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  1. KoG JOE

    The Events team presents Vanguard Game Night

    Flyer ready for pickup 🤘 let me know if you need any edits or anything.
  2. KoG JOE

    FPU - Vanguard Game Night

    Requested by: SYN CHELL XS Picked up by: KoG JOE https://imgur.com/a/XTVQkSH Let me know if you will need any edits 🤘
  3. KoG JOE

    The Events team presents Vanguard Game Night

    I'll be picking this up
  4. KoG JOE

    FPU - February Frenzy

  5. KoG JOE

    Febuary Frenzie Community Game Event

    Ready for pick up 🤘
  6. KoG JOE

    FPU - February Frenzy

  7. KoG JOE

    FPU - February Frenzy

  8. KoG JOE

    Febuary Frenzie Community Game Event

    I'll be taking this one 🤘
  9. KoG JOE


    Sup ya'll, I'm 12 years deep in the Army as a 31B. Currently National Guard, one combat deployment and trying to fight a medical board after losing my leg. Lol.. weird, I seen some of my posts in other military threads from like 9 years ago. Time certainly does fly.
  10. KoG JOE

    Design Team Update Banner Ideas

    https://imgur.com/a/WIA3aUq I honestly kinda dig the ones we have now. But if we want to change em, just touching them up and getting them to current standards so they don't look so pixelated would be good.
  11. KoG JOE

    Syn giggity

    If you go back to the design team main page, right under the "request a signature" link there is a "pickup signature" link where we post all finished projects. Copy the link i posted in your sig pickup so long as you don't have any edits you need and paste it in the signature block of your profile.
  12. KoG JOE

    Syn giggity

  13. KoG JOE


    Requested by: SYN GIGGITY Filled by: XGC JOE https://imgur.com/a/clwRdR6
  14. KoG JOE

    Syn giggity

    I'll be picking this up.
  15. KoG JOE

    The Events Team Presents Among Us Game Night 02/12/22

    Flyer is ready for pick up, let me know if you need any changes made 😎🤘
  16. KoG JOE

    FPU - Among Us Game Night 2/12/22

    Requested By: SYN CHELL XS Designed By: XGC JOE https://imgur.com/a/j1UppVa
  17. KoG JOE

    The Events Team Presents Among Us Game Night 02/12/22

    I will be picking this up 🤘
  18. KoG JOE


    Started gaming with XG in 2012, didn't get recruited in until 2013 tho. Back then GT was Joe Onion. First clan was XGC Force Recon if I remember correctly. Always fun running into people I knew way back then. Like a decade ago, now we're entirely different people.
  19. KoG JOE

    Requested by XGC ZUES XS

    Made by XGC JOE
  20. KoG JOE


    Oh lol I gotcha, I was the same when I got home from kuwait.. NJ in July still wearing sweatshirts lol