I thought I remember having this at one point, not sure, but if so I say we Bring this back it seems like it would be fun, it might be hard to keep up with but I say we make a Mod or 2 in charge of it and then have Generals, XS's, and maybe XD's send PM's saying who they think should be the XGMOTM and a reason why, and the most important part I wanna get at is to give the award to people who make XG what it is, some everyday XG member's and leaders who make XG what it is, and do there job efficiently and such. And maybe we could make a special user group banner for people who have won this award so that they can be recognized and feel a sense of pride for winning the accomplishment, and maybe the News team could interview them for a XGMOTM story this would be really cool if you ask me, and it could also probably get people to try a lot harder within XG (Not like they don't already) Just throwing this idea out there hopefully We can gain support for this and bring XGMOTM Here. If any of the Leaders like this idea shoot me up a PM or on XBL Party Inv, and tell me what you think or additional details you might wanna know about.
Thanks r your time,
Thanks r your time,