how can you say it was his time? he killed himself. He said that the whole role of the joker was putting him into a depressed state being all psychotic all the time so thats prolly why. But i will not feel bad, actors and celebs always make their lives seem soooo hard, pssssh bs if you ask me, if you dont want to act anymore just buy a mansion with your millions of dollars in which you have and quit acting peace of cake. I hate that ppl make celebs such a big deal when they are gone....especially when they kill themselves, ppl die everyday and they do not receive any recognition, ppl kill themselves everyday, these ppl are no different than ledger and i think it is absurd that he is receiving so much publicity for a cowardly way to leave this earth, he disgraced himself...he should have gotten help.
first... im not just addressing you prestige. i just quoted you first.
wow guys, lets remember for a second that he was a person, with a family. he had a 2 year old daughter and had a lot of things to look forward to. i do not condone suicide, but i dont think its our place to say that we know what happened. autopsies can only do so much. who are we to say that he did or did not kill himself. if you have ever been in that place in your life when things are making you extremely depressed, then yes, you should get help. but it is always easier said than done. and im sure that the people who die "everyday" do get recognition. they get it from where it matters most, their families. so instead of talking about him in such a negative light, making him out to be a coward, just leave it alone.
he was a very talented actor, and a great father. let that be his legacy and stop all this talk about cowardice and negativity.