate content on the Xiled Gaming website on their departure of Xiled Gaming.
You must look on the DNR (Do Not Recruit) List that is located in the "Weekly Updates" forum. If the user is listed on there, then you'd need to look through the "DNR Reasons Archive" thread which is also located in the "Do Not Recruit List" forum and find why the user was added to the DNR List in the first place.
In every application, the user must list who his previous leaders were. Once you do your research on the website, send the General and or Section Leader a Private Message on the Xiled Gaming website. Let them know that you're researching this specific application in the "Grass wasn't Greener" forum and that the user was under them at one point in time. Include a link to the user's "Grass wasn't Greener" application and ask them if they think that the user's application is accurate. If it's not, have them list the things that they believe are missing in the user's application via Private Message to you on the Xiled Gaming website.
Any major information that you find about the user on the application that you're researching must be included in the user's "Grass wasn't Greener" application. Once you've conducted your research, if there is any information missing from the application, reply to the "Grass wasn't Greener" application letting the user know about what you found out that needs to be included in their story. If you have a question for the user while you're researching their application, you can reply to their application at any time. Make sure to let the user know that they have a limited amount of time (up to 2 weeks) to edit their story and make the requested changes or their application will be denied as being incomplete.
It's advised to use the "Reply with Quote" button on the bottom right of the user's most recent post in their application this way it sends them a Private Message letting them know that they've been quoted so that they may check their application quicker knowing that the status may have been changed.
If you've given the user an extended period of time to update their story (up to 2 weeks), you can then make a reply to their application letting them know that their application is being denied for being incomplete and that if they wish to re-apply later, they need to create an entirely new application. After you make your post in the application, you would then need to change thread prefix for the user's application from "Application Pending" to "Denied: Incomplete". To do this, click on "Administrative" while viewing the thread, click "Edit Thread", "Proceed", click the drop down menu for "Prefix", change it, then click "Save Changes" towards the bottom right.
If you have done your research on the user completely and come to the conclusion that the user's story is 100% accurate, you would then make a post in the application stating that it has been verified and that it's awaiting Division Leader approval to complete the application process. After you make your post in the application, you would then need to change thread prefix for the user's application from "Application Pending" to "Application Verified". To do this, click on "Administrative" while viewing the thread, click "Edit Thread", then "Proceed", click the drop down menu for "Prefix", change it, then click "Save Changes" towards the bottom right.
Once the application is verified, it's up to the Division Leaders to make the final decision whether or not the application will be approved or denied.