L L Lady Maiden Dec 24, 2016 Well thank you! Also, it would be great if you used coral. I love coral!
SYN RETRO XD Dec 21, 2016 Yeah man keep it up. When I first started I was recuited in SYN Lost Empire then I made Legacy. You should bring Empire back as well but do what's best for your clan! My gamertag is still the same SYN Retro XS.
Yeah man keep it up. When I first started I was recuited in SYN Lost Empire then I made Legacy. You should bring Empire back as well but do what's best for your clan! My gamertag is still the same SYN Retro XS.
SYN RETRO XD Dec 20, 2016 SYN Legacy huh? haven't seen that clan name since i made it. keep it alive!
L L Lady Maiden Dec 18, 2016 Hello Squinto, just thought I'd stop by and post something positive, so "something positive." Haha, have an awesome night!
Hello Squinto, just thought I'd stop by and post something positive, so "something positive." Haha, have an awesome night!
L L Lady Maiden Dec 16, 2016 Yo homie, why don't you decorate my profile with positive comments? Stay awesome, Squinto!
G Guest Dec 15, 2016 None whatsoever. lol I've really thought about it too. Kay the blond seems fitting lol
G Guest Nov 10, 2016 I tried to write "boo" to scare you but it said that it was "too short"... Laaaaaaaame. There goes my plan. Pffft! *eyeroll*
I tried to write "boo" to scare you but it said that it was "too short"... Laaaaaaaame. There goes my plan. Pffft! *eyeroll*