X X XGC Wayne11 Jul 28, 2014 Now what two do they took me off the off the clen list that mean join any clen now and put my name out there on xbox I'm bad clen preson two every one
Now what two do they took me off the off the clen list that mean join any clen now and put my name out there on xbox I'm bad clen preson two every one
S S SYN CAVSCOUT Jul 21, 2014 You Shall Not Pass! Unless you have ice cream......... Random message from SYN IronSides
X X XGC Halodaddy Jul 19, 2014 What up apollo. I'm back on xbox 1. Gamer tag is h410daddy for now. Hit me up if u ever play
XGC Tant XD Jul 15, 2014 Not too bad, just living the dream! Miss me whooping your *** on Titan Fall?
XGC Tant XD Jul 6, 2014 Heeeey, feel like making a few graphics for me? For the Last Man Standing event? Puh, puh puhlease?!?!
Heeeey, feel like making a few graphics for me? For the Last Man Standing event? Puh, puh puhlease?!?!
L L l2evoluti0nZ Jun 28, 2014 Man it's been a week since I requested to join. Should I talk to somebody about it?
L L l2evoluti0nZ Jun 26, 2014 hey I've applied for the captains group on Saturday night and I don't know how long it usually takes. Do you know by chance?
hey I've applied for the captains group on Saturday night and I don't know how long it usually takes. Do you know by chance?