KoG Kisses Sep 22, 2014 Hey Truckie, just checking on you. Hows things going on the xbox 1? I hope well. I am glad you got to general. Means I did my job.
Hey Truckie, just checking on you. Hows things going on the xbox 1? I hope well. I am glad you got to general. Means I did my job.
C C CDNBossLady Sep 6, 2014 Nice gaming with you earlier! And you joined my group, lol! #babybluesapproves
XGC XoLuVxBuGoX Aug 27, 2014 Guess Who's Got Her XBOX One Up && Running Game Sometime... I Think yes!
XGC hippie Aug 13, 2014 heck yeah man. i actually slowed down working a lot, thank God, I was inactive a while from the forums and online. But the real world can't hold me down, i'm back better than ever! how is the Xbox one clan treatin ya?
heck yeah man. i actually slowed down working a lot, thank God, I was inactive a while from the forums and online. But the real world can't hold me down, i'm back better than ever! how is the Xbox one clan treatin ya?
XGC Dismember Aug 7, 2014 Saw your "Alphabet Game" idea on my feed, so I stole it for our forums. Any copyright infringements, send the bill to Drum. ha
Saw your "Alphabet Game" idea on my feed, so I stole it for our forums. Any copyright infringements, send the bill to Drum. ha
XGC Tant XD Aug 1, 2014 Geez, since you've moved to the ONE I can't stalk you anymore . . ahhh just kidding.