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  1. KoG Cobra XD

    Clan split application

    GENERALS PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROPER FORMAT BELOW WHEN POSTING UP A CLAN SPLIT PROPOSAL All of the following information needs to be posted by the Section Leaders to assist the Division Leaders in approving the clan split as well as to keep record of it. It is recommend that you just copy and...
  2. KoG Cobra XD

    Congrats to DarkDragonXGC in being promoted to General of XGC Dark Destiny

    Thank you for these kind words. I could not do any of this without an awesome team around me. I am so excited to see what the future brings us
  3. KoG Cobra XD

    Signature Request

    1. Name and additional text to be used for image KoG Turdzz KoG Redemption Captain 2. Theme or your preferred image of the signature military themed with the poop emoji incorporated somewhere you can get creative 3. Color style (Optional) I will leave this up to the designer get creative
  4. KoG Cobra XD

    SYN Promotion: SYN Serenity - SYN Kyzx

    Congrats Alucard
  5. KoG Cobra XD


    Congratulations bud you definitely deserve it
  6. KoG Cobra XD


    Hi I’m looking for people to play BO4 with I’m usually always online my gt is xTurdzz HMU let’s game
  7. KoG Cobra XD


    Me and a buddy have been looking for a clan to join on BO4 any help in this would be appreciated Xbox gt is Twitch iBlanx