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  1. SYN Deadly


    Your welcome! 😊
  2. SYN Deadly


    Requested by: SYN GOKU XS Designed by: SYN Deadly
  3. SYN Deadly

    Request a XS Forum Banner

    Hello no worries! I'll post it in the pick up area 😊
  4. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents Monopoly Plus Game Night

    I will be picking this up
  5. SYN Deadly

    Request a XS Forum Banner

    Hello, Were any of the designs of interest to you or would you like different designs?
  6. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents BO4 Game Night

    Awesome! I have posted this in the pick up forum. :) https://www.xiledgaming.com/threads/fpu-the-events-team-presents-bo4-game-night.99457/ If you need a copy sent via discord, let me know. :)
  7. SYN Deadly

    FPU - The Events Team Presents BO4 Game Night

    Requested by: SYN CHELL XS Picked up by: SYN Deadly http://i.imgur.com/ZpGmf8h.gifv http://i.imgur.com/ZpGmf8h.gifv
  8. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents BO4 Game Night

    Here is my idea for this. Let me know if there are any changes needed otherwise I will post this in the pick up as the final design. :) http://i.imgur.com/ZpGmf8h.gifv
  9. SYN Deadly

    The Events Team Presents BO4 Game Night

    I'll pick this one up.
  10. SYN Deadly

    Request a XS Forum Banner

    These are the two designs I came up with. Let me know which one you like or if there are changes that you would like done. If you like them as is, I will post this in the Pick up Thread after confirmation. :)
  11. SYN Deadly


    Here is the thread to post final Event Flyers. Format: Requested By Designed By Image Image Code
  12. SYN Deadly

    Request a XS Forum Banner

    I can pick this up.
  13. SYN Deadly


    Want a flyer created for your event? Please use the following format to make a request and a design team member will create one for you as soon as they can! :) FORMAT: Host names: Date: Time: Game hosted on: Any info about event: Theme/Color Scheme for the Flyer: (optional) Size of flyers are...
  14. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

  15. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    ok. ill be on discord later today around 5pm discord is SYN Deadly#9839 send me a message and we can do a quick discord call. :) I appreciate your patience!
  16. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    i apologized that i wasn't able to get it in last weekend. i had family come over to assist with things at the new house
  17. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    Hello, No. I have been busy with moving to a new state for my job. I transferred to a new position. Are you available sometime tomorrow to talk? Just got my pc and xbox set up and connected to the internet today. Sincerely, SYN Deadly
  18. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    Hello, That's good to hear! I am in the middle of moving to a different state so is there time potentially next weekend (11/13-11/15) that you would be available to talk via discord? If discord doesn't work, let me know and we can do over xbox.
  19. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    Hello! Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to proceed with your application. Once you have found a clan, please respond back to this thread with the clan name and rank and we will proceed with communications after that. Sincerely, SYN Deadly
  20. SYN Deadly

    Gonzo Designer App

    Hello! I will be looking into this. Please wait until my next response. Sincerely, SYN Deadly