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Forum Star
Dec 26, 2012
Ridgecrest, CA
Ok so I'm not sure who all have actually looked into this amazing upcoming game named "Defiance" but I strongly suggest you look into this. I have had the pleasure of beta testing this game for the entire beta test time 03/22/2013 - 03/27/2013. It ended 8am sadly and left me wanting for more. This MMORPG TPS has won my heart and has brought the thought in my head to trade CoD: Black Ops 2 only to quickly have that shot down due to needing it for meetings.

Now for the reason for this thread is to start a Xiled Gaming clan for Defiance. Now in the beta your clan list was maxed at 50 people (Side Note: yes the clan system, friend system and even Area, Group, Clan and PvP team chat is identical to WoW) it has been said that the clan list will be unlimited tho which is why I want to start a Xiled Gaming clan in Defiance for EVERYONE. Not just KoG, XGC, SYN and XDC since their isn't a clan limit everyone should be together to become the most influential clan in this game.

If you haven't checked this game out yet I strongly suggest it. Like I stated earlier this is a MMORPG Third Person Shooter. It's open world and its easily twice the size of skyrim with extreme ease and just like WoW its a literal MMO you can see everyone. It's not just you alone in your open world paradise and the combat system is a upgraded more fast paced and super intense Mass Effect 3 style. And a loot system and shield/armor system like borderlands 2 but with the ability to hop on your ATV or Truck and run over enemies or race to the next Arkfall (Arkfalls are open world events where everyone in your region server go to the respected marked spot on the map and fight off the massive waves of enemies and sometimes defeat a 60ft tall monster boss).

In short tho. This game is nothing but amazing and has insane amount of play value. Did I forget to mention that they have 4man dungeons that we got to beta test? No word on raids yet but being Trion Worlds (makers of RIFT) made this game raids are very probable.

Now like I said earlier I want to start a clan in Defiance named Xiled Gaming. But if everyone is not on board for this is absolutely pointless for me to waste my time and in game cash doing so. So EVERYONE needs to be on board all divisions in Xiled Gaming (KoG, XDC, XGC, SYN) will be in the clan <Xiled Gaming> for Defiance so everyone getting Defiance needs to be willing to do this or it will fail people will get left behind in the game and also makes me look like an ***.

On that note please give me your questions, comments and concerns below.


For those of you who haven't seen defiance game play here is a video of it put up by MMORPG.com, enjoy!

Defiance Gameplay (YouTube Video)
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KoG ThirdEye

Nov 23, 2008
440 Ohio
I know you explained this game to me in the party but your essay is pretty convincing
and that is to someone like me with no MMORPG experience want to buy this game.
I really am going to look into this game now and I think some other people should start to as well..
Your idea is for the "Xiled Gaming" clan in Defiance is not only good because there is unlimited members for the clan system but because..

1. It sounds fun and I can see a lot of people on console getting into it.
2. No coast MMO (What isn't to love about that?)
3. With a clan system in place and it being "Xiled Gaming" (Like you suggested over SYN, KoG, XGC)
it would be an amazing idea because it could truly show off some of our numbers as a community
and could be a marvelous recruiting tool. If we start from the day it drops and get the clan system put in place early (When Unlocked) We could be one of the bigger defiance clans from the start.. Even if just some of our XG members get it at first, we still have enough people for a solid starting base on the clan system, and we could grow our "Xiled Gaming" on there and be big right off the bat, and use it as a solid recruiting tool once we have everything in place and have the game figured out. So that means people will be interested in joining! (Always a plus!)
4. The game seems to have a lot to do, and what you said tremendous replay value..

There's my essay, I think it could be huge for our community and it just sounds like a really fun game..

Lady Valor 7711

Forum Veteran
Nov 1, 2012
I have heard alot about this game and just need to see some sort of gameplay before I jump all in. I am crazy picky on shooters, but am in love with MMO's and RPGs alike. So i mean if I decide to get the game, count me in. I think it's an awesome idea and will help mingle with other people from other clans in the community.

XGC Wrought

Forum Tourist
Feb 25, 2013
Noeth Carolina
im in Bad Co ill have to let my Cpt know but i plan on buying it tuesday as well, and if it as good as i think its going to be ill have to make a transition over to a squad in defiance. Is there going to be an XGC Squad on day one, if so who do i need to go to etc...


Forum Star
Dec 26, 2012
Ridgecrest, CA
I'm not limiting this to a squad this is for the entire Xiled Gaming Community. For everyone in KoG, XGC, SYN and XDC to join as one in Defiance their is no need to switch or transfer anyone anywhere it's just for the clan inside of Defiance to display our numbers, team work and also to attract others to be interested and possibly join Xiled Gaming, their age and what they would like to do would dictate which clan they join. But since Defiance is a MMORPG splitting in separate clans like we are now (EX. SYN Shockwave, SYN Rapture so on and so forth) in a MMO you want sheer numbers so everyone coming together under one name is what we want to best represent ourselves and I suggest you all post a link to this in your respective clan forums. Thank you!!

XGC Scotty

Jan 6, 2013
In a MMO you want sheer numbers so everyone coming together under one name is what we want to best represent ourselves

Shade Is correct numbers on games like this is your main concern with the Open world feature you can group up with lots of people at once even if it is separate Groups. Seeing this I think it might be best if we made the Clan XiledGaming.com that way we can also sponsor our website while in the game

I know that some people from XILEDGAMINGoCOM clan are also looking into it I have been chatting with them quite a bit and I know some KoG people will be picking it up. I love the game play for this and I normally hate 3rd person shooters but if you are a fan of any of the following games you will like Defiance: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Dead Space, Skyrim, Borderlands, Star Wars The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Rift and Fall Out. The game has so many aspects that people enjoy from all of these games. It's really is amazing how they put all of it together. Definitely one of the most underrated games out there right now.


May 31, 2009
I like the idea of making the official XG Defiance clan something along the lines of XILEDGAMINGoCOM, simply because, anything that helps to showcase our site, is a HUGE plus. If people see it in-game and get curious, its the logical place they'll check. When we want to get folks registered, it does 1/2 the work for us.

Overall, dont care what name we're under, as long as we all get to mob this together. This games a blast