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2022 General Meeting Notes

Tio Magic Daddy

Jul 3, 2007
Anaheim, CA
Mindset Is Everything!!!!!!

The Events Team would like to thank the community as a whole for a Great Birthday Bash we hosted on 01/08/22! Great way to start the New Year and a wonderful 16th Birthday, as well as the wonderful Trivia Night hosted by XGC COOP XC, XGC MiniMe XD and SYN DESI XD!

Name Changes
Members will not be allowed to change their gamer tag until reaching the rank of Sergeant and receive approval from a Section Leader (XS) or higher.

Xiled Gaming has had clan members from PC and PlayStation for quite a while now. Xbox allows 12 characters in names, PlayStation allows 15 characters per name, but no open spaces. When creating a Gamertag, use underscores to separate your division tag from your Gamertag if you cannot use spaces.

To our knowledge, PC gamers are limited to 20 characters. This goes for Playstation and PC if needed.

User Group
If you are not in the user group, you are basically not a member of the clan. The clan list should reflect the user group exactly the same, spelling and amount of members. Please request membership into your clan if you are not on the list right away! Members that are not in the user group by February 1, 2022, will be dropped from the clan/squad list until they request membership.

Transfers should never be denied, nor should they be held up for any reason. Once a clan member requests a transfer, it should take no more than 72 hours to complete the entire process. The key to getting transfers done is communication. Communicating with the leaders where the clan member wants to go is as easy as sending an Xbox message or a discord message. Not working hard to complete a transfer can cause the clan member to become disgruntled, leading to unnecessary drama.

Captains Classes:
Note: Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captain's class if you are interested in being promoted to General.

  • Captains Class on Tuesday. January 18, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST

    • SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captain's Class on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST. This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will have 10 spots. Members...
  • Captains Class on Friday. January 28, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST

    • SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captain's Class on Friday, January 28, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will have 10 spots. Members...

Generals Class:
Note: General Classes are a requirement for promotion to Section Leader. You must sign up and take both Intro and Advanced General's classes if you are interested in being promoted to Section Leader.

  • Intros to Generals 1/29/22 @8pm est

    • KoG LOTUS XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 8p EST (7p CST, 6p Mountain, 5p PST). It is open to any member holding the CURRENT RANK of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat and or DISCORD PARTY with only 10 spots available...

Community Event Night:
  • The Events Team Presents
    • Among Us Game Night
    • Tuesday 01/25/22 at 10:00 PM EST
    • With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and OkayKaite1
    • Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
  • The Events Team Presents
    • Monopoly Plus Game Night
      Wednesday 02/02/22 at 9:00 PM EST
    • With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi
    • Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
  • The Events Team Presents
    • Among Us Game Night
      Saturday 02/12/22 at 9:00 PM EST
    • With your hosts SYN LEX XS and SYN Sobi
    • Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
  • The Events Team Presents
    • Vanguard Game Night
      Friday 02/18/22 at 9:00 PM EST
    • With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and XGC TripTrip
    • Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!