Intermediate Training Course
Intermediate Training Course
The information within this course is intended to compliment the knowledge acquired from the Basic Training Course. It was created to expand on basic knowledge. This is an intermediate course, so prior knowledge is essential.
We will be discussing several topics within this class, starting with a quiz of your basic knowledge.
A) Quiz
1. What are the core values of XGC?
-Honor, courage, commitment.
2. What do the core values essentially mean?
- Honor: Be honest and truthful in our dealings with peers, superiors and subordinates.
- Courage: Have the courage to make decisions in the best interest of the XG community.
-Commitment: Be committed to positive change and constant improvement for yourself and the XG community.
3. What are the qualities of an XGC gamer?
- Sportsmanship, respect, fairplay.
4. What are the 5 divisions of XG?
5. Name the ranks in the rank structure.
-Recruit, private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, general, section leader, division leader, community leader, council.
6. What is the key to success?
- Communication.
7. Why is communication essential?
8. What are the violations of the honor code?
B) Website Knowledge
1. Help Desk
The Help Desk is where you go to for answers to commonly asked questions, to request a login name change, to report a forum problem, and to request a game forum in the Game Boards section, among other things. To access the Help Desk, simply login to the home page, find the index tab, and scroll down to “Help Desk”.
2. Checking the User Group
As a member of your clan’s user group, you have access to a list of all the members in your clan. The clan user group should be kept accurate and up to date. The general and section leader have the ability to accept user group requests and to remove members who are no longer in the clan. Checking the user group is important when promoting members because it is an easy way to access their username and check their clan activity. It is also an invaluable tool for lieutenants and captains to make sure members have updated their username when an XGC gamer tag is approved.
To check your clan’s user group, login and go to the home page. From there, click “Join a Clan” in the upper right hand corner beside the search bar. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and the user group you are currently in will be listed. You will see where it says “list members”. Click the “list members” link and the user group list will appear.
3. Forum Jumping
For every forum you view, there is a scroll down tab at the bottom of the forum page that says “forum jump”. Forum jumping is an easy way to view other forums without navigating back to the home page and performing a manual search.
4. Posting in the Forums
Posting in the forums is a great way to keep up with current events and get to know other members within your clan and community. The number of posts you have is tallied and you get an emblem on your profile to show you post rank. The number of posts you have is a good indicator of your overall activity and generally correlates to your knowledge of navigating the website. The more you use the website, the easier it is to navigate. Once a member reaches 50 posts, they can request a custom signature from the design division.
If you take 5 minutes out of your day when you check your Facebook and email to post a few times each day, your posts will quickly rack up.
5. Tips for Easy Access
Bookmarking your clan’s forum is an easy way to access your clan’s page in one click of the mouse. You can also subscribe to threads you have posted in or created. To subscribe to a thread, scroll to the top of the thread. There will be a tab on the right that says “thread tools”. Click it and scroll down to subscribe. You can elect to receive an email notification when a member has responded to your post.
C) Recruiting
There are several ways to recruit new members into the community. These are a few tools that you can utilize to make recruiting easier.
1. Mass Messages
When you play online, Xbox keeps a list of the player you recently played with. After playing a few matches, you can send a mass message to those gamers. Here is a simple format for sending a mass message:
IN TEXT: “XGC is looking for new recruits. We are a legit online community with over 50,000 members.”
IN VOICE: “Hi, I’m a member of XGC. Xiled Gaming Community. We are a legit online community with over 50,000 members. Right now we are recruiting, so if you are interested, send me a party invite or message. Thank you.”
Sending mass messages allows you to contact everyone you have gamed with, including gamers on the other team.
2. Follow Up!
The most important step in the recruitment process is to follow up with your recruits. Make sure you are gaming with them and introducing them to the members of your clan. New recruits must be voted on by the clan before they become a member in the community. Make sure you are gaming with new recruits to make sure they are a quality gamer.
Make sure you are keeping new recruits involved and informed so their time in XGC is a positive experience.
3. Referrals
Every new recruit has the potential to bring in quality members from their friends list. A new recruit’s friends list is an untapped resource of new gamers you may have not met. Once a recruit becomes a private, ask them about gamers on their friends list. They may have some good, quality gamers on their friends list.
D) Communication
Communication is the key to success. This cannot be emphasized enough! Good communication makes happier members and in turn, leads to successful clans.
1. Ways to Maintain Contact
-Game with your fellow members!
-Keep everyone involved by sending mass messages to the clan.
-Attend meetings!
-Follow up with new recruits.
-Utilize the website.
-Communicate with your leaders. We cannot fix a problem if you do not let us know there is one.
E) Quiz
1. How do you access the Help Desk?
2. How do you forum jump?
3. How do you view the members in your user group?
4. Why is posting in the forums important?
5. What is the key to success?
6. Why is communication important?
7. What are a few ways to maintain contact? Explain.
Created By: XGC DresdenDoLL