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Its been awhile

Dex Victor101

Forum Noob
Mar 12, 2018
A perpetual prison of my own design~
So has everything kinda moved over to discord?
I actually was slowly moving away from xgc a couple years ago...It genuinely was a depressing time and i couldn't get on...luckily for me ..my entire clan died...And i slipped through the cracks of not being ""removed"" for being inactive... the total time i spent away consecutively was probably somewhere between 2 to 5 months...

I got on the discord...Contacted any higher ups i could...looked for those i knew and those who may or may not have remembered me and figured a gameplan after discussing it with peeps...

So yes..most immediate and affective way currently ...as far as i can see..Is discord <3 also sorry about such a late response...been busy


SYN Devil's Advocates
Jun 3, 2019
There's always a home for those that are looking for one. It just takes opening the door and looking. If you are wanting to get involved again can hook you up with an XD to find a home that will fit you.