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  1. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for NoMrcyBIG 1. XGC NOMRCY-yes Looks good! 2. XGC MERCY-yes Possibly… 3. XGC NoMrcyBIG-no No, too long
  2. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for Ragingdeath95 1. XGC Vex-no Researched and looks okay! 2. XGC Wraith-no Researched and looks like someone in 2019 had the name 3. XGC uWu-yes Researched and looks okay!
  3. XGC Kaite XS

    Ask Boose!

  4. XGC Kaite XS

    Ask Boose!

    Question! Since this forum is still called ask Tyr, that means you’re still tyr, right? 😋
  5. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for OkayKaite1 1) XGC OkKaite1 -yes Obviously the only one that matters 2) XGC Daddy-no A filler. Not changing my name to this. 3) XGC mamisorry- no A filler. Not changing my name to this.
  6. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for- ItsEddieTeddi3 1) XGC Teddie-yes Researched and looks ok! 2)XGC Teddi3- no Researched and looks ok! 3) XGC EddieTeddie-no No, too long.
  7. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for SYN Defeatme 1) XGC Defeatme -approved Yes- already his name in SYN. Just wants to change DIV to XGC 2) XGC SexyBeast -denied No- already an XGC SexyBeast 3) XGC DownBad -approved Researched and looks okay!
  8. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name Change Request for StainsINsB 1) XGC Stains-yes Researched and looks okay 2) XGC Oxy Clean-yes Researched and looks okay 3) XGC Oxy Stains-yes Researched and looks okay
  9. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change request for Smooth8859 1) XGC Smooth-yes Researched and okay 2)XGC TacoMan-yes Researched and okay 3) XGC Beans-yes Researched and okay
  10. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name Change Request for Ragingdeath95 1) XGC Rage- denied Researched, and looks okay 2) XGC Death- denied No, name too close to XGC deathman XS 3) XGC Raging -denied Researched and looks okay
  11. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: The Events Team Presents Warzone Custom Game Night 11/17/21 at 9EST

    Game To Be Held On: Modern Warfare Warzone Date & Time: Wednesday, 11/17/21 at 9EST Hosts: (Must Have 2) OkayKaite1 and SYN Sobi Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a custom Warzone game night on Wednesday, November 17th at 9EST, with your hosts SYN Sobi and OkayKaite1 Lobby will open 10...
  12. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Minecraft Build Battles (10/13)

    Thanks! I changed hosts from EATAL0T to miist just a heads up
  13. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Minecraft Build Battles (10/13)

    Game To Be Held On: Minecraft Date & Time: 10/13/2021 at 9CST/10EST Hosts: KoG Miist and OkayKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Minecraft build battle game night! Guest judges at the end of the night! Come hang out and build with us! Join on XGC EATAL0T or OkayKaite1 or send a...
  14. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    name change request for EarningCupid374 1) XGC Taurez12- yes but remove the 12 to make it XGC Taurez Researched, and looks okay. This is the first choice 2) XGC Carnage12- no No, found others with similar names 3) XGC huhwhy?- yes Researched and looks okay! Thanks!
  15. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer Tag Requests

    Name change for- SYN EATALOT 1) XGC EATALOT- yes
  16. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Meet the leaders game night 5/21/21

    Game To Be Held On: Black Ops Modern Warfare Date & Time: 5/21/21 @9est Hosts: (Must Have 2) SYN JAChelle XS and OkayKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare Game night With your hosts SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkayKaite1 We will be playing custom games including Michael...
  17. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Minecraft Build Battles 5/6/21

    Game To Be Held On: Minecraft Date & Time: 5/6/2021 @9cst 10EST Hosts: SYN OPTIC XS and SYN OkKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents Minecraft Build Battles on Thursday 5/6/21 at 9CST/10EST We will be doing different build battles all night so come join the fun!! Send a message to either...
  18. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Modern Warfare Customs 4/23/21 (spring fling)

    Game To Be Held On: Modern Warfare Date & Time: 4/23/21 at 9 pm EST Hosts: SYN OkKaite1 SYN Stiddy Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare customs game night @ 9pm EST With your hosts SYN OkKaite1 and SYN Stiddy We will be playing custom games including Shotgun Roulette, one on...
  19. XGC Kaite XS

    Gamer tag change request

    Clan Name: SYN Proxy Current Rank: Sergeant Current Gamer Tag: APxAnonymous Requested Names: 1. SYN Anonymous (researched and okay) 2. SYN Anon (researched and okay) 3. SYN Legion (researched and okay)
  20. XGC Kaite XS

    APPROVED: Custom Warzone 3/6/21

    Game To Be Held On: Modern Warfare Date & Time: Saturday 3-6-21 at 9CST, 10EST Hosts: SYN LexTech and SYN OkKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team presents- Custom Warzone on 03/06/21 at 10 EST. Hosted by SYN LexTech and SYN OkKaite1. We will be playing custom warzone matches. Join on either...