3rd XG Rainbow Six: Siege Tournament
Welcome to Xiled Gaming's TC: Rainbow Six: Siege Tournament. The official tournament rules and game settings can be found below. If you have any questions, please direct them to SYN Retro XS, KoG EXILE XD, XGC xTFLEMx XI or XGC Traitor XC via Xbox Live. Good luck to all teams, and happy gaming!
This tournament will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 8:00 PM Eastern. Registrations will CLOSE once we reach 16 teams. Registration will consists of teams of 5. The "Team Leader" will sign-up his/her entire team. You can have up to two reserves to ensure that you will have a full team the day of. You cannot rotate subs throughout the tournament. The first 5 that show up and play that's the team.
There will be spots for reserve teams to sign up for no shows.
The matches will be broadcasted on Twitch on the following channel:
The Rules:
1. The higher seeded team (closest to the top of the bracket) is the host of match.
2. The lower seeded team (closest to the bottom of the bracket) picks which team to play as.
3. Teams have 15 minutes from the initial start time (as indicated on the below/bracket) to show up for their scheduled match unless otherwise indicated by a tournament official.
4. Teams can play a match one man down meaning 5v4, nothing less.
5. In order to receive a "No Show" victory, a tournament official must be contacted.
6. All scores must be reported to a tournament official.
7. All players must be members of Xiled Gaming.
8. All Characters in the game are allowed, none are banned.
9. If a player disconnects during the match, Do NOT end the game. That player may be re-invited back.
10.Spawn kills are allowed.
11. Any "glitches" of the game will be considered part of the game. Do not end the game.
12.We are a professional community and this tournament is for fun. Trash talking or complaining will not be tolerated.
13. Any rule not specified above, will be a judgement call by a tournament official.
Game Settings:
CREATE A PLAYLIST FOR EACH ROUND!!! (Round #1, #2, Semi-Finals & Finals)
Custom Game-> Online -> Create -> Create New Playlist -> Normal Mode -> Playlist Name (Your Choosing)
(All match settings are set to default except for overtime score difference is 2 and Attacker Unique Spawn enabled)
(On defense if you successfully defend a location you cannot defend that spot again until overtime)
Match 1 (Round #1):
Map Selection: Clubhouse
Time of the Day: Night
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Match 1 (Round #2):
Map Selection: Yacht
Time of the Day: night
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: TDM - Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Match 1 (Semi-Finals):
Map Selection: Kafe Dostoyevsky
Time of the Day: Night
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Match 1 (Finals):
Map Selection: Bank
Time of the Day: Day
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: TDM - Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Match 2 (Finals):
Map Selection: Border
Time of the Day: Day
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: TDM - Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Match 3 (Finals):
Map Selection: Oregon
Time of the Day: Night
HUD Settings: Normal
Match Settings: Default
Game Mode: TDM - Bomb
Game Mode Settings: Default
Once your done creating the playlist it's going to take you back to the playlist screen, choose your playlist and "Create as a Player", Server Type would be "Dedicated Server", Data Center would be "eus (64 ms)", Privacy would be "Default", and Voice Chat would be "Open to All".
Tournament Schedule:
Round #1 - Clubhouse at 8:00 PM EST. (Single Elimination)
Round #2 - Yacht at 9:00 PM EST. (Single Elimination)
Semi-Finals - Kafe Dostoevsky at 10:00 PM EST. (Single Elimination)
Finals - Bank, Border, Oregon at 11:00 PM EST. (Best Of Three)
Tournament Officials:
SYN Retro XS
XGC Traitor XC
Winning team will receive $120! Each person will receive $24 in Xbox Microsoft Points! Donations are from KoG Nervo XS and SYN Retro XS.
When posting please put the team Leaders name and the 4 players for a total of 5 players. Also put which country the players are from because this does affect the Microsoft cards.
Team Leader: XGC Grass- Canada
XGC Appleman United States
Flower girl98 United States
XGC Water Canada
XGC NinjaSparky United States
Reserves: XGC Blackhawk- Canada
XGC Green- United States