XGC Taurus Sep 19, 2016 On a scale 1 to 10 how good do you think the bears are going to do this season
Tha Juic3 Baby Aug 28, 2016 When are you starting fantasy? If you need help I can help out. I own my own fantasy leagues in Yahoo and I'm pretty good at it.
When are you starting fantasy? If you need help I can help out. I own my own fantasy leagues in Yahoo and I'm pretty good at it.
XGC Goddess XS Aug 15, 2016 The day you change your name to lame, I'll change mine to Lady Ghost. Deal?
XGC Tant XD Aug 8, 2016 I hope I get you for secret Santa this year! Look what I found for under $20 >>HERE<<
X X XGC BOOTLEGGER Jul 27, 2016 Hey how you been I know it's been a couple yrs wanted to stop in and say hi