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  • Lol, yeah. It's been what four or more years since we've talked? I think the last time was on Halo 3. Hah. Btw, that avatar on your profile is scary as ****. Lmao.
    lol....ok, ok, ok....welcome back as a casual gamer who's just looking to have some fun and play games with like minded folks. *ta-da* better? lol
    All he's missing is his ban hammer! Your birthday is coming up maybe we can give you one to start crushing people with! lol love the posts.
    Hey I dont want to bother you about this but I was wondering if you graded my test I have the advanced class with xgc wreck XD on the 23rd and it says I have to pass the intro class to take it.
    really hylander thats so sad what you did to gunner just because he is running a way cooler gaming community than you are you dont have to pull that **** thats ****eD up and your an ***. you know gunners mom died and you just go and say that stuff in the chat about his mom you HAWKEYE and all of your friends and you put that as his ban reason your a ****
    Is that a diss? I'm a loser for life? I would think at 40 you could come up with something a little more creative. However, judging by your pictures, the weight doesn't seem to be dropping. Your 4 chins say different.
    I think it's time for a little less gaming and a little more Weight Watchers.
    Also in reference to Hammies posts that whole thread was a game thread just like any other thread just the word "count" was used in it its more or less another chatbox for them to use the forums keeping them interested in even using the Forums. which is something that is harped on by the higher ups :). all they as is for us to use to forums and yes no threads that just envolve uping our posts like counting threads which is what they werent aiming for but a big problem with it is ppl are having a convo and then others post in these threads with nothing which is what it states in the honor code "dont post if u have nothing to say" and no this isnt an attack if u see it that way then i dunno what to say.. but yes all that thread was and still is a harmless game and i really really dont understand why Jokes and harmless fun get ppl in trouble. Because there are ppl that get a ban and nothing happens cuz it was a joke so like i said before the thread was a game thread just like any other and in my opinion there was no need for it to be shut down
    I got with IXI KC IXI. He is a returning member of vendetta his transfer has been aproved for some time but we were waiting on him to join the user group then when he did my genrals powers were turned off for something? But any way he is happyer in vendetta i think.
    Dude i'm sorry if i pissed you off.. you don't need to threaten me..I was pissed off at her.. So lets leave it in the past.... I hope you have a good day ^_^ Bye
    Hey I tried asking a few people that are admin's and they ignore me. I was just wondering if someone could please take the title off my forum in the News Team. I am not a leader any longer and I would like my moderator clearances taken away as well. Hopefully this isn't too hard to do.

    Thanks, Yoda
    srry to bug again......but nick and myself have both asked jangles to speak with blackOps about this transfer an it seems like its going nowhere so when u get a chance could u talk to nice if u see him on thank you
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