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Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shart


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to

(changed shart to shark. shart is not a word lol)

Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour

(hey if Sara Palin can make up word's why not me lol)


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all

(cause i said so. ;) lol)

Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's

(lol :) )

KoG Concussed

Apr 4, 2010
a house in Canada
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks.

(yes socks)


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder

(ha. lol)

Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying


Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying jedi


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys

KoG Concussed

Apr 4, 2010
a house in Canada
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who


Aug 18, 2010
Washington Township, nj
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate

Snyder GFX

Carpel Tunnel
Aug 14, 2010
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that

KoG Concussed

Apr 4, 2010
a house in Canada
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that caused


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that caused them


Forum Rookie
Sep 16, 2008
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that caused them to


Get A Life!
Jun 17, 2010
New York
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that caused them to jump

XGC Taolan

Forum Tourist
Oct 10, 2010
Somewhere over the rainbow...
Once, in a little hut, lived eight terrorist's playing limbo. When alien's suddenly levitated the magical turtles, and began to bring havoc upon them. Our Gorilla named Stud Bunson decided spontaneously to go save money to buy Clown Shoes which make magical bunnies. The pizza of Nazareth traveled in unison with the flying monkeys naked with xLord Raigenx but they erupted tiny little butt monkeys! What mystery will take the city by storm. The flying monkeys put flaming hats in the swirling vortex of DOOM! Then O.J. Simpson chainsawed sixty-five XG Designer's hats, sadly the terrorists found hepatitis inside of their twinkie's. So Freud took his giant BANANA sundae and ate a donkey. Chuck Norris stole five buckets of chicken heads and ate some disfigured chicken gizzards. However, he choked on the toothpaste flavored gum, and attacked a small pig. While he was choking on the pig, Barbra Streisand went and saved the flaming building from the horrible Sean Connery dressed in pink. Then Chuck Norris punched a giant chicken that smelled like old people. Suddenly, farting caused a mass taco shark to devour all RaveMaster's socks. Snyder Rules annoying Jedi monkeys who ate kebab's that caused them to jump over