Dear Tommygun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I think you push that big ol' xbox button one day and put a ray of sunshine back on all of us! I hope your day is filled with love and joy from your family
Hey man what's going on I recently got promoted to captain of kaliber squad over here in ascension by XGC CHADDY XS and when I requested to join the captain group I forgot to write that in thanks and nice to meet you man hope to game with you sometime
I totally understand man. Sounds like you're very busy atm so I'll take that under consideration and hope everything gets a little bit less busy, so we can see the great TommyGun man a reappearance in the Xbox Live world.
That's understandable bro. Life comes first no matter what!
and yes I know! It's been forever man. As soon as you get back we gotta hit up some Madden.
But it was nice hearing from you man, try not to get lost! Goodluck.