To even read this makes me want to kick rocks at some people!
I myself was a KSI member that followed XG when they where about 6 months old. Been with XG for many years and respect them to the up-most! People just don't understand how it is to truly run a very good gaming community.
I myself will back up the XG leaders, why? do you ask. Its simple, i myself have also had no issue getting in the room or chats with any of the council leaders.
I myself was a KSI member that followed XG when they where about 6 months old. Been with XG for many years and respect them to the up-most! People just don't understand how it is to truly run a very good gaming community.
I myself will back up the XG leaders, why? do you ask. Its simple, i myself have also had no issue getting in the room or chats with any of the council leaders.