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XGC Jacen Solo

Forum Star
Apr 14, 2007
Richmond, VA
Everything that Arb has said was for a very good reason. We had issues with just these sort of things that he describes in-game, and decided to write these up afterwards. Kramer and Arb, I think you guys might just be arguing semantics at this point. There is alway a limit to how much whining is allowed. I know I do it all the time, but I try to keep it informative as well. We had an instance with one guy not so much whining as he was *****ing throughout the whole game, which is why we came up with that rule.

As far as the rule about trying plans (#4), this is basically saying that we need to learn how to break setups. If we are getting demolished on a map (by demolished I mean down by more than 10), we need to recognize what the other team is doing, and how we are going to stop them. This is something that should be running through players minds at all times. We must constantly think about what the other team is trying, and how we will stop it, on top of trying to implement our setup. I do believe it would be easy to formulate quick plans to break a setup. For example: We are playing Ball on Gaurdian, and we just can't seem to break through on the other team. They have the ball in Blue Window, a guy Top Gold, Blue Door, and Camo. A couple of people have tried lifting to Camo, or going to Blue Door, and have been met with some serious Team BR. So, real quick, we all decide to gather in bottom Forest, where they can't see us. Once everyone has spawned, we send one guy top Stump, two guys lifting, and one underneath to go through under blue and up the ramp. If you know your teams strengths and weaknesses, you can call out real quick how you want it done. "All right, when we all spawn, wait in Jungle. Apollo and Jacen, you 2 lift to Camo. Arb, you take top stump, and Kramer, you go underneath to Blue." Boom, 5 seconds are gone, and you know what you're gonna do. Now, this may be a horrible example as far as how you would actually break that setup, but I think you guys get my point.

To Bill: Yes, these are some guidelines, , as noted by the title, "Some quick Guidelines to follow in general". They by no means cover everything that should go on during a game, but just serve as a reminder to those who might have forgotten. In games these should come as second nature. They are pretty much common sense, and everyone should already be following them. Like I said before, we just happened to have an issue where we thought it necessary to post these. All right, I think I'm done preaching for now :)
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XGC Jacen Solo

Forum Star
Apr 14, 2007
Richmond, VA

Didn't make the team? Look here for help!

So you tried out for the XGC Halo 3 Elites, but didn't quite make it. Now what? Well, you could keep trying out again and again by yourself, or you could come here and look for people to practice with. I will be starting a list of people who have not made the team that you can browse and pull people's names off of to play with. Just be sure that you guys practice on the actual MLG Version 4 gametypes and maps, which you can download here http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=MLG%20Gametypes
Learn the maps, the weapon spawns, and the timers for weapons and powerups. If you have any questions or just want to practice with us, feel free to send us a message or invite in-game.
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BCR ZeroCool

Forum Member
Jan 25, 2007
it is what it is Sonny J, everyone in elites including myself need to step up and make a play! thats what we are all about,"making plays and having fun"

SYN Southpaw

Forum Veteran
Dec 10, 2006
Deep in the Adirondacks

XGE Adopt-A-Noob

Idea taken from MLGpro.com


I've recently noticed that there are a large number of people trying out for the Elites and not making the cut. Many of them weren't entirely serious about getting into the Elites in the first place, and that's fine. But there are people that are serious about getting better and about getting into the Elites. I believe that it's our duty to help them do that. To that end, I've created this thread.

Anyone that wants to learn how to play the game, or get an introduction to the competitive community, add me or one of the people on the list. Anyone would be more then happy to help you. They might teach you how to improve your BR/strafe, how to create/hold setups, proper use of communication, team concept, ect. They might only give you a chance to get into a party with better players so that you can see how you stack up. Whatever they can do to help.

We need a list of people that are looking for instruction, and a list of people willing to give it. Post here or PM me if you're interested. Make sure you include your gamertag and whether you're teaching or being taught.


SYN Southpaw
Xx Mr Bill xX

XGC Firefight (SYN Southpaw)
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SYN Cheddarbob

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 15, 2006
Boston, MA

KoG COD4 Elites

I've been wondering, why isn't there a KoG Call of Duty 4 elites team yet? Is it because no one is stepping up to be captain and organioze it? Because I'm actually wondering if I could do it, is there someone I need to talk to if I want to set a team up?

BCR ZeroCool

Forum Member
Jan 25, 2007
heres an idea...run through the strat your going to run for that game before the game or at practice and then everyone's on the same page...if everyone knows their responsibility and they are capable players then its a good start. BOTTOM LINE: Creating good strategys and preparing can only go so far, what it really comes down to is your communication weather it be efficent or informative with emotion in it and the individual talent of each player, if everyone can make plays on their own then as team with good communcation and team work your going to be a hard team to beat!

i like this thread btw!

XGC Jacen Solo

Forum Star
Apr 14, 2007
Richmond, VA
Yeah I did sorta, with the past tryoutees thread, but I'm thinking Southpaw's taking it in a slightly different direction. I hope to find out what that direction might be someday. Also, I do not know if non-elites can view this section of the forums, since it's further within then where I put mine. I'm going to make another account and try it out.

XGC Kramer

Forum Junkie
Mar 5, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I feel elaborate plans are best devised when you're going back and looking at old games. Anytime we have a game we struggle or lose on, it'll be a good habit to go back and try to look at the bad things we tried, and the good things we tried. Rather than creating plans on the fly, experimenting as individuals will help us build different perspectives. I think that's more useful for us in the long run.

BCR ZeroCool

Forum Member
Jan 25, 2007
oh don't be so negative kramer...of course these rankings are not exact and they are just for fun! if its really becoming a problem for everyone then please just post that it is and when i see a few people then i will delete the thread, sound fair?

XGC Kramer

Forum Junkie
Mar 5, 2007
Sacramento, CA
If XGC Apollo posted it or XGC Redneck played with us and was doing this, i wouldn't be complaining as much~
But with you doing it, despite you meaning it as unofficial and for kicks, i feel it'll cause more harm than good. Especially since other XS and XD will give some credit to the list, cuz they're silly like that sometimes.
I vote it deleted.