KoG KiLo69 Oct 23, 2015 Your signature is done, pick up here... http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?484335-SPU-For-XGC-Phantom-XS&p=3411615#post3411615
Your signature is done, pick up here... http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?484335-SPU-For-XGC-Phantom-XS&p=3411615#post3411615
X X XGC PEEKABO Oct 23, 2015 oh no your fine! you almost got me a second time! I am a little gullible so people are always pulling them on me...haha
oh no your fine! you almost got me a second time! I am a little gullible so people are always pulling them on me...haha
X X XGC PEEKABO Oct 22, 2015 I haven't gotten pranked by you in awhile, so I though I would say Hey! Hope all is well!!
X X XGC ablaz1981 Sep 23, 2015 Right on man, I tried to add you on the 360 but it said your friends list was full.
XGC XoLuVxBuGoX Aug 25, 2015 Hey phantom How are you we should all game together tonight on cod ehh Have a goood day!