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XGC x0 0 7x XI
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  • Hey 007 thanks for letting me come back I am really enjoying KoG xiled kings it is by far one of the best clans I'm glad I was aloud back you are running a great clan we have great structure and great leaders who know what their did with the new clan structure makes XG a even better place and its great place to be with amazing gamers cause of this clan I make new friends daily thanks for running a amazing clan

    #best clan ever
    #positive community
    Hello 007, My name is Jim, I've been a member since 7/14/13. I used to be XGC CowboyJim under Apollo and Callaway (Section 8 and Meltdown) and am now Immortals. I have seen and heard many changes with our esteemed community in the past few years and am happy to say, we will still remain the BEST! I have to give you and the the other leaders credit where it is due.
    I work for Discount Tire Co. and it is by far a better job than anyone could hope to have. We as a company maintain solid philosophies and core values that sets us above the rest (in my opinion). This mainframe is the very reason I joined XG. Our community is representative of what it means to define solid morals and a "can do attitude". To represent as a leader because you've learned how to follow first, and to help others when they have no other options.
    Thank you and the other leaders for creating opportunities and a gaming atmosphere for people to learn and grow responsibly.
    Sup Double, not too sure if ya remember me. But just wanted to drop in an see how things were going. They keeping ya busy bro? I'm good just trying to catch up, take it easy bro and have a good day.
    Hey we haven't met but I was looking at one of the recent threads you posted and all I got to say is your a boss and 100 percent agree with you
    I'm curious. Given your name, does Golden Eye on N64 hold a special place in your heart? For me it was the game that made me fall in love with first person shooters.
    I did everything for my RRoD also and have been waiting just wanting to know if it was accepted no your busy sorry to bother you
    Hey 0 0 7, I know busy, but I was wonder if my request to join RRoD was accept? I have submitted my story(2x). could pls let me know when you have time. Thank you
    hey man, I suffered the red ring of death with my last xbox some time ago, was wondering if you gotten to my clan request
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