My gamertag is xKINGxSL1CKx and I play minecraft all the time during the week so add me if you would like to play and I do have a mic so we can party chat. Thanks and good day.
Like what me and Zero do, and I know some people do when they don't have a bunch of money to buy all the other stuff is, I will have my Twitch app open on my phone so I can follow chat and answer questions. Just easier for me because I don't like the little screen invading my xbox one gameplay if that makes sense.
if we had a big streamer who was parntered (or maybe someone can convince twitch to let us make a team) we could have a team of all of us together so that way we could look that up and see all the people streaming from here
just a thought
I was thinking of that too. But more like making an XS twitch channel and or someone hosting everyone that in XG. I mention it to my XS and she said that I need to get more information about it.
yea make a channel and have it host people would be smart but who would run it and if more then one person is streaming who do they host the person with the most viewers?