DeviousaursRex Jan 26, 2016 Yeah we should. I'll probably be on tomorrow if you want to chit chat. Hit me up
KoG REIVER Jan 14, 2016 I saw that you posted on XGC Thanatos' forums, asking if anyone was still around. The entire clan was poached by RXG.
I saw that you posted on XGC Thanatos' forums, asking if anyone was still around. The entire clan was poached by RXG.
XGC XoLuVxBuGoX Jan 9, 2016 nope, I have ps4 and Xbox 360 atm But... my partner and I are suppose to buy the one since all his locals play on that.. lol
nope, I have ps4 and Xbox 360 atm But... my partner and I are suppose to buy the one since all his locals play on that.. lol