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  1. SYN Deadly

    Request a clan split

    Name of the Clan to be split: SYN Devil Dogs Name of the General of the clan to be split: SYN Deadly Total members of the clan prior to the split: 26 Proposed Split Clan Name: SYN Family Name of the General of the new clan: SYN OHANA Name of the Captain of the new clan: SYN BOO Name of the...
  2. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    Clan Name: SYN Devil Dogs Rank: Sergeant Current Xbox Live Gamertag: GGBRO WILD Desired Gamertags: 1. SYN Wild 2. SYN Flower 3. SYN Monarch
  3. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    Clan Name: SYN Devil Dogs Rank: Lieutenant Current Xbox Live Gamertag: JayDraco5harp Desired Gamertags: 1. SYN Jay 2. SYN JayODraco 3. SYN Draco5
  4. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    Clan Name: SYN Devil Dogs Rank: Sergeant Current Xbox Live Gamertag: GGBRO Magic Desired Gamertags: 1. SYN Magic 2. SYN Jugs 3. SYN Jugaly
  5. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    Clan Name: SYN Devil Dogs Rank: Captain Current Live Gamertag: OHANA3530 Desired Gamertags: 1. SYN OHANA 2. SYN OHANA3530 3. SYN DaddyBoo
  6. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    Clan Name: SYN Devil Dogs Rank: Sergeant Current Live Gamertag: Pureauzzie Desired Gamertags: 1) SYN Aussie 2) SYN Auz 3) SYN Auzzie
  7. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

    CLAN NAME: SYN Devil Dogs RANK: Sergeant CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG: Hasbulla705 DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 3) 1) SYN GOHAN 2) SYN GOHANN 3) SYN GOHANNN
  8. SYN Deadly

    Gamer Tag request form

  9. SYN Deadly

    Signature Request

    can you attach the image so one can be created for you? Typically we use a 3rd party website or a program to convert the image into a BB code. I use Imgur to upload my images to and copy the BB code that shows up as an option.
  10. SYN Deadly

    KoG New Beginnings Clan Banner

    request is being marked as completed. a design was gifted to this member to use so this post is no longer needed.
  11. SYN Deadly

    KoG New Beginnings Clan Banner

    Hello, I will be picking this up. Unfortunately, clan banners can't be animated. if you have specific ideas, please let me know and I can incorporate that into the design. Otherwise I will send what I can design. :) SYN Deadly
  12. SYN Deadly

    XGC Pantheon

    hello, no problem! i will post this in the pick up thread. :) https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/bpu-xgc-pantheon.100464/
  13. SYN Deadly

    BPU - XGC Pantheon

    Requested by: XGC Smooth Designed by: SYN Deadly Image Image Code:
  14. SYN Deadly

    XGC Pantheon

    This is the idea I have. Let me know if you like it, want some changes done, or would like another design option. :)
  15. SYN Deadly

    XGC Pantheon

    Hello, I will be picking this up. :)
  16. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents a Vanguard Game Night

    this is finished. it is posted in the Pick up area https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-vanguard-april-23rd.100326/
  17. SYN Deadly

    FPU - Vanguard April 23rd

    Requested by: SYN CHELL XS Designed by: SYN Deadly Image: <iframe class="imgur-embed" width="100%" height="405" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> Image code: <iframe class="imgur-embed" width="100%" height="405" frameborder="0" src="https://i.imgur.com/zWC5Jsh.gifv#embed"></iframe>
  18. SYN Deadly

    Clan banner

    no problem. :)
  19. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents a Vanguard Game Night

    Hello, I will pick this up.
  20. SYN Deadly

    Clan banner

    Hello, This has been placed in the banner pick up area, ready for you to grab and post in the help desk. :)