X X XGC Kirito Jul 13, 2014 What up wit you War? >-< I submitted in your request. Still my bad for the wait, should've been done with it by now Finally settled in your new living quarters yet?
What up wit you War? >-< I submitted in your request. Still my bad for the wait, should've been done with it by now Finally settled in your new living quarters yet?
S S SYN Kirb Stomp Jun 14, 2014 Its going good sold my truck, buying a ticket and heading down to North Dakota landed a job down there a few days ago so now just waiting to get mt ticket and make some real cash
Its going good sold my truck, buying a ticket and heading down to North Dakota landed a job down there a few days ago so now just waiting to get mt ticket and make some real cash
X X XGC BribedRope Jun 2, 2014 we are overjoyed to have you in our clan and me myelf enjoy playing with you