^ doesnt know what he is talking about
< loves bunnys and mamahouse needs to change is bunny thing in his sig to something a little more appropriate
V needs to add my antibunny thing to there sig
^ Smells like rotten turds on a hot summers day
< Is D4MN awesome for being neither King nor Mamashouse
V likes to rub vaseline on midgets to see how far they'll fit inside his...
^^ thinks that by telling people I love men, that people won't notice his own g4y tendencies
<< knows many of kings secrets
VV probably mamashouse, being a brown-noser and sticking up for king lol
^ Guessing you're on a reg. xbox? no way you can afford a 360 with no JOB
< Actually has two jobs, and has to take this ****ty summer online class, damn literature
V Wants to be like Sinister so all the chicks will like him.