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  1. K

    Name Change Request

    KoG Nemesis Sgt CountryNell 1 KoG Nelly 2 KoG Nell 3 KoG CNell
  2. K

    Name Change Request

    KoG Nemesis RANK: Sgt CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG:Tangerine DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval 1) KoG Tom 2)KoG Tang 3) KoG Tan
  3. K

    Advance Generals Class. 11-6-21 9pm

    KoG Deso KoG Nemesis KoG Havel XS 5 months
  4. K

    Name Change Request

    KoG Nemesis Sgt RoUndHouSe34 KoG Admani KoG Blaze KoG Inferno
  5. K

    Intro's to Generals - 10/23/21 @9pm Eastern

    Gamer tag: KoG Deso Clan: KoG Nemesis Section Leader: KoG Havel XS Estimated time as General: 4 months
  6. K

    Name Change Request

    Clan Name: KoG Nemesis Rank sgt Current live gamertag: KoG Church Desired gamer tags: 1.KoG Takashi 2.KoG Bang 3.KoG Scrub
  7. K

    Clan split application

    Name of the Clan to be split: KoG Nemsis Name of the General of the clan to be split:KoG Deso Total members of the clan prior to the split:67 Proposed Split Clan Name: KoG Friction Name of the General of the new clan: XGC PRIMTYME Name of the Captain of the new clan:CloudRollin Name of the LT of...
  8. K

    Name Change Request

    CLAN NAME: KoG Nemesis RANK:Sgt CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG:KillerWolf DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 1) KoG Wolf 2)KoG Church 3) KoG Slayer
  9. K

    CAPTAIN'S CLASS Saturday, January 30th @ 8 PM Eastern

    Clan Name:KoG Lookout Captains Gamer Tag:KoG Deso Generals Gamer Tag:KoG Scooter